I call out Stealth Cables and Apology to Cable Deniers....

After watching most of the video I have no idea why you titled it what you did unless to get more people to click on it, the title is unrelated to the video. Hopefully others will watch as to not get the wrong idea. As for me I'd never apologize to cable deniers. I'm sure not all cables do what they claim but for those to mislead others based on nothing but suspicion is unforgiveable. All I can tell people is to try for yourself, once you know, you know. Let the deniers keep clanging.

Also, as a side note, we all like what we like but the Pass Int 250 has been a TAS editor choice of the year for about 3 straight years now, so time for you to let it go. There are people here who listened to both Lux and Pass and walked out with Pass. In my opinion it gives you no more clout to keep mentioning you didn't like it. Just the opposite.
After watching most of the video I have no idea why you titled it what you did unless to get more people to click on it, the title is unrelated to the video. Hopefully others will watch as to not get the wrong idea. As for me I'd never apologize to cable deniers. I'm sure not all cables do what they claim but for those to mislead others based on nothing but suspicion is unforgiveable. All I can tell people is to try for yourself, once you know, you know. Let the deniers keep clanging.

Also, as a side note, we all like what we like but the Pass Int 250 has been a TAS editor choice of the year for about 3 straight years now, so time for you to let it go. There are people here who listened to both Lux and Pass and walked out with Pass. In my opinion it gives you no more clout to keep mentioning you didn't like it. Just the opposite.

Hi - you must have missed the part of the video where I apologized.

Also, I didn't realize opinions had a shelf life before you expect people to let them go. Can you please let me know how long people are allowed to have opinions before you expect them to let them go?

I have over 1,000 new subscribers since the Pass video, so many of them didn't know about that vid or how I felt about it. It's not all about you. I used it as an example that I say what I think even if it's not popular and I take heat for it - much like from you for me having a different opinion than you. And the fact that others buy the Pass as you describe MUST mean I am wrong. I mean, they must know better than me what works in my system, right? LOL

As I clearly stated in the video it a fantastic amp, many people love that amp, but it didn't jell in my system and as I tell everyone I'm sure it was a system synergy issue. I didn't realize if TAS likes something, no one else is allowed to hold a different opinion as you suggest. Besides, who cares what anyone else thinks about something? I only care if I like a component. Not sure how I could have been more clear with my comments on the vid but you must have missed that part as well.

You clearly missed much in the video to come post this, But thanks for watching the vid! :).
You still titled it that way to get clicks and that was the point.
It's not your opinion, keep it as long as you live, it has become your shtick, I see it here and now in your videos, it's old, that's why I say let it go. And it that's all you have to show that you are a reviewer of your word, sad. Nice try to justify but you clearly missed my point. I own neither amp and have no preference. Since you felt compelled to let your 1,000 new subscribers know you didn't prefer the Pass I guess that's your way of saying you feel you need all your followers to know and you'll never stop using your listening session as an example in the case you should happen to gain more subscribers. Please, don't flatter yourself, there's no heat here regarding your "opinion" of amps, as I stated I have neither nor a preference. I really think you make too much of your choice in amps, that what it was a choice. You listened to two, one had to go, simple. You try to make that a badge of honor of some sort.

As far as watching the entire video, you and most YouTubers should learn to get to the point. I mean your build up lost me I was just interested in seeing what's up with the cable. As an example, maybe just mention your stuttering thing once opposed to the several times that you did.

Hi - you must have missed the part of the video where I apologized.

Also, I didn't realize opinions had a shelf life before you expect people to let them go. Can you please let me know how long people are allowed to have opinions before you expect them to let them go?

I have over 1,000 new subscribers since the Pass video, so many of them didn't know about that vid or how I felt about it. It's not all about you. I used it as an example that I say what I think even if it's not popular and I take heat for it - much like from you for me having a different opinion than you. And the fact that others buy the Pass as you describe MUST mean I am wrong. I mean, they must know better than me what works in my system, right? LOL

As I clearly stated in the video it a fantastic amp, many people love that amp, but it didn't jell in my system and as I tell everyone I'm sure it was a system synergy issue. I didn't realize if TAS likes something, no one else is allowed to hold a different opinion as you suggest. Besides, who cares what anyone else thinks about something? I only care if I like a component. Not sure how I could have been more clear with my comments on the vid but you must have missed that part as well.

You clearly missed much in the video to come post this, But thanks for watching the vid! :).
I have multiple sources and tried many cables, optical spdif, usb. The differences are subtile at maximum, or sometimes for me inaudible.

If someone is saying that when changing a usb cable it sounds like having other speakers then the cable is wrong. In that case its adds something that is not original.

