Mysterious drones swarm US Destroyers

Space is big. Real big. If something could get here, it is probably of a limited size.
If something could get here, its probably pretty advanced.
If it was advanced, why would you want it to give us longer lives and cheap power. That would equal more overpopulation, hugh social strife and larger wars.

What if that is what they tell us. Aliens of advanced form come and say, your overpopulated with weak, sick and inferior specimens. You need to genocide this race, cull half this one, sterilize these. This group will perform manual labor and forced breeding of specific specimen will maintain the labor pool. This group will lead and manage the resources. You know. A "Hive".

Are you going to praise them for their wise sense. Follow their advice based upon their advanced science and wisdom. Or ??????

FWIW, do you think those that control the resources of the world view it any different today. I mean, they do send your children overseas to kill other people and maintain their power and access to resources. Right?????

One really needs to consider the Anunnaki creation story as captured in the clay tablets by the ancient Sumerian civilization. I have and it makes more sense than any other explanation, including science which still can't find a definitive bridge of evolution to this day and cannot explain how the genes (telomeres of chromosomes) were spliced in a specific way to create a man from ape without intervention. They know that can't happen in nature without intervention from all the genetic research being done today. Telomere to Telomere fusion theory is nonsense me thinks...

Who the heck are the Sumerians to tell us where we came from and what we are? Well, they are the civilization that brought us the number system, the base 60 time system, the wheel, first board games, the cuneiform language that served as the first written language and the famous clay tablets that describe exactly who and what we are.

In those tablets, which science is not inclined to believe, although the other gifts of intelligence I have mentioned above are more than OK to use... In a nutshell, we were a modified genetic creation, (makes perfect sense) to serve as slaves for the grueling work of mining for gold on this planet. Also makes perfect sense, South Africa is full of underground mines that the modern excavations keep bumping into and sealing off so as not to fall into that whole historic preservation/artifacts loop and keep on mining for gold...

Another words, it all falls into place very elegantly and makes much more sense than the modern theories which never seem to jive or be complete.

Bottom line is we are not alone, we have been visited in the past, we were not the first civilization as numerous out of place and time artifacts allude to, chances are the story is exactly how the Sumerian civilization told us and the true masters of this planet will be back someday and they will probably be a bit pissed with what we have done with this place. :)

Anyone interested in contemplating the Anunnaki creation story for themselves, this not so long video is a good place to start! The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History - Nibiru is Coming - YouTube
Oh yeah, Nibiru, planet 9, or Planet X.... oh the wild tin foil hat theories... What did those ancient Sumerians know about planets anyways? Well they did mention where the Anunnaki came from. Funny that NASA thinks there really should be a Planet 9 on some really funky orbit as that would certainly explain the slightly odd orbital mechanics which are not exactly elegant without a Planet fitting that description... Well what do you know? :)

"Caltech researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. This hypothetical Neptune-sized planet orbits our Sun in a highly elongated orbit far beyond Pluto. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Nine," could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbit about 20 times farther from the Sun on average than Neptune. It may take between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the Sun."

Straight from the horses mouth... NASA

How would an ancient civilization know that?

NASA In Depth | Hypothetical Planet X – NASA Solar System Exploration.
I don't know I doubt or not the possibility humans were manipulated DNA. I do doubt the idea alien's were here mining. As I said, space is really vast. And mass does take energy to launch. Any creature smart enough to get here should be technically able to make gold, or a suitable substitute for electrical galvanic mitigation.

But, it does beg the question. Could humans be the survivors of a crashed space vessel. Or rogue astronauts sick of their planet who shot of in a Mayflower of sorts. Are we not all the product of 2 men and 6 women.

Wouldn't that be funny. The human race is actually an alian race. And alians are no better than us. Just violent, warring, greedy, self centered humans who came here after they completed screwed their home planet. And here the cycle repeats again. Humand still furiously looking for a way off to screw another virgin planet.
I don't know I doubt or not the possibility humans were manipulated DNA. I do doubt the idea alien's were here mining. As I said, space is really vast. And mass does take energy to launch. Any creature smart enough to get here should be technically able to make gold, or a suitable substitute for electrical galvanic mitigation.

But, it does beg the question. Could humans be the survivors of a crashed space vessel. Or rogue astronauts sick of their planet who shot of in a Mayflower of sorts. Are we not all the product of 2 men and 6 women.

Wouldn't that be funny. The human race is actually an alian race. And alians are no better than us. Just violent, warring, greedy, self centered humans who came here after they completed screwed their home planet. And here the cycle repeats again. Humand still furiously looking for a way off to screw another virgin planet.

If Planet 9/X/Nibiru or whatever you want to call it does exist as described by Sumerians and even theorized by scientists and NASA openly now and it takes 20,000 years to orbit back around to be in our vicinity, with whatever cataclysms that may bring, one has to consider the simple fact that we are quite capable ourselves of making the jump to the Moon, Mars, Saturn and other planets where we have already sent probes, rovers and even men, supposedly.... Well, then a civilization even slightly more advanced than ourselves would not require to expand much resources to make the jump when Niburu comes over for its 20,000 year cyclical visit? Makes perfect sense and they may be back then. Gold is an interesting commodity for all kinds of purposes, isn't it....

So then what of the other Sumerian tale about the mining of the gold by the Alien Gods? Check this out!

"Ancient mines covered by 30 metres of soil have been reported by at least 2 miners in the ‘30’s in the province of Limpopo and more than 75,000 mines have been reported by geological companies in Mpumalanga. It seems that gold mining has been going on here for a lot longer than most of us ever imagined."

