Harbeth 30.1 Review... need input


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Traverse City, Mi
Hey guys, I am thinking of getting some speakers for my home theatre system. Someone recommended that I get the Harbeth 30.1 but I’m a bit skeptical. Aren’t the Harbeth M products meant for more professional use? Is it something I should be considering? Looking forward to your feedback.
All I know is that in my room, in my system, the Harbeth 30.1 has proved to be a neutral, musical, dynamic perfect fit with a midrange to die for. If you expect to reproduce a full scale symphony like you’re in the third row - you’ll need to look elsewhere. If you want deep deep bass from a church pipe organ you’ll need to look elsewhere. If you want to make your face melt from a full bore Metallica or Megadeth shredding assault, you’d better look elsewhere. But if you want to hear natural (not auto tuned) human voices, acoustic instruments with natural timbre and tone, or Warren Haynes cranking a ‘59 Les Paul through an old tube amp, this is the couch to sit on. You need to listen for yourself in your system, but for me the 30.1 is highly recommended. Chris.

Clearaudio Ovation turntable/Clearaudio Universal tonearm/Lyra Delos/Esoteric E-03; Apple Air/Ayre QB-9 DSD; McIntosh MCD500; Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel; PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated Amplifier; Harbeth 30.1 Monitors; Shunyata Venom PS8 Power Distributor, Venom Defender, Venom HC and Venom 3 PCs; Cardas Clear USB Cable; WireWorld Silver Eclipse 7 ICs and speaker cables.
All I know is that in my room, in my system, the Harbeth 30.1 has proved to be a neutral, musical, dynamic perfect fit with a midrange to die for. If you expect to reproduce a full scale symphony like you’re in the third row - you’ll need to look elsewhere. If you want deep deep bass from a church pipe organ you’ll need to look elsewhere. If you want to make your face melt from a full bore Metallica or Megadeth shredding assault, you’d better look elsewhere. But if you want to hear natural (not auto tuned) human voices, acoustic instruments with natural timbre and tone, or Warren Haynes cranking a ‘59 Les Paul through an old tube amp, this is the couch to sit on. You need to listen for yourself in your system, but for me the 30.1 is highly recommended. Chris.

Clearaudio Ovation turntable/Clearaudio Universal tonearm/Lyra Delos/Esoteric E-03; Apple Air/Ayre QB-9 DSD; McIntosh MCD500; Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel; PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated Amplifier; Harbeth 30.1 Monitors; Shunyata Venom PS8 Power Distributor, Venom Defender, Venom HC and Venom 3 PCs; Cardas Clear USB Cable; WireWorld Silver Eclipse 7 ICs and speaker cables.

Well said [emoji1360]

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Hi Chris. Thanks for the thorough feedback. I'm definitely not looking for huge impact speakers so it sounds like the 30.1 would be an ideal fit. My musical tastes typically focus on the classical, jazz and blues genres. As much as I would like that 'third row' feeling, speakers in that range are not in the budget. In my research I've noticed a lot of people have upgraded from the p3 and the result has been pretty positive. While I like the price of those, my room might be too large... so now I'm back at the 30.1s again. Also, and recommendations for a preamp to pair with these speakers. I was going to just pick one or the other but I've decided to just upgrade both at the same time.
All I know is that in my room, in my system, the Harbeth 30.1 has proved to be a neutral, musical, dynamic perfect fit with a midrange to die for. If you expect to reproduce a full scale symphony like you’re in the third row - you’ll need to look elsewhere. If you want deep deep bass from a church pipe organ you’ll need to look elsewhere. If you want to make your face melt from a full bore Metallica or Megadeth shredding assault, you’d better look elsewhere. But if you want to hear natural (not auto tuned) human voices, acoustic instruments with natural timbre and tone, or Warren Haynes cranking a ‘59 Les Paul through an old tube amp, this is the couch to sit on. You need to listen for yourself in your system, but for me the 30.1 is highly recommended. Chris.

Clearaudio Ovation turntable/Clearaudio Universal tonearm/Lyra Delos/Esoteric E-03; Apple Air/Ayre QB-9 DSD; McIntosh MCD500; Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel; PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated Amplifier; Harbeth 30.1 Monitors; Shunyata Venom PS8 Power Distributor, Venom Defender, Venom HC and Venom 3 PCs; Cardas Clear USB Cable; WireWorld Silver Eclipse 7 ICs and speaker cables.
I couldn't say it better. After I am through wandering around in the wilderness, I'll go back to the 30.1's driven by an LFD amp. I'd have saved a lot of money and angst if I'd let well enough alone and just enjoyed the music. As I've told others, the 30.1's were my wife's favorite speaker. Her first comment after hearing them was "now that is perfect".
What is the rest of your system like? I'm using my 30.1s with a PrimaLuna tube integrated and it sounds great. Previously used a McIntosh MA6600 integrated amp, which is SS, and which left me flat. So if you have a SS amp you might pair it up with a tube preamp - I've done that before and it can be a nice marriage. But I can't recommend the 30.1s enough. Over the weekend I listened to Alabama Shakes' Sound and Color, a studio album, and I could clearly hear the hum of the lead guitarist's tube amp which I doubt I could hear on most systems. Obviously not a musical note, but definitely an addition for the "you are there" experience. Look at the thread I started "A Real Test for 30.1 Monitors".
I couldn't say it better. After I am through wandering around in the wilderness, I'll go back to the 30.1's driven by an LFD amp. I'd have saved a lot of money and angst if I'd let well enough alone and just enjoyed the music. As I've told others, the 30.1's were my wife's favorite speaker. Her first comment after hearing them was "now that is perfect".