A good cable does not make sound quality better, but it minimizes the loss in quality. This is not a unique cable, it is just a copper alloy with some shielding, like other brands also do and there is no way that can improve SQ.
It's not your opinion, keep it as long as you live, it has become your shtick, I see it here and now in your videos, it's old, that's why I say let it go. And it that's all you have to show that you are a reviewer of your word, sad. Nice try to justify but you clearly missed my point. I own neither amp and have no preference. Since you felt compelled to let your 1,000 new subscribers know you didn't prefer the Pass I guess that's your way of saying you feel you need all your followers to know and you'll never stop using your listening session as an example in the case you should happen to gain more subscribers. Please, don't flatter yourself, there's no heat here regarding your "opinion" of amps, as I stated I have neither nor a preference. I really think you make too much of your choice in amps, that what it was a choice. You listened to two, one had to go, simple. You try to make that a badge of honor of some sort.

As far as watching the entire video, you and most YouTubers should learn to get to the point. I mean your build up lost me I was just interested in seeing what's up with the cable. As an example, maybe just mention your stuttering thing once opposed to the several times that you did.

LOL. My schtick? You're nuts, man. Absolutely totally nuts. You need to relax - it's just a video. In fact based on your posts it may be better for you just to stop watching YouTube. LOL
When going from a stock printer type USB and inserting an Audio Quest Diamond the improvement was dramatic, not subtle. Saying whether the AQ improved the sound quality or the stock cable degraded is semantic, bottom line the sound quality was much better.

I have heard differences when comparing one quality cable to another but those are more subtle.

I have multiple sources and tried many cables, optical spdif, usb. The differences are subtile at maximum, or sometimes for me inaudible.

If someone is saying that when changing a usb cable it sounds like having other speakers then the cable is wrong. In that case its adds something that is not original.

A good cable does not make sound quality better, but it minimizes the loss in quality. This is not a unique cable, it is just a copper alloy with some shielding, like other brands also do and there is no way that can improve SQ.
I don’t say that there aren’t quality differences in cables oh no.

But what i am saying is that if someone posts that it is like having other speakers then the cables must have altered something, and in that case I look further for something else.
I don’t say that there aren’t quality differences in cables oh no.

But what i am saying is that if someone posts that it is like having other speakers then the cables must have altered something, and in that case I look further for something else.

You may want to educate yourself on what the adjustable collar on the Stealth does as I explained that in past videos. :). Especially with your demonstrable false statement of "This is not a unique cable, it is just a copper alloy".

Been awhile since I heard that old argument of "your other cable must be broken". Made me laugh.

You also state "The differences are subtile at maximum". That's typically the stance of someone with poor hearing, poor system set up, or just a mediocre system. I will give you guys credit thought, you continually put your foot in your mouth by trying to tell others what they can and can't hear regardless of reality.
I have found that major sonic benefits can come from what can be perceived as small changes.

For example my MSB DAC is very sensitive to the power source. It sounds good either way, but get it right and the difference is profound and yes it sounds like the speakers are performing far better.

Every system and situation is different and getting everything optimized turns good sound into amazing sound.
A call out to Stealth Cables and Apology to Cable Deniers everywhere:

I Call Out Stealth Audio. #hifi #audiophile #hifiaudio - YouTube


Unfortunately your video is pretty much indistinguishable from countless personal testaments to pseudoscience. (Which doesn't entail that the cable IS pseudoscience and doesn't alter the sound: only that you provide nothing beyond mere anecdote...and no particular technical plausibility...for your claims).

So, it will be only persuasive to folks who already believe the type of things you believe, for the same type of reasons.

Unfortunately your video is pretty much indistinguishable from countless personal testaments to pseudoscience. (Which doesn't entail that the cable IS pseudoscience and doesn't alter the sound: only that you provide nothing beyond mere anecdote...and no particular technical plausibility...for your claims).

So, it will be only persuasive to folks who already believe the type of things you believe, for the same type of reasons.

LOL. FYI most people here actually use their ears. But thanks for watching the vid. :). I love it when cable deniers watch videos on cables and torture themselves.
for the record Michael, they do on the other forums as well ! :D

Hey Dave - Definitely true. I've found (in a positive way) this forum seems to have a higher number of people who actually listen with their ears vs. the unhappy cable deniers that seem to rule the roost on other forums (though certainly not all forums).
LOL. I think your friend Amir is waiting to hang out. You are clearly on the wrong forum. People here actually use their ears. But thanks for watching the vid. :)

That's a tired, inaccurate cliche. Amir listens. So do I. So do most people on his forum.

