Milan Karan passes away


Active member
May 6, 2013
From Too Loud (a publication from Croatia):

In memoriam: Milan Karan (1965 – 11.04. 2024)

Milan Karan, owner of the company Karan Acoustics and chief constructor, but above all a man with a big heart and spirit, has left us. When I read the message of Božidar Savi from Rotary Audi, in which he wrote that he lost a great friend this morning, I felt immense sadness in that one short sentence because I know how closely Milan Karan and Božidar Savi were connected, primarily privately, and then also in business.

I myself feel sadness because I had the opportunity to meet Milan Karan and I will never forget our meetings, especially the one when I came to Novi Sad, to the headquarters of Karan Acoustics, to do the Factory Tour. One day was enough for us to get to know each other better, but also for me to understand how I spend my time in the company of an extraordinary person, extremely warm and approachable.

As soon as you see some people, you feel that they radiate positive energy and kindness. Milan Karan was exactly like that. I will never forget his wide smile and the cheerfulness in his eyes. After just a few hours of hanging out, I got the impression that we had known each other for years, as if we were old friends. It just says how open and honest Milan Karan was.

The audiophile community will surely feel the sadness as well because they lost one of the best in the audio industry. Karan Acoustics has successfully established itself on a global scale and secured the status of the 'crème de la crème' of HIFI equipment manufacturers. This status is due to Milan Karan, who pushed the boundaries with his design and engineering ideas and solutions, thereby increasingly combining music and technology.
He may tot have been very well known in the US, but made a brilliant gear.

A close friend of mine just bough his stereo poweramp from his MASTER Collection to his small bedroom system (Taiko, Horizon, Wilson Alexia) after trying at least 10 different stereo amps from the usuall suspects.


We both concluded, that not only the sound, but the value for money of this amp is off the charts good.