Jay's Audio Journey

"What do you care what people think?" – book title by Richard Feynman, Nobel prize-winning theoretical physicist.

Now there is an iconoclastic type fellow the world seems shy of these days. First of his books I read “Surely your joking Mr. Feynman” I couldn’t put down. He’d probably be cancelled today for one reason or another.
Now there is an iconoclastic type fellow the world seems shy of these days. First of his books I read “Surely your joking Mr. Feynman” I couldn’t put down. He’d probably be cancelled today for one reason or another.

Yep, he was a real character, to be sure.
Andrew Robinson’s. [emoji38]

I like Andrew Robinson!

He doesn't whine, he doesn't bitch, he doesn't pretend to be this or that, he does his own thing which is mostly TVs and soundbars and what would be considered mid-fi here but he does it well and his videos always looks mighty good and very professional and he always ends up saying that the only opinion that matters in the end is our own... That makes sense to me with no machettes in sight.

I personally find there is place for Andrew Robinson just like there is place for Jay...
I like Andrew Robinson!

He doesn't whine, he doesn't bitch, he doesn't pretend to be this or that, he does his own thing which is mostly TVs and soundbars and what would be considered mid-fi here but he does it well and his videos always looks mighty good and very professional and he always ends up saying that the only opinion that matters in the end is our own... That makes sense to me with no machettes in sight.

I personally find there is place for Andrew Robinson just like there is place for Jay...

In order to respect Jay, I should not post links to other YT. See PM.
Wow! Someone suggests to do the shootout on PSAudio's Infinity IRS speakers. Big mistake!
I had the privilege to visit PS Audio. Paul is a fantastic guy, and he is authentically interested and welcoming as he is in his videos. I also think they make very good products with great bang for the buck. And I am a great fan of Infinity. In the eighties that was the benchmark! I was so excited to hear that legendary IRS. But then: big disappointment. Old style sound. But it is lacking the detail and dynamics from newer speakers. The friendly guy who've the tour told me that I probably have together used to the different curve. Right.
So i finished shooting the msb dac yesterday and brought the DCS back from the dead after like 2 months i think since i last heard it?
Interesting contrast between both dacs. I think BOTH do things so differently and uniquely. Both have strengths and weaknesses.
i am hoping the first video of this shootout will go live tomorrow morning.
As i mentioned, please vote on the poll. It takes you longer to type a comment than to vote. Dont be lazy.
Let’s find out for ourselves how the entire world or how we all feel globally speaking about both dacs without knowing what is playing. This is one of those shootouts that we dont ever get to see ANYWHERE so let’s have some fun guys. Let’s see WHERE each one of us sits with regards to both presentations. Let's have healthy discussions about them and understand what each dac brings to the table.
I want this shootout to be FUN and hopefully something that can also be helpful for your future buying decisions.
I am doing all the legwork here so all i ask of you is to keep the comments, feedback, etc about what you are hearing. Also, make sure you remember that when the first video rolls out tomorrow, you will get a feeling of how things sound with a certain type of music. You might change the way you feel when the second video rolls out because the second video will probably have female vocals only so remember to keep your mind open because the first video might not be everything you need to hear to form your decision. You should listen to all 3 of them before you know exactly which presentation is checking all your boxes.
Here is the format for the shootout:

Video 1 (releasing tomorrow)
Demonstration 1 (2 songs) (DAC # 1)
Demonstration 2 (same 2 songs) (DAC # 2)

Video 2
Demonstration 1 (2 songs) (DAC # 1)
Demonstration 2 (same 2 songs) (DAC # 2)

Video 3
Demonstration 1 (2 songs) (DAC # 1)
Demonstration 2 (same 2 songs) (DAC # 2)

*Dac #1 & # 2 are the same dacs playing through the videos so for example if dac # 1 is dcs then dac #1 will always be dcs throughout all 3 videos.

How should you vote?
Easy as this:
i will pretend that this was my personal favorites:

Video 1
I chose demonstration 1

Video 2
I chose demonstration 2

Video 3
I chose demonstration 1

i essentially have selected one dac as my favorite (demonstration 1). This means that my final vote should be demonstration 1 because i preferred it on 2 out of 3 videos. does this make sense?
It would be very informative if you would specify the tracks
you are using for the shoutout.
Well, I've been there to hear the M9s and the Pilium amplification.


Seeing you standing next to those Magico's really puts their size into perspective. They're massive! Then again, so is their price tag.
Comparing digital equipment is not easy in my opinion, especially if you have to disconnect the powercords. in my expericence it can take days before the performance of my Rossini stabilises after being disconnected. So my question to Jay is, do you disconnect the digital equipment between the gear changes ?
Many folks (me included) believe that even though everything matters, not everything matters the same.

If I understand correctly, your conclusions on the two expensive DACs you just reviewed is that the difference in the sound is not such that merits spending $100k on a DAC.

Kudos to you for willing to say so. The majority of folks who spend $100k on a DAC will be praising it to heaven claiming to hear all kind of stuff that no other DAC can do. These owners certainly do not want to look foolish for spending that kind of money on just a DAC.

Since you run the lab, just for sake of experimenting, instead of trying out an even more expensive DAC, go the opposite way and try out a relatively inexpensive DAC (say, a DAC that retails for less than $10k).

You may discover that in the world of diminishing returns the relatively inexpensive DAC can give you at least 98% of what you heard with the expensive DACs.