In fact I have a hunch I have often tested my ears more stringently than you have in evaluating some gear. I've actually tested myself *only* using my ears, not my eyes, no peeking. (In other words, controlling for sighted bias). I'm not suggesting that you have to or should bother blind testing anything at all. I don't blind test everything and the hobby is fun either way. BUT....If you want to talk "using your ears" that's when the rubber hits the road, and you can't cheat by knowing what you are listening to. (It's not for nothing that if you really want to get an accurate picture of what you can hear, you go to an audiologist and it will be a blind test).

I also gave your site some other clicks, looking at a few videos. I appreciated for instance your tour of an audio store. It's always nice to have a virtual visit to those places (I enjoy audio stores, too bad there are so few now!). Though the amount of emphasis put on the cabling started to feel bizarre, almost obsessive, including the constant graphics pointing to "Stealth Cables." Did I miss something and you are a dealer for those cables? Or are you just a fan?

Another thing that stuck out was your video on Ignore Hi-Fi Reviewers. I certainly think you made some fair points about different hearing, different rooms etc. (Though I don't think those are in the end total obstacles to a subjective review being informative and useful).

However you made some common, dubious remarks about measurements. For instance:

"If someone tells me that measurements are going to tell them how something sounds, I think that's completely ridiculous."

That seems to translate to "I don't understand how measurements correlate to sound...so neither does anyone else."

It's hard to take another charitable inference especially when you follow up with...

"There is no way that the frequency response of a speaker is going to tell you about the tonality of a speaker..."

...which is very strange. Of course frequency response variations help decide the tonality of a speaker...as it does everything else!
How could it not? If a speaker is mostly flat but has a 4dB rise from 4K onward, it's going to indicate some added brightness, other things being equal, vs a speaker without that rise.

I work in pro sound, post production, and if I, or any of the mixers, had no idea of the sonic consequences of different frequency profiles, we would not be able to quickly and constructively use EQ to fix or modify the sound! It would just be random tiddling of knobs "hey, I wonder what this will do?" No...the sonic effects of various peaks and dips in frequency response are something you can learn, and are well known in mixing. Have a look:


There is no magic dividing line between predicting the sonic consequences of adjusting frequency response (heard through speakers!) vs the sonic consequences of different frequency profiles a speaker would impose on the sound. There *are* other things to consider, such as off axis frequency response, but that too is quite well studied. As Floyd Toole has cited from careful research, frequency response is a very powerful tool, and can also tell you if there are audible resonances etc in loudspeakers.

Now, you may not care about measurements...nobody has to care. But to project upon others that they can't predict some salient characteristics from measurements is a mistake. (And it can also be predicted from measurements what YOU will hear. For instance, with low enough distortion, it can be predicted you will not hear differences between A and B components...)

And you also said this:

"But don't try and correlate pure measurements with how something is purely going to sound."

Why in the world not? What do you think audio engineering is about? The history of audio, and it's advancement, is that of understand how sound works on a technical/scientific level, by correlating what can be engineered and measured to the sonic consequences. That's how it has progressed...not by shamanic rituals or inferences from dreams or feelings or whatever.

This is why, as I said, your video(s) have some of the character of pseudo-scientific (or perhaps even anti-scientific) thinking.

That's a tired, inaccurate cliche. Amir listens. So do I. So do most people on his forum.

In fact I have a hunch I have often tested my ears more stringently than you have in evaluating some gear. I've actually tested myself *only* using my ears, not my eyes, no peeking. (In other words, controlling for sighted bias). I'm not suggesting that you have to or should bother blind testing anything at all. I don't blind test everything and the hobby is fun either way. BUT....If you want to talk "using your ears" that's when the rubber hits the road, and you can't cheat by knowing what you are listening to. (It's not for nothing that if you really want to get an accurate picture of what you can hear, you go to an audiologist and it will be a blind test).

I also gave your site some other clicks, looking at a few videos. I appreciated for instance your tour of an audio store. It's always nice to have a virtual visit to those places (I enjoy audio stores, too bad there are so few now!). Though the amount of emphasis put on the cabling started to feel bizarre, almost obsessive, including the constant graphics pointing to "Stealth Cables." Did I miss something and you are a dealer for those cables? Or are you just a fan?

Another thing that stuck out was your video on Ignore Hi-Fi Reviewers. I certainly think you made some fair points about different hearing, different rooms etc. (Though I don't think those are in the end total obstacles to a subjective review being informative and useful).

However you made some common, dubious remarks about measurements. It's very common for technically naive audiophiles to project their own ignorance. For instance:

"If someone tells me that measurements are going to tell them how something sounds, I think that's completely ridiculous."

That seems to translate to "I don't understand how measurements correlate to sound...so neither does anyone else."

It's hard to take another charitable inference especially when you follow up with...

