New Years Resolutions - do you make them?


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
My wife asked me tonight and I had to really think. Last year, I had several and achieve them all.

What about you guys?

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Related to Audio; to sit back and enjoy my system efforts and only limited changes

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It was more to take a moment, reflect on your life and make some new goals. Sometimes we get so busy during the year, we literally don’t have time to unwind for a few days, and reflect and then to ultimately set goals. These goals can be professional in nature, health related, family related, whatever. I find the end of the year a great time for this personally. I also use the end of the year to review my lines and make some changes. Might be tough this year. They are all awesome (biased of course!)
I say just enjoy life, as you age, the good times start to run out. The mind says "go for it" and the body says, " hold on a minute" , respect the body it knows. ;)
I say just enjoy life, as you age, the good times start to run out. The mind says "go for it" and the body says, " hold on a minute" , respect the body it knows. ;)

Chris........I can certainly relate to that. My resolution this year is to celebrate New Years 2021. I am fairly confident that is doable.
Congratulations Mike for achieving your goals, sincerely.

I do not make resolutions. I actually don't set goals. I am not against that type of thing I just have not ever been able to do it for some reason. I am a person who is self motivating. so I really don't understand why I can't construct goals.
Congratulations Mike for achieving your goals, sincerely.

I do not make resolutions. I actually don't set goals. I am not against that type of thing I just have not ever been able to do it for some reason. I am a person who is self motivating. so I really don't understand why I can't construct goals.

Thank you. That’s interesting. I find that if I don’t set goals, I just live in the moment and before you blink, another year is over. If you mentally set goals, you can almost visualize the result and you work toward that result.

Last year, I wanted to do a few things:

1. Sell my IT business (I did in May)
2. Have a very successful first show (Florida Audio Expo). (It was)
3. Attend all my kids school and activity functions not matter what. (I did)
4. No matter how busy, ride my bike 30-60 minutes each morning. (I did)

There are other micro goals one can set as well, like “go see Elton John”. Someone I’ve always wanted to see in concert and kept saying “next time he’s in town.”

I understand it’s not for everyone, but it works for some.

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My usual NYR is to Not Make Resolutions but this year I need to make some changes that I have already started.

Not sure why yet, but my Blood Pressure has been high for a half a year and I am hoping it is more Lifestyle than anything else. Two of the hardest things to do are already under way. I have almost completely cut out Caffeine. I have had 5 cups of Decaf in the last 2.5 months. The other hard one is Alcohol. You guys know I like my Beers and Whiskey and of course I am well stocked. I had a few drinks NYE, but again over the last 2.5 months, I may have had 5 drinks. I also sit on my ass all day now so need to get out walking more as well as get back to my upper body exercises that will delay another shoulder surgery if I can keep them up.

I also need to get more motivated at work. Things are in great turmoil but other than my boss, I am the top dog and have to keep the rest of the team motivated. I did get a decent off cycle raise that started today which will help, but I all but had to threaten to quit to get it when my work speaks for itself.

So overall, the goals are the same all the time as are the ruts we get into. Maybe I should be more List and Goal oriented because it is so easy to just slack off and do nothing. I just don't have the energy or body to do everything that needs to be done taking care of a large house and property since I do almost everything myself.

Cheers and have a great and goal filled year!
not a resolution person myself. use more of a continual evaluation / adjustment process -- sort of like an AI program continually recalibrating as new data is added. at this particular point in time, the algorithm running on the carbon-based CPU is strongly signaling two things:

1. come to a conclusion, one way or the other, on whether to add an analog source or just go all-in on digital. the left-brain and right-brain seem to be locked in mortal combat on this issue.

2. travel more -- much more.
I was able to stop blood pressure medication some years back by changing my diet which resulted in losing some weight, only about 20 pounds. I'm wasn't really a big meat eater so it wasn't so hard for me. I didn't become a vegetarian, more a neutritarian based on books by Dr. Furhman. Just adding more GBOMBS to my diet and eliminating most meat, I still eat fish, checken or turkey. GBOMBS=greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. Also, nuts. I really think what helped a lot was cutting back on carbs. I also have a desk job, so cutting carbs and doing some exercise most every day helps, even if just walking. To keep with exercise you need to find an activity you like to do, it's tough enough to stay on task without trying to make yourself do something you don't enjoy :)

I usually have a couple cups of coffee in the morning, I find for me caffeine didn't really effect my numbers much but that may depend on individuals and the amount of overall caffeine in a day.

My usual NYR is to Not Make Resolutions but this year I need to make some changes that I have already started.

Not sure why yet, but my Blood Pressure has been high for a half a year and I am hoping it is more Lifestyle than anything else. Two of the hardest things to do are already under way. I have almost completely cut out Caffeine. I have had 5 cups of Decaf in the last 2.5 months. The other hard one is Alcohol. You guys know I like my Beers and Whiskey and of course I am well stocked. I had a few drinks NYE, but again over the last 2.5 months, I may have had 5 drinks. I also sit on my ass all day now so need to get out walking more as well as get back to my upper body exercises that will delay another shoulder surgery if I can keep them up.

I also need to get more motivated at work. Things are in great turmoil but other than my boss, I am the top dog and have to keep the rest of the team motivated. I did get a decent off cycle raise that started today which will help, but I all but had to threaten to quit to get it when my work speaks for itself.

So overall, the goals are the same all the time as are the ruts we get into. Maybe I should be more List and Goal oriented because it is so easy to just slack off and do nothing. I just don't have the energy or body to do everything that needs to be done taking care of a large house and property since I do almost everything myself.

Cheers and have a great and goal filled year!