What type of amps do you use? Tube? Solid State? Both? Hybrid?

What type of amp do you use?

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LineMagnetic 219IA / LM129 Line preamp setup for winter and Vitus SIA-025 at other times.For me its the best of both worlds I can afford!!
I'm running a Leben CS600 now, but previously had some vintage restored receivers like the Pioneer SX-1250 and Luxman R-1120. All are/were fantastic amps in their own way.
Tubes offer the liquidity, which is great, but SS deliver the punch. And I grew tired of my system sounding different every day.

Ergo: All SS system, except for the phono pre tubes are a must.

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SS Pass XA30.8. I like moderately lower wattage class A amp pairing with moderately higher efficiency speakers.
I love the dimensionality, ambiance and midrange tonality that my 300b tube amps produce. However, just to stay grounded, I occasionally roll in my Clayton M70's Class A SS's.
The whole thing about amps is to find the right balancing act (synergy) between them and your speakers.
Tubes. I recently replaced my Pass Labs INT-150 with a Primaluna Premium Dialogue HP and haven't looked back! The sound is far richer and simply more realistic to my ears.
Main amp is Hybid, secondary amp is SS.

I had swapped them every few months along with speakers, but built another system with the pcs.
Tubes, definitely!!! I have tried many SS and there is always something about them that makes me return to tubes..........
Hybrids my second choice
Tubes, definitely!!! I have tried many SS and there is always something about them that makes me return to tubes..........
Hybrids my second choice

I like my Hybrid amp Tube Pre for everything my SS setup doesn't do, and I love my full SS setup for what my Tube-Hybrid setup doesn't do.
In May of last year, I purchased a First Watt F6.
last week, I added a RB10 tube preamp from Audio by Van Alstine. It is a new model and sounds very good in my system!
Just switched from tubes (kt-88) to Oasis S200 M 200W class A SS. Love the tube sound and love these SS with a bit of warmth as well. A little tube like!
A MAC Fanatic here. I like big blue meters and I cannot lie... MC601's SS for amps and C2300 tube preamp.

Off line, I talk to AS members about this thread a lot.

The results are puzzling to me. I would have thought tubes would have been higher, much higher.

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My first post at AS, hello from Istanbul. Hybrid, Ypsilon Phaeton for the moment which will be replaced by the Ypsilon Aelius monoblocks

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