I'm still in love with my speakers

Michaels HiFi

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
OK guys - I've owned and listened to dozens and dozens of speakers.

After all that I'm still in love with my Klipsch La Scala's.

Currently running Siltech speaker cables to them (yes I left the orange netting on them).

Some day I'm going to upgrade to the larger Jubilee's.

What speakers and cables are you running???

I'm still loving my Fyne 502SPs. Currently using an older set of Tara Labs Prism Bi-Wire in place of a vintage pair of Synergistic Reference #2s.
I have what's in my sig, JBL 4367's and using Clarus Crimson cables.

I have heard speakers I like but none that has moved me to switch. Some due to cost. Something doable from Stenheim, Vinberg/Tidal might persuade me, smile Even those would need an audition, my speakers need to be able to Rock as well as other genres.
I have what's in my sig, JBL 4367's and using Clarus Crimson cables.

I have heard speakers I like but none that has moved me to switch. Some due to cost. Something doable from Stenheim, Vinberg/Tidal might persuade me, smile Even those would need an audition, my speakers need to be able to Rock as well as other genres.

JBL makes some really nice sounding speakers. I've always lusted after they giant Everest speakers.
I stumbled across JansZen Audio loudspeakers about six or seven years ago while reading a magazine review and have been in love ever since I visited their Columbus, OH offices to audition them. Started with the Carmelita bookshelf speakers and eventually graduated to the Valentina P8 about two years ago. I'm always looking at what is currently on the market, but i suspect I would have to spend WAY more than what I spent on the Valentina P8 to achieve better sound. For now, I'm focusing my upgrade dollars on other areas of my system first.

As an added benefit, the owner, David Janszen, is just a stand-up guy, both technically and personally. I would be happy to do business with him again.
I've liked what I heard at shows and bet they sound great with the Pass
I stumbled across JansZen Audio loudspeakers about six or seven years ago while reading a magazine review and have been in love ever since I visited their Columbus, OH offices to audition them. Started with the Carmelita bookshelf speakers and eventually graduated to the Valentina P8 about two years ago. I'm always looking at what is currently on the market, but i suspect I would have to spend WAY more than what I spent on the Valentina P8 to achieve better sound. For now, I'm focusing my upgrade dollars on other areas of my system first.

As an added benefit, the owner, David Janszen, is just a stand-up guy, both technically and personally. I would be happy to do business with him again.
I remember seeing the Acoustic Zen Crescendo's in some fancy wood finish and thought they were the most beautiful speakers I'd ever seen, still haven't heard a pair.
I bought my Revel Ultima Studios nearly 20 years ago and still think they are a great set of speakers. These days, I drive them with a pair of McIntosh MC611s, the cables being Wireworld Silver Eclipses.
Still digging my Dutch & Dutch 8Cs! Meeting next week with their new USA support person who was kind enough to offer to help me optimize the settings with Room Equalization Wizard DSP and other tweaks.


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Still digging my Dutch & Dutch 8Cs! Meeting next week with their new USA support person who was kind enough to offer to help me optimize the settings with Room Equalization Wizard DSP and other tweaks.

Hey Rob, i'm curious how they stack up against your Quad 57s. I owned Kii Three's for a spell which debuted just before the D&D 8s came on the scene. The Kiis were superb (never heard them with the BXTs) but ultimately they lacked soul as I found out mos. later...its a cop out for lack of better descriptor, but you know it when you hear it.
Hey Rob, i'm curious how they stack up against your Quad 57s. I owned Kii Three's for a spell which debuted just before the D&D 8s came on the scene. The Kiis were superb (never heard them with the BXTs) but ultimately they lacked soul as I found out mos. later...its a cop out for lack of better descriptor, but you know it when you hear it.

I definitely agree that some of the active speakers lack soul. I couldn’t promise you that you wouldn’t miss your Quads if you had the 8Cs in your room. I could happily live with Quads or some other passives I’ve had instead of the 8Cs. I simply love the ease and simplicity of the 8Cs. If you’re in Denver feel free to take them for a test drive!
I am still waiting for my Legacy Audio Focus XD's to arrive, today marks 17 weeks since placed in the queue. Once they arrive I will be trading my existing speakers in for the Wavelet 2 crossover processor. That will probably take a while too.
I still love my KEF. I have tried many other speakers over the years, but I have been a KEF fans since I got my first pair many moons ago, the 104aB's.

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I had my R105/3's for 25 years and I played them at 104 db average all the time! A krell kav 300il on top and a B&K 4420 for the bass with the kube those speakers were DYNAMIC. Both amps went in for service nearly every year due to my heavy throttle hand(i'm guessing), and after having the foam woofer surrounds replaced by butyl the speakers never failed. The blades are about 10x what the R105/3's were but are clearly a few rungs up the ladder.
I've never heard them but they seem to have a strong following. What do you like about them?

It's difficult for me to describe the sound/performance factors that has always drawn me to KEF. We used to refer to it as the "British" sound. Smooth, inviting, sound stage, imaging. I have never grown "tired" of listening to KEF speakers. The LS50 Metas are everything I have always loved about KEF and when enhanced with two of the KC62 subs they just work so well in my smallish room!
It's difficult for me to describe the sound/performance factors that has always drawn me to KEF. We used to refer to it as the "British" sound. Smooth, inviting, sound stage, imaging. I have never grown "tired" of listening to KEF speakers. The LS50 Metas are everything I have always loved about KEF and when enhanced with two of the KC62 subs they just work so well in my smallish room!

My first review for Positive Feedback was the KEF LS50 50th Anniversary speakers in 2013. I tried to express what I thought was special about these speakers. You can read the review here:

KEF LS50 loudspeakers