Say what? Decoding the Hidden Ruins of Southern Africa – Discovering the True Cradle of Humankind - Graham Hancock Official Website.
Another thing to keep in mind is that we always assume that the UFO has traveled a long way to get here. Millions of light years and has to have a biological being in it. It can be a reconnaissance craft, it can be artificial intelligence, they can be interdimensional beings that materialize by using some unknown to us technology such as worm holes or portals to appear and disappear at will anywhere in the universe... Way too many variables that get around the limiting thinking we humans tend to fall back on when we try to compare everything in the universe based on the physics and knowledge available to us today instead of being open minded.

In fact in some of the UFO footage that has been captured from the ISS for example, in some clips it is very easy to see that the UFO flying by has materialized not far away before it flew by as if from some portal.

The scientists that were at the infamous Skinwalker Ranch reported exactly that.... The portal that would appear, open up and had some kind of an interdimensional lifeform literally crawl out of it and take off across the field... we simply do not know and cannot know what is possible and possibilities are endless given enough time and technology to figure things out. We have come a very long way in the short 200 years from horse buggies to putting rovers on Mars and setting foot on the Moon... None of that would have seemed possible even 100 years ago. Imagine what a Billion years of technological innovation can do?
I don't know I doubt or not the possibility humans were manipulated DNA. I do doubt the idea alien's were here mining. As I said, space is really vast. And mass does take energy to launch. Any creature smart enough to get here should be technically able to make gold, or a suitable substitute for electrical galvanic mitigation.

But, it does beg the question. Could humans be the survivors of a crashed space vessel. Or rogue astronauts sick of their planet who shot of in a Mayflower of sorts. Are we not all the product of 2 men and 6 women.

Wouldn't that be funny. The human race is actually an alian race. And alians are no better than us. Just violent, warring, greedy, self centered humans who came here after they completed screwed their home planet. And here the cycle repeats again. Humans still furiously looking for a way off to screw another virgin planet.

Imagination is not missing ... :)
I didn't see the Israeli security person speak. I admit, I did not watch the whole video.

A guy screws up the missle and blambes it on aliens. And still keeps to the story.

And so what if there is a planet so far out we can't find it. Its an ice block. I believe aliens are out there. But I don't see life growing without liquid water. That takes a very specific environment.
Yes liquid water. Don't all the aliens people have seen breath our air. That would make them basically like us. Evolving in a narrow temperature range.

And since so many seem to somewhat believe humans did not evolve, and I feel a bit of scepticism anything evoles, then how did the aliens evolve to what they are.

Ok, God sneezed and spattered life all over the universe. And some buggers were green, some yellow and some white. Now here we all are.

But the idea humanity is not ready to meet aliens is a farce. Humanity is screaming for parental direction and control. Without it, we will end up a one world communist state. But hey, at that point, 70% of us can be quietly neutralized. Our polluting reaources can be taken away. We can be driven back to an Ox and wagon state. Actually the utopian life we left will be brought back. Yet this time your sons are not taken by the king to be soldiers. They stay and work the farms.

I think we call that, full circle.
I didn't see the Israeli security person speak. I admit, I did not watch the whole video.

A guy screws up the missle and blambes it on aliens. And still keeps to the story.

And so what if there is a planet so far out we can't find it. Its an ice block. I believe aliens are out there. But I don't see life growing without liquid water. That takes a very specific environment.
Yes liquid water. Don't all the aliens people have seen breath our air. That would make them basically like us. Evolving in a narrow temperature range.

And since so many seem to somewhat believe humans did not evolve, and I feel a bit of scepticism anything evoles, then how did the aliens evolve to what they are.

Ok, God sneezed and spattered life all over the universe. And some buggers were green, some yellow and some white. Now here we all are.

But the idea humanity is not ready to meet aliens is a farce. Humanity is screaming for parental direction and control. Without it, we will end up a one world communist state. But hey, at that point, 70% of us can be quietly neutralized. Our polluting reaources can be taken away. We can be driven back to an Ox and wagon state. Actually the utopian life we left will be brought back. Yet this time your sons are not taken by the king to be soldiers. They stay and work the farms.

I think we call that, full circle.

I don't think we can ever figure out the hierarchy and it will always be beyond our reach. Much like the computer simulation/game characters would never be able to figure out what is outside their reality and dimension. That they exist in a black box on a hard drive and that they can be observed and manipulated outside their realm with a joystick and a keyboard....

The more science evolves, the more it starts to get confusing... Technically, based on what we know about physics, our universe should not even exist to begin with. New findings have physicists questioning reality - YouTube
The famous Stephen Hawking wrote a paper before his death. It states that we are living in a "holographic universe" What we are is a projection from another dimension. In a nutshell, this being a 3D world which is a 2D holographic projection from another dimension.

The new theory embraces the strange concept that the universe is like a vast and complex hologram. In other words, 3D reality is an illusion.

The apparently “solid” world around us – and the dimension of time – is projected from information stored on a flat 2D surface.

It all began with a hologram: Prof Stephen Hawking's last theory is published - The Irish News
If Black Holes, Holographic Universe theories and thought provoking, fascinating presentations from the brilliant minds are your idea of how to spend an hour, I strongly recommend this Leonard Susskind presentation on a "World as a Hologram". Leonard Susskind on The World As Hologram - YouTube

Leonard Susskind is an American physicist, who is a professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University, and founding director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics. His research interests include string theory, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics and quantum cosmology.