"There is no way that the frequency response of a speaker is going to tell you about the tonality of a speaker..."

...which is very strange. Of course frequency response variations help decide the tonality of a speaker...as it does everything else!
How could it not? If a speaker is mostly flat but has a 4dB rise from 4K onward, it's going to indicate some added brightness, other things being equal, vs a speaker without that rise.

I work in pro sound, post production, and if I, or any of the mixers, had no idea of the sonic consequences of different frequency profiles, we would not be able to quickly and constructively use EQ to fix or modify the sound! It would just be random tiddling of knobs "hey, I wonder what this will do?" No...the sonic effects of various peaks and dips in frequency response are something you can learn, and are well known in mixing. Have a look:


There is no magic dividing line between predicting the sonic consequences of adjusting frequency response (heard through speakers!) vs the sonic consequences of different frequency profiles a speaker would impose on the sound. There *are* other things to consider, such as off axis frequency response, but that too is quite well studied. As Floyd Toole has cited from careful research, frequency response is a very powerful tool, and can also tell you if there are audible resonances etc in loudspeakers.

Now, you may not care about measurements...nobody has to care. But to project upon others that they can't predict some salient characteristics from measurements is a mistake. (And it can also be predicted from measurements what YOU will hear. For instance, with low enough distortion, it can be predicted you will not hear differences between A and B components...)

And you also said this:

"But don't try and correlate pure measurements with how something is purely going to sound."

Why in the world not? What do you think audio engineering is about? The history of audio, and it's advancement, is that of understand how sound works on a technical/scientific level, by correlating what can be engineered and measured to the sonic consequences. That's how it has progressed...not by shamanic rituals or inferences from dreams or feelings or whatever.

This is why, as I said, your video(s) have some of the character of pseudo-scientific (or perhaps even anti-scientific) thinking.


Holy crap, did you really just waste 30 minutes of your life typing all that??? LOL.

Sure. What ever you say. I'm sure you're right even though I didn't bother to read it.

I have the best instruments in the world and the ONLY ones that matter - my own ears.

Excuse me while I go listen to music and not useless measurements.
Holy crap, did you really just waste 30 minutes of your life typing all that??? LOL.

Sure. What ever you say. I'm sure you're right even though I didn't bother to read it.

So you have a video channel, and someone actually watches some of your videos, and takes the time to write about what he sees as positives and negatives in what you said....and it's "LOL, Didn't Read."


I could have said "LOL, didn't watch" at the beginning of any of your vids, but I kept watching to make sure I was getting the gist of your views.

Personally, if I had a channel and someone watched my vids, taking the time to respond - pro and con - to some of what I said on the vid, I'd be interested and likely wish to interact with the critique. After all, that person felt the video was worth commenting on at some length. But, then, some have a "just looking for clicks on my vid" mentality that many people develop on youtube.

I have the best instruments in the world and the ONLY ones that matter - my own ears.

One might ask, if our senses were the "best instruments in the world..." why do we build instruments? (Hint: it was the limitations of our senses in scope and reliability, that compelled engineers and scientists to develop tools that could measure things we can't hear/see etc, and with more reliability).

Excuse me while I go listen to music and not useless measurements.

Tools are always useless to those who don't know how to use them. But, that's nothing new.
So you have a video channel, and someone actually watches some of your videos, and takes the time to write about what he sees as positives and negatives in what you said....and it's "LOL, Didn't Read."


I could have said "LOL, didn't watch" at the beginning of any of your vids, but I kept watching to make sure I was getting the gist of your views.

Personally, if I had a channel and someone watched my vids, taking the time to respond - pro and con - to some of what I said on the vid, I'd be interested and likely wish to interact with the critique. After all, that person felt the video was worth commenting on at some length. But, then, some have a "just looking for clicks on my vid" mentality that many people develop on youtube.

One might ask, if our senses were the "best instruments in the world..." why do we build instruments? (Hint: it was the limitations of our senses in scope and reliability, that compelled engineers and scientists to develop tools that could measure things we can't hear/see etc, and with more reliability).

Tools are always useless to those who don't know how to use them. But, that's nothing new.

You watched my vid and you posted:

"Unfortunately your video is pretty much indistinguishable from countless personal testaments to pseudoscience. (Which doesn't entail that the cable IS pseudoscience and doesn't alter the sound: only that you provide nothing beyond mere anecdote...and no particular technical plausibility...for your claims). So, it will be only persuasive to folks who already believe the type of things you believe, for the same type of reasons."

Then I know all about you I need to.

Frankly, I don't owe you anything just because you decide to share your deafness with us. I gave your comments the level of attention they deserve - not very much.




Systems of known cable deniers on Facebook. [emoji848]

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