Why the Cloak and Dagger?

This is from TAS and several other sources can be found with a simple internet search showing same date and info:
October 7, 2019 – Tannoy has appointed Upscale Distribution as its exclusive Hi-Fi distribution partner covering the USA and Canada.

Operating from La Verne, California since 2003, Upscale Distribution has supplied North American dealers with the best in consumer high-fidelity electronics. Through the production of original content to drive consumer demand and the invention of unique go-to-market models, Upscale is innovating audio distribution.

Upscale is dedicated to providing high fidelity music systems and currently represents PrimaLuna, Pathos Acoustics, Feliks Audio, Kiseki, and Sbooster brand products. Upscale will carry the full Tannoy lifestyle range with immediate effect.

Craig Hoffman, Vice President, Upscale Distribution comments “Too many loudspeaker brands today sound alike. Tannoy offers our dealers and consumers a unique sound that isn’t available anywhere else. Consumers throughout North America can
now visit their local dealer and truly experience ‘The Voice of the Artist’. Upscale is thrilled to represent such a storied brand
as Tannoy.”

Tannoy head of sales for Tannoy lifestyle, Nigel Toates adds” We are very pleased to establish this partnership with Upscale. The move reflects our renewed commitment to the North American market and will provide us with greater market insight, to deliver an improved service to our partners and customers.”

For more information on Upscale Distribution –

From what I've been able to uncover, Craig Hoffman and Randy Bingham abruptly left Upscale last month and took Tannoy with them 2 weeks later away from Upscale.

I've been accused by Craig/Randy's friend Angie (who also worked for Upscale but as I've been told is no longer there and I've also been told by two people with direct knowledge she is very close with Randy) and others as being paid by Upscale, Fyne, and or being an employee of them and that I've been employed to somehow hurt Craig/Ryan as they took over Tannoy in the US. The implication was NOT that the video isn't correct, but they don't like the spotlight on this at this time as it was inconvenient for them.

TO BE CLEAR - I have never spoken to, known, emailed, gave any heads up, nor received a single penny from either of the companies prior to my video being produced and published, nor ANYONE, ANYWHERE in ANY capacity other than my wife. This is demonstrably true.

I bought my speakers like any normal customer through Suncoast Audio.

It was not made public, nor did I find out Craig/Randy took Tannoy until a week AFTER my video was released. I had literally never heard of him nor who he was. At the time of my video, I just assumed it was still Upscale Audio based on all the videos on their YT channel. If I had been working for Upscale, wouldn't I have made sure to distance them from this in my video?

I HAVE had Upscale, Craig, and others reach out to me AFTER I published my video. All have an equal opportunity to publicly comment on my video. Other than his snippy comment on my YT video, Craig has remained radio silent other than their friend (as I've been told by TWO knowledgable sources with direct knowledge they are and based on her actions/statements/slander would make sense ) Angie going full mental nutso (she did after all post on her FB page burning down her previous employer).
Not saying it’s a good excuse from an ethical or public relations perspective, but sometimes the legalities of change in ownership transactions can prevent public commentary from inside parties.

That said, you can put me in the camp of where something is made matters to me. And I don’t owe anyone my rationale.

Puma’s talk about all things being even based on measurable data and verifiable process might be legit, if you could obtain that information, which I seriously doubt, and then, if you can trust the source. Even if we take that as gospel we’re certainly entitled to choose product based on whatever subjective criteria we want, and that doesn’t intrinsically make it a political statement, though well it may be. The thread political correctness police can kiss my ass.
I'm not sure why you posted this in response to me. My post was responding to #32. I'm not sure where AVL fits into the picture, a website shows flag of Canada.

From what I've been able to uncover, Craig Hoffman and Ryan Bingham abruptly left Upscale last month and took Tannoy with them 2 weeks later away from Upscale.

I've been accused by Craig/Ryan's friend Angie (who also worked for Upscale but as I've been told is no longer there and I've also been told by two people with direct knowledge she is very close with Ryan) and others as being paid by Upscale, Fyne, and or being an employee of them and that I've been employed to somehow hurt Craig/Ryan as they took over Tannoy in the US. The implication was NOT that the video isn't correct, but they don't like the spotlight on this at this time as it was inconvenient for them.

TO BE CLEAR - I have never spoken to, known, emailed, gave any heads up, nor received a single penny from either of the companies prior to my video being produced and published, nor ANYONE, ANYWHERE in ANY capacity other than my wife. This is demonstrably true.

I bought my speakers like any normal customer through Suncoast Audio.

It was not made public, nor did I find out Craig took Tannoy until a week AFTER my video was released. I had literally never heard of him nor who he was. At the time of my video, I just assumed it was still Upscale Audio based on all the videos on their YT channel. If I had been working for Upscale, wouldn't I have made sure to distance them from this in my video?