I had a LFD amp with Harbeth still remaining one of best SS amp with them. They really sing wonderful together.

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What is the rest of your system like? I'm using my 30.1s with a PrimaLuna tube integrated and it sounds great. Previously used a McIntosh MA6600 integrated amp, which is SS, and which left me flat. So if you have a SS amp you might pair it up with a tube preamp - I've done that before and it can be a nice marriage. But I can't recommend the 30.1s enough. Over the weekend I listened to Alabama Shakes' Sound and Color, a studio album, and I could clearly hear the hum of the lead guitarist's tube amp which I doubt I could hear on most systems. Obviously not a musical note, but definitely an addition for the "you are there" experience. Look at the thread I started "A Real Test for 30.1 Monitors".

First time hearing the Alabama Shakes. Sounds great. Thanks :)

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For me, speakers have been the biggest differentiator in my system. Are you buying new or used? You might want to demo the Harbeth 30.1 (and any other speakers you're considering) with your system. Especially if you are buying new, you might not want to buy sight un-heard. As you mentioned, the P3s might be a little small if you have a larger room. Also, don't forget to research the best stand options. Best of luck in your search!
Chris, great explanation. I took a look at this threadbecause I'm looking at C7s, but I'm also hearing people upgrade to the 30.1from that model. I have a Rega P3 source and I've heard, as Chris alreadymentioned, the midrange the midrange the midrange! That's probably the firstthing out of everyone's mouth. Has anyone made the leap from the C7's and what was the tipping point that made you pull thetrigger on 30.1?
I haven’t heard the other Harbeth models so I can’t comment there. What I can say (in addition to midrange, midrange) is that the 30.1s are extremely revealing in a good way. My turntable/arm/cart/phono pre are about $18,000 worth of gear all in and I’m thinking of upgrading the cart. The Harbeths cost 1/3 of that but let every penny of that come through. A lot of people spend all of their system money on speakers. Some, like me, believe in putting our money into the source. I can say with confidence that with the Harbeths my system is not out of balance even though I clearly loaded up on the front end. Oh, and did I mention imaging and soundstage? OMG.
The Harbeth Monitor 30.1 isprobably one of the nicest box speakers I've listened to in a while. It has afew drawbacks, mainly limitedbass and you won't get the heart pounding in your face sound that you might from otherspeakers. Not to sound like a broken record but the 30.1's biggest strength is a phenomenal midrange. I feel like it adds a raspy quality to vocals (whichbrought out more of a realistic quality to the music) and I really enjoyed that. You can hear the overall quality almostinstantly and like the others have said, you should try to audition them if youhaven't already done so. I should add, I listened with a tube amp so I can't speak for sound with a solid state.
As far as bass is concerned, after living with the Harbeths as is for a few years at the recommendation of others I decided to add a subwoofer - in part because I got a good deal - when I put an REL S/5 SHO in the system. Once I got it properly dialed in and adjusted, per REL's guidelines, any concern about the bass disappeared. I've now got plenty of deep, fast, tight musical bass - my room couldn't handle any more. So there's definitely a fix for that if it bothers you. The Harbeths + sub are still less $$ than the Sonus Faber Cremona Ms they replaced (which I liked), but are a very substantial improvement. Just listen to Ella Fitzgerald, Gillian Welch, Alabama Shakes, T Rex, Mark Knopfler - you'll know what I mean.
Chris, great explanation. I took a look at this threadbecause I'm looking at C7s, but I'm also hearing people upgrade to the 30.1from that model. I have a Rega P3 source and I've heard, as Chris alreadymentioned, the midrange the midrange the midrange! That's probably the firstthing out of everyone's mouth. Has anyone made the leap from the C7's and what was the tipping point that made you pull thetrigger on 30.1?
We owned a pair of Rogers LS3/5a's for 36 years. I sold them and bought Harbeth P3's. I replaced the P3's with C7's but they lacked the appeal that the Roger's and P3's had.

I replaced the C7's with 30.1's and got back the sound that made BBC's thin wall monitors so famous over the years. The 30.1's are like bigger P3's.