Memorial Day


Active member
Jul 6, 2013
Today we remember and celebrate the Veterans that served and gave their lives to the formation and safety of the United States. Thank you to the many that served.
Thanks Mike. Today is a today to reflect on how thankful we are to all those vets who sacrificed so much for our freedoms.

Love the vets, hate the war.

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ye, what a horrible story.
going on order to other countrys to kill innocent people....later traumatized from beeing a serialkiller
ye, what a horrible story.
going on order to other countrys to kill innocent people....later traumatized from beeing a serialkiller

You clearly don’t understand. No country or army is perfect. But, when Europe was in trouble 75 years ago from the tyranny of a crazy despot, it was the men and women from countries like the US that saved the world.

It is incumbent and important to understand and remember the sacrifices made by those who served for the freedoms we now enjoy.

I would ask you to study history. You can decide to underscore the ugly. I prefer to celebrate the good.
You clearly don’t understand. No country or army is perfect. But, when Europe was in trouble 75 years ago from the tyranny of a crazy despot, it was the men and women from countries like the US that saved the world.

It is incumbent and important to understand and remember the sacrifices made by those who served for the freedoms we now enjoy.

I would ask you to study history. You can decide to underscore the ugly. I prefer to celebrate the good.

I couldn't have said it better!!
sorry, not meant to offend anybody.

i cant celebrate, there is no good.
all you can do is pointing out how WRONG they were.
sitting in a plane, flying to vietnam and throwing bombs down over villages etc etc etc..
cant see no difference at all vs the crazy despot

apart that in 2021 there is a common sense the dispot was WRONG including the whole regime.

i am not a us hater or any kind of political, just NOT celebrating anybody involved in massacre.
and yes, one can prop up on other aspects. it helps sugarcoating what should be classified.
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day as during and after the Civil War decoration of soldiers’ graves was becoming common practice. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the name was officially changed to Memorial Day

And the flower for memorial Day is the Poppy

The red poppy, or Remembrance Poppy, has been a symbol of lives lost to war since World War I (1914–1918),


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sitting in a plane, flying to vietnam and throwing bombs down over villages etc etc etc..
cant see no difference at all vs the crazy despot

apart that in 2021 there is a common sense the dispot was WRONG including the whole regime.

i am not a us hater or any kind of political, just NOT celebrating anybody involved in massacre.
and yes, one can prop up on other aspects. it helps sugarcoating what should be classified.

sitting in a plane, flying to vietnam and throwing bombs down over villages etc etc etc..
Cant see no difference at all vs the crazy despot

apart that in 2021 there is a common sense the dispot was wrong including the whole regime.

I am not a us hater or any kind of political, just not celebrating anybody involved in massacre.
And yes, one can prop up on other aspects. It helps sugarcoating what should be classified.

I served during the Vietnam War and at no time did I ever hear of - or take part in - the purposeful killing of innocent people. Quite to the contrary, in fact.

I wouldn't use "sugar" to define anything about that era, nor other rescue missions such as World War II.
Some fight and have to die so others may sit at home listening to their audio systems telling us what we’ve done wrong.

Your country and many others have benefited greatly from the sacrifices of many brave honorable Americans. This in no way justifies all the atrocities of war - nothing does. But most that have died in war do it bravely and honorably. It’s these we honor and celebrate!

My father was a veteran (Korea & Vietnam). He’s dead. By brother is a veteran and he’s dying. I’m a veteran as well. All of us served with honor and distinction. Our friends that died next to us never carpet bombed a single soul, etc., etc. etc. We never killed a single innocent person.
I served during the Vietnam War and at no time did I ever hear of - or take part in - the purposeful killing of innocent people. Quite to the contrary, in fact.

I wouldn't use "sugar" to define anything about that era, nor other rescue missions such as World War II.

jim, you are certainly the person i would never like to hurt your feelings in any way. i know what you went through. take my apologies and all the best for recovery!
Some fight and have to die so others may sit at home listening to their audio systems telling us what we’ve done wrong.

calvin, first of sorry as well if your feelings got hurt.
i really dont think anybody had to die or spreading poison
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over a country to create the so called "endless war" for the reason i can quietly compare powercords. please dont put my own freedom in conjunction with that. it isnt like this even if you find perspectives that way.

sorry for jumping into this tread, my fault
ye, what a horrible story.
going on order to other countrys to kill innocent people....later traumatized from beeing a serialkiller

Many of us here are veterans. Many of our family members are veterans. What you said is basically just like spitting in our faces. Your ignorance is astounding. In our country, we have freedoms, hard won by veterans. I’m a Vietnam era vet. I remember not being “for” the war with Vietnam, but when called upon by my country, I served. I was lucky, I didn’t have to serve in the jungles of Vietnam, but I have friends who did. My father served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. I remember him serving three tours in Vietnam. There are hardships on the families of those who served. The knowing that your family member is doing his duty for his country and may not come back. Someone’s father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter is serving our country. We have a Memorial Day to honor those that did not come back, You need to understand that being a veteran means duty and honor. It does not mean war atrocities. I hope it is simple ignorance that causes you to insult our casualties and not something more.
Many of us here are veterans. Many of our family members are veterans. What you said is basically just like spitting in our faces. Your ignorance is astounding. In our country, we have freedoms, hard won by veterans. I’m a Vietnam era vet. I remember not being “for” the war with Vietnam, but when called upon by my country, I served. I was lucky, I didn’t have to serve in the jungles of Vietnam, but I have friends who did. My father served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. I remember him serving three tours in Vietnam. There are hardships on the families of those who served. The knowing that your family member is doing his duty for his country and may not come back. Someone’s father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter is serving our country. We have a Memorial Day to honor those that did not come back, You need to understand that being a veteran means duty and honor. It does not mean war atrocities. I hope it is simple ignorance that causes you to insult our casualties and not something more.

Well said. Agree 100%. Thank you to you and your family for your service.

The only reason I haven’t deleted his comments is because of the irony of doing so while celebrating a day of fighting for freedoms.

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steve, i do take your critism and start to understand "the other side" better.
and you are right, it was like spitting in your face. honestly sorry for that. not my intention.
ignorance towards all the families and basicly everybody suffered for whatever reason on the "us- side", yes.
i might understand the whole meaning of the memorial day wrong.
to better understand me, i am not ignorance to violence at all and thought it is very ignorant to celebrate while others are still breathing handycuped childreen 50 years later.

i just putted a candle on for thouse who died honorable and upright. angry about thouse who sent them there.
Well said. Agree 100%. Thank you to you and your family for your service.

The only reason I haven’t deleted his comments is because of the irony of doing so while celebrating a day of fighting for freedoms.

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I do appreciate that you let it run its course.

I waited for a couple of hours before responding, but finally felt led to do so on this day of all days.

And, honestly speaking, it turned out much better than I expected this am.