I HAVE had Upscale, Craig, and others reach out to me AFTER I published my video. All have an equal opportunity to publicly comment on my video. Other than his snippy comment on my YT video, Craig has remained radio silent other than their friend (as I've been told by TWO knowledgable sources with direct knowledge they are and based on her actions/statements/slander would make sense ) Angie going full mental nutso (she did after all post on her FB page burning down her previous employer).
I'm not sure why you posted this in response to me. My post was responding to #32. I'm not sure where AVL fits into the picture, a website shows flag of Canada.

Hi - sorry I should have been clear. Your post was a good one. I was simply adding more information to add to it what I had uncovered.

It's amazing how hard certain people (not you) are working to try and silence the truth as I've seen happen every day since I posted this video. The fact certain people are so angry and scared and resorting to the actions they are - merely because a simple question is being asked that they are legally required to declare makes you wonder what is really going on.

Had they simply stayed quiet, this video would have gone away quietly. But the fact they are doing what they are doing is only giving this story more traction and visibility. They think they are acting stealthily. They don't seem to understand how many people want honest answers in all corners of this industry. It's sad what has happened to Tannoy, and it's a huge loss for this industry.

Every time they try and silence it, it gets louder.
I thought the Prestige range was built in Scotland just down the road from the old Tannoy factory and the lesser range was built overseas?
I thought the Prestige range was built in Scotland just down the road from the old Tannoy factory and the lesser range was built overseas?

Hi Mikey - this has been pretty clearly explained in the YT video, the comments by Graham on my YT video (you should Google who he is) and more.

You will find Graham's comments most interesting. He also directly answers this on my FB page.

I wonder if the people who are trying to silence me are trying to silence him as well? If they try that they clearly have no idea who he is...
Pretty interesting update.

So this person started sending me threatening and VERY nasty messages today via FB and YT.

After digging around, it turns out she is closely involved with one of the parties who took exception to my video, and was fired from a previous party involved (as I've been told by TWO sources with direct knowledge).

Here are some screenshots from her FB page. How crazy is it that a distributor would align themselves with such a person?

NOTE: She is NOT currently affiliated with Upscale Audio or Harmonia Distribution. We know who she is affiliated with and they will be held accountable if she continues this as I know who it is.

I miss the days when Affirmative Action used to mean something entirely different.
@MM This just popped up from one of my FB groups.

View attachment 33104

Thanks for sharing. The previous US distributor reached out to me and shared some VERY interesting pics and info. We spoke for over an hour yesterday (he reached out to me after my video was posted).

I want to be careful how I share what he shared as I am still deciding in what format to best share (video interview, etc) - if even at all. Needless to say he confirmed some info and shared some new info about how the new distributor came about. I have no idea what is true and what isn't, and frankly I don't really care in the context of this video as it doesn't stay true to the core of my video. It's certainly fascinating to see behind the scenes how these people operate, but not relevant to the narrow focus of my video.

He also clarified that the plant did stay open past the 2017 date, but then was closed down.

I also have former Tannoy people who recently reached out to me sharing info with me in great detail even down to where in China the items are made.

From what I've been told, they have a small space in the UK where they take Chinese drivers and screw them into boxes to then ship on their higher end lines.

Graham (google who he is - he is as big a person in this as they come) asked the new distributor who posted on my YT video and basically called me a liar to simply post pictures of a single piece of machinery in the UK that actually manufactures a single driver. No response.

I say again - if this isn't a issues, why;

1) won't anyone official go on the record and simply clarify this (they should be PROUD if they are actually manufactured in the UK) and;
2) why is new distributor Randy's friend Angie (two people with direct knowledge told me about them being very close friends) - and others - sending me threatening message and trying to get all my posts taken down on social media?

Why are they so threatened by this very simple conversation?

And to be clear to all sides who think I am somehow working for the other side - I had never talked to, bought from, engaged, or even been in the same area of Kevin Deal, Upscale, Fyne Audio, Craig, Randy or anyone else part of this story in any capacity. Their accusations I've been paid for this story and I am racist for doing this story scream of people scared of the message.

I did this story as I simply needed new content for my channel and decided to share my buying experience of how I initially went to purchase Tannoy speakers, but my search ended me buying through retail a pair of Fyne speakers.

It's that simple.
Exhibit "A" for why I don't go anywhere near the Facebook and other social media cesspools.

Wy wife will show me things that nieces and nephews post on FB. Much of the time I shake my head and think, why would your portray weird or unusual thing about your life.
Wy wife will show me things that nieces and nephews post on FB. Much of the time I shake my head and think, why would your portray weird or unusual thing about your life.

I post very little but learn a lot about people, like when they are not home and where their kids all play. Bad people use that info.
Yeah, that gels with what "evidence" I've seen since 2020-ish: all drivers now made in China, even the top units. Cabinets made who knows where? Maybe they do have a small spot in UK to bolt the drivers in so they can claim some assembly there.

