FedEx vs UPS

People who take anything for granted these days for anything are, are dreaming for an expectation will be met. These delivery times are best estimates. And who knows what can impact any arrival, like when a person takes a trip somewhere and their driving and arrival times are impacted by ; Plane and transport delays to a distribution location, traffic conditions (wrecks, roads closed, traffic at a standstill) then you have weather depending on where you are and even car/truck troubles. Shit happens. And like you noted, "don't sit on a picket fence waiting ".

Update to my shipment: arrived 1:28.

Not really relevant. I was talking about delivery time for a package loaded or about to be loaded (next day) on the final delivery vehicle. Trucks don't drive random routes. They have a known start area and sequence they follow until the final delivery area. Delivery windows should not be impossible to predict with all the technology available.

I live in a suburban area that has many new residential developments defined by cross streets and green belts. When a truck enters an area they tend to stay in that development until they move to the next one. That is definitely the case in my gated retirement community.
Personally, I would never use Fedex by choice. UPS USPS are FAR more reliable in my experience.

One consideration regarding the pop-up window for pickup location choice: if you have pop-up blockers enabled, you can find yourself scratching your head as to why FedEx (or anyone's) system doesn't seem to be working. Not saying that this is your situation, but I don't know how many times I've hit that roadblock, and got very frustrated before eventually remembering that I had to disable the blockers for that website.