Economy and Finance Thread

We all know about China; they have the most billionaires on the planet, they are the biggest polluter, their economy is strong, they are the most untrustworthy, they rule the earth's economy in the most despicable ways.

What are we going to do about it?

Hopefully not buy an EV since it would play right into your point.

The rest of your question cannot be answered here because it is purely a political problem.
Brian, how smart one has to be? EV we can buy made in Canada, made in Mexico, made in Japan, made in Germany, made in USA.

We can outsmart China by building a stronger healthier economy. Screw China and their auto-destruction. Screw them with their power trip and crimes against Earth and its humanity.
Brian, how smart one has to be? EV we can buy made in Canada, made in Mexico, made in Japan, made in Germany, made in USA.

We can outsmart China by building a stronger healthier economy. Screw China and their auto-destruction. Screw them with their power trip and crimes against Earth and its humanity.

First of all we will need to get rid of the current admin and most tree huggers that are stopping us from mining what is needed for manufacturing batteries. Assembled In is not the same as Made In. Just because you assemble parts from China in Canada does not make it Made in Canada.

We also have to get rid of the Private Western Central Bank and the Fiat system and the globalists.

Where would you like to start?
Brian, come live in the jungle and hunt like Indians, fish like Indians, live healthy like Indians. :)
Everything else just screw it, except for the music you like, like the sound of the rivers descending from from the mountains, the waterfalls and all that jazz.
Brian, I'm gonna hitch a ride with Claire and go back through the 'stones' to the 18th century. That way we can hopefully get it right !! :skeptical:

You need to go back far enough to eliminate the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Gates, Shiffs, and all the other families that are controlling the world financial systems.

Good Luck
This is worth watching and pondering for a moment. Philosophically speaking, it is our success as a species that is the root of all problems. In our never ending quest to find meaning in life, we focus on all the things (mostly materialistic) that add very little to the meaning but require great sacrifices to our planet. When we lived as hunters and gatherers, we did not pose any threat to this planet. :rolleyes:

John Danaher's Speech NO ONE Wants To HEAR | One Of The MOST Eye- Opening Speeches - YouTube
German emissions from electricity generation increased in the first half of 2021 by one-quarter, or 21 million tons, according to German think tank Agora Energiewende. Gas-fired power plants increased 15%, coal power plants by 36%, and hard coal power plants by 44%.

Experts say it’s because Germany’s economy is growing more in its post-Covid recovery. "Overall, the recovery in demand is by far the main factor behind the increase in fossil fuel generation," said a German energy analyst.

But the increase was also due to the lack of wind. Wind produced just 46.8 terawatt hours in the first six months of 2021 which is over one-quarter less than the 59.4 TWh they produced in the first half of 2020. Offshore wind generation, too, dropped by 16%, to 11.7 TWh during the period.

It’s true that there was a slight increase in solar power generation, wind was abnormally high in 2020, and things could improve next year. In contrast to 2020, there were no above-average wind and sun conditions in 2021.

But increased electricity from solar was from more solar panels, not more sunlight, and Germany couldn’t install enough of them to make up for the loss of electricity from wind turbines. It’s notable that sunlight was down in the first half of 2021 even as solar panel installation was up. And the German parliament’s researchers recently concluded that Chinese solar panels were being made under conditions of genocide, which make sanctions, and fewer imports of China-made solar panels, inevitable.

Meanwhile, Germany is closing nuclear plants this year and next, which will result in more use of coal and natural gas, and thus increase carbon emissions.

German Emissions From Electricity Rose 25% In First Half Of 2021 Due To The Lack Of Wind Power, Not Willpower
Curious if anyone in the Big White House ever thinks about "accountability" at all? This is a finance thread, so I am curious if anyone thought today, as the Afghan president flees the country, well, we spent 20 years and over $2T trillion dollars and for what? Another war lost and money wasted.... At some point we need better accountants and accountability of our tax money.
I doubt those fools will be able to either operate or maintain any aircraft they acquire.

True, but they could sell the items to fund themselves.
I'm sure China and or Russia and or Iran ++ might be interested in obtaining some of the more technical pieces of equipment.
True, but they could sell the items to fund themselves.
I'm sure China and or Russia and or Iran ++ might be interested in obtaining some of the more technical pieces of equipment.

All of the countries mentioned have their own tech, much less so Iran. China and Russia have very powerful weapons to play with, better not even go there.... No one needs that type of a conflict, trust me.