Youtube Audiophile Related Rants

I enjoy Sean’s commentary. The other one I’ve not heard about.

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The hardest part of being an audiophile is figuring out what an unknown component sounds like without the preconceived biases of asking for other’s opinions… :lol:
Cheapaudioguy is just angry. He should listen to more music and quit worrying about what us crazy audiophiles are doing.

Agreed. Plus, it's important to learn he's very much a "newbie" to this whole hobby/avocation/addiction/whatever of ours, and is still a "grasshopper", if you ask me. I remember that he put a review of the GR-Research DIY XL-S Encores standmount (which some of you may remember I also built up) with something like, all of 4 hours on the speakers, stating they were the greatest speaker he had ever heard, and Danny told me he had to write to him and say, "Dude, you need to run these in for 200-300 hours before drawing any conclusions about them. Reviewing them with 4 hours on them will not be accurate."

(GR-Resarch X-LS Encores shown...)

He's still got a lot to learn, IMHO.
Why would I access Youtube to get anyone's opinion on anything? That thought has never crossed my mind.
d my mind.
Wôôh, better stuff to watch than those crappy anti-audiofiles. Tango music time ...

It’s all about the clicks for most of those guys. As the Facebook whistle blower noted, the negative attracts more eyeballs than the positive.

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Jim I was trying to make a funny. Any of the social media outlets need to be taken as pure entertainment. Well all except Mikes YouTube channel, he has good content.....:hey:

Marty, I do access Youtube but not for reviews. As far as TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook...... I don't use any of them.