System Treaking - Moving and More Grooving


Dec 6, 2019
System Tweaking - Mov’n and More Groov’n

During the COVID-19 situation, I haven't changed any cables, etc. However, I've had plenty of time to shift my equipment around a little. Did a lot of experimenting. Ultimately, I ended up moving my speakers towards my listening chair a little and angled the amps.

The sound stage was already good, but now it is at a new height. The speakers disappear better now. And there is a new depth to the music. The room seems bigger. Still some tweaks in the works, but it's amazing what a little moving does!!! (sorry it the photo doesn't work correctly)

Re: System Treaking - Mov’n and More Groov’n

During the COVID-19 situation, I haven't changed any cables, etc. However, I've had plenty of time to shift my equipment around a little. Did a lot of experimenting. Ultimately, I ended up moving my speakers towards my listening chair a little and angled the amps.

The sound stage was already good, but now it is at a new height. The speakers disappear better now. And there is a new depth to the music. The room seems bigger. Still some tweaks in the works, but it's amazing what a little moving does!!! (sorry it the photo doesn't work correctly)


Smart move. Speaker placement will affect the sound much more than changing cables. Not to mention that it is a lot cheaper. Enjoy it!
Re: System Tweaking - Mov’n and More Groov’n

Smart move. Speaker placement will affect the sound much more than changing cables. Not to mention that it is a lot cheaper. Enjoy it!

Agreed. I thought we had the speaker placement 100% dialed in for some time. It was sounding so good. But decided just to see what changes I could hear with them in different locations. The experimenting led to the present scenario that is just better.

Can't wait until I get some new larger speakers.