And Graham Hendry is a great guy! He helped me out (via Tannoy Facebook group) last year when I had some Glenair 10's which were improperly wired. I got them from TMR used, so no idea if they were messed up by a prior owner or slipped out of the factory like that. But they sounded unlistenable until the (simple) fix thanks to Graham's help. See guys, Facebook isn't all bad :) Just like anything, you have to seek out the good and avoid the rest. Though I have been banned dozens of times for getting into fights with people just like that Angela character lol. I've chosen a more peaceful existence these past couple years, and it's better now.
Yeah, that gels with what "evidence" I've seen since 2020-ish: all drivers now made in China, even the top units. Cabinets made who knows where? Maybe they do have a small spot in UK to bolt the drivers in so they can claim some assembly there.

And Graham Hendry is a great guy! He helped me out

Graham is the real deal for sure!

It's amazing the more I learn about what's going on with Tannoy in general and also distribution in North America, the more I just shake my head in utter amazement.

I am SOOOOOO glad my OCD kicked in and I decided to do all this research before pulling the trigger and purchasing a pair of Tannoy's and ended up with Fyne Audio instead. Thanks to Mike (as usual) for his recommendation.
I again reached out to the new distributor after the previous distributor reached out to me regarding the video, and shared some very interesting info about Tannoy and what's going on with the distribution.

The new distributor has still chosen to continue the Tannoy legacy of radio silence about the issue.

I also want to enquire about the photo's I've received from several industry people about massive Tannoy QC issues, but alas they don't want to discuss it.
I again reached out to the new distributor after the previous distributor reached out to me regarding the video, and shared some very interesting info about Tannoy and what's going on with the distribution.

The new distributor has still chosen to continue the Tannoy legacy of radio silence about the issue.

I also want to enquire about the photo's I've received from several industry people about massive Tannoy QC issues, but alas they don't want to discuss it.

Michael, thanks for keeping this topic alive! Being a Tannoy fan since 2000s - yeah it's always been extremely difficult to get information or spare parts out of them. "Radio silence" is no exaggeration. My Tannoy dealer didn't fare much better, and eventually shifted focus to brands like Von Scweikert, Acora, Focal. I don't blame him! Are these cited QC issues specific to the (presumed) new Chinese production? Like I said before, the UK made inside-cabinet production was quite sloppy, but the UK DC drivers were always solid as a rock and beautifully manufactured.

Fortunately, a few years ago I sourced spare DC driver units from Real Electronics UK. They arrived as described, brand new in UK Manufacture boxes.
Michael, thanks for keeping this topic alive! Being a Tannoy fan since 2000s - yeah it's always been extremely difficult to get information or spare parts out of them. "Radio silence" is no exaggeration. My Tannoy dealer didn't fare much better, and eventually shifted focus to brands like Von Scweikert, Acora, Focal. I don't blame him! Are these cited QC issues specific to the (presumed) new Chinese production? Like I said before, the UK made inside-cabinet production was quite sloppy, but the UK DC drivers were always solid as a rock and beautifully manufactured.

Fortunately, a few years ago I sourced spare DC driver units from Real Electronics UK. They arrived as described, brand new in UK Manufacture boxes.

The pictures that were shared with me and what was explained to me was numerous pairs of the giant Westminster's coming with massive stains all over them that looked like dog urine stains.

I also saw pictures of speakers being shipped with NO BACK TO THE SPEAKERS AT ALL with wires simply dangling.

The percentage of massive issues such as these were extremely high and to my understanding occurred after production shift.

It made me wonder is it incompetence or is there someone at the factories trying to sabotage the brand. I mean, how do you ship speakers with no backs to them?

Once again I am offering the current distributor or Tannoy the opportunity to address and offer their side to what is being shared with me in the interest of being balanced. He posted on my YT video but then went silent after his crazy devil-worshipping friend Angie (who also posted a pic of wanting to burn down her previous employer) got involved and I called them out about it.

DISCLAIMER: I am sharing what is being shown to me and told to me. I have not seen these in person myself no do I know what is being told to me is 100% factual.
Cabinets made in either Poland or Bulgaria? two countries I saw mention in Tannoy threads here in the UK.
Well, well, well - lookie here.

This is pretty big news.

Looks like after 7 years of mystery my video on "The Great Tannoy Mystery" was able to get results in only 2 short weeks.

Thank you to everyone in the industry who reached out to me with support and help on this video. You are VERY much appreciated. I've also made new friendships in the process that I hold dear.

I made this video to show respect for the magnificent history of Tannoy that I felt was owed to such a storied company.

I wish the absolute best for Tannoy, and may it once again regain its great footing and return to the U.K. as before. It is a treasured company.

So what have I missed here?

Tannoy quality issues go way back... I recall having three pairs of GRF90's back in 2016. All three arrived with various paint and assembly gap issues with some cracks and splits in the cabinet bases. It was also the first time they began using walnut veneer instead of solid walnut construction. It shocked me and was eventually told they couldnt do any better. But then I was buying these at 20 below cost so I didnt care.

I believe youll get the straightest answer from the people at Fyne, considering theyre ex Tannoy employees and should be intimately familiar with production changes and issues. They have no reason not to share these with inquiring minds.