54 Years Ago Today .......

It didn’t happen. It was all staged. They can’t prove it.


All Cable Deniers


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It didn’t happen. It was all staged. They can’t prove it.


All Cable Deniers


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Hmmm, so many other things "like that" have recently become true. I am waiting on this one. I was 6 1/2 at the time probably playing with my blocks and Hot Wheels.
I think our TV was 20ish inches, black and white, it was the middle of the night in Houston, I was 10, and deep into reading about NASA, and space.

Really fantasical. Thanks for the memory jog.
Bones, if memory serves me right it was about 6 hrs after touchdown that Armstrong actually set foot on the lunar surface, the next day, 7/21
It didn’t happen. It was all staged. They can’t prove it.


All Cable Deniers


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I bet you believe in "flat" cables and a "flat" response as well.


To answer the topic question... I wasn't around then. Not for another 6 years. With that said, I love astronomy, so I know just about everything there is to know about the Apollo missions, as well as the Gemini program, all of the goodies before and after including the latest from the James Web Telescope, the Parker Solar Probe (the one touching our sun), etc, etc.
With my family at Carl’s Campground somewhere in Vermont. Sitting at a picnic table with my family watching on a 13” B&W TV.
Wow. I do remember exactly where I was, at my buddies house. He named his new dog that day "Moonie"..I think it was a German pointer, but def speckled and dark chocolate. Great days, wild buddy. We swapped the automatic transmission out of my car/converted to a manual on the street out front of his parents house (they were rather upset seeing the red stain in the street (huge), laying under the car our backs on the pavement. No trans lift we hoisted by arm. Craftsman wrenches from Sears. Gritty andEverything was soaked in fluid. We smelled fantastic. On rebuilding engines (Detroit iron) his theory was to floor the heck out of a fresh build from the get-go, redline asap. I would do some kinda break-in routine popular at the time. He never blew an engine and always ran fast. Apollo 11 though, wow. The German dog, it's lineage, was not lost on us because we probably read about the NASA rocket program in school, if only cursorilly.
7 years old at my first year of 8 week overnight camp in the Pocono mountains in Pennsylvania. Camp Nock-A-Mixon was the name. They woke us up around 11 pm to watch Neil do his moonwalk. I remember it so vividly on that little 13” television, adjusting the rabbit ear antenna to get decent reception. Exciting! Those were the days! One small step for man, one giant step for mankind … certainly happier, more optimistic times in America. The future looked bright. We had the world by the balls back then.
And a year later:

The May 4 Shootings at Kent State University

On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students ...
I have a 77 year old brother in law that believes the earth is flat. No one went to the moon. The Holocaust never happened and is an antisemite.

Any guess who I have no contact with at family gatherings or life in general. He is not worth the effort.
I have a 77 year old brother in law that believes the earth is flat. No one went to the moon. The Holocaust never happened and is an antisemite.

Any guess who I have no contact with at family gatherings or life in general. He is not worth the effort.

That’s just crazy. So sad.

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