High End Audio Dealers

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some incredible people in this business. The folks on this forum, may only represent 5% of customers I’ve worked with (yes, it’s about 5%), but for the most part, all have been excellent and very professional.

The challenge for most dealers are not the genuine members here, it’s the time wasters. The guy who asks you for 35 quotes because he changes his mind like the wind and then buys nothing. The calls that start out, “uhhh….what’s your best price on a Hegel 390?” Or those who are not genuine. They call and talk like they are genuine and sincere, waste lots of your time talking about the same nonsense, “oh, so you would say that the Pass is the most natural sounding of the two amps, but what about how it does with strings?” Meanwhile, you’re thinking, “we’ve had this same conversation 900 times.” Then he buys nothing. Ever.

Don’t call from Canada to a US dealer and expect they will sell you anything or waste time.

Don’t call a dealer if you’re just looking for the best price. Most today won’t play that game. Work with your local dealer or one you trust and pay them for their expertise and time. Remember, this is a journey, not a sprint and building a long term relationship with a dealer is key.

Dealers love to work with people as consultants, not clerks. We love calls like “I’m downsizing my system and thinking about going with an integrated. What do you recommend?” We can then engage about their room, speakers, budget, etc. Much better than picking up the phone and the guy says “yeah, what’s your best price on a Hegel 390?”

Don’t block your number and call a dealer. We won’t answer. We know what you’re doing.

I could write a novel on the time wasters (NONE HERE). We had one guy who called and said “I have an Emotiva amp and if I bring it to your store and one of your amps beats it, I will buy it.” So, he brought it, we put it up against the 2160 and him and his buddy couldn’t believe how the Boulder crushed the Emotiva. He then reneged on buying it and left with his tail between the legs. I lost an hour and a half.

If you spend time with a dealer and they recommend a particular product, don’t call them back 3 months later and tell them you bought it from someone else thinking that it’s a win because all dealers are on the same team right? No. We aren’t.

Be honest, if you’re not buying and just want to listen, THAT’S OK!!! JUST TELL US!! Come on in, let’s have a coffee, listen and talk about music. We love the hobby too! Then if I need to attend to something else, I can hand you the iPad and you can keep rocking.

Don’t borrow something unless you’re 100% sincere in purchasing it. Too many times, it’s been a bored person who just wants to play. We have banned two people from the store for doing just this over and over and over again. One was a young man in Orlando who kept borrowing stuff, so he could act like Mr. Big Shot on the Audiogon forums and he had no intent on buying anything. The other was a friend of a dear friend of mine (who has passed away), that acted like he knew everything about audio because he was a roadie in the 70’s for some band. He lives here in Sarasota, borrowed so much stuff from us, I lost track and then one day, borrows and MSB DAC from us and then tried to buy it from another dealer in Texas. That dealer called me and right then, he was banned. He lost the ability to borrow anything else in the future.

As the folks who live here locally will tell you, I will happily loan anything to any of our customers - as long as they sincerely are interested in trying and maybe buying something. I’m willing to accept the opportunity cost (not having that product on the floor while someone else is using it) - if they are sincere. GOOD NEWS: MOST ARE SINCERE! Even if they don’t buy it, as long as they were sincere in their actions, I’m ok with it!

I won’t give you the hard sell, because these are big ticket items. In return, I want people to just be honest, from “not buying, just looking” to “maybe next year” to “I’m ready to buy now, just need to decide on A vs B.” We can handle the truth! Don’t get a dealers hopes up, waste their time, waste their time doing 97 quotes and then buy nothing.

It would shock people to realize how busy we are during the day. We aren’t sitting around listening. We are returning calls, emails, following up on orders, talking to manufacturers, meeting with customers, doing installs, doing marketing, dealing with problems/product issues and so much more. So for us, time is a precious commodity. We love to invest it with folks, but just let us know what your intentions are, even if they are subject to change. [emoji6]

Once again, the folks I’ve met and worked with on this forum have, for the most part, been exceptionally great and I would consider most of those and others to be friends. I really believe that most of the folks on this forum are the good guys and not the tire kickers/time wasters.

In closing, I love what I’m doing now. After 22 years, I was burned out in Large Enterprise IT Projects. The industry had gone from Mainframes to Client/Server to the Y2K craze to system integration to BW/BI to the cloud. I was exhausted. B2B is not as much fun as B2C. I’m staying super busy and having fun at it. I still love the hobby and enjoy meeting people and hearing about their successes every day.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

Great post! It lets us get a peek into your business, Mike. I have no idea. I can’t imagine loaning a gear that I don’t intend to buy. The hassle of the returns, or worse, what if I forget. Yes, my wife says I’m very forgetful.
Back in the day there were more dealers around my area and it was very common for a few to loan out the various preowned pieces for home auditions. Preowned gear was a big part of their business and the resale value was stronger on Mark Levinson, Krell, Audio Research, etc. There was always something to play with on the weekends and an occasional purchase as well of course.
Please do not go down the political road again. Really, this type of thread and you start moving it into politics... really?

Relax, you sound like you are about to have a coronary. There was nothing political about a post of baby boomers acquiring wealth through a strong market. It’s a fact and good for all that gained. More money to spend on hobbies in retirement
...Be honest, if you’re not buying and just want to listen, THAT’S OK!!! JUST TELL US!! Come on in, let’s have a coffee, listen and talk about music. We love the hobby too! Then if I need to attend to something else, I can hand you the iPad and you can keep rocking...

Great post! this comment in particular would save a lot of awkwardness and potential resentment/bad vibes. When I first met a new dealer that opened two blocks from my office I made it clear on the first visit I wasn't a going to be his best customer. I let him know I loved the hobby and esp vinyl, we became fast friends from that point onward. I'm always welcome to sit and hear new set-ups and there's never an expectation he owes me his precious time; just do the decent thing and leave your listening session when his appointments do show up. In exchange I purchase as much new vinyl from him as I can and make every effort to do so.
Relax, you sound like you are about to have a coronary. There was nothing political about a post of baby boomers acquiring wealth through a strong market. It’s a fact and good for all that gained. More money to spend on hobbies in retirement

Have you moved back to the mother land?
High End Audio is a very niche market.

Why are you preaching to the choir Serge? You used to be a very cool guy that was prevalent with the times. What's changed???
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some incredible people in this business. The folks on this forum, may only represent 5% of customers I’ve worked with (yes, it’s about 5%), but for the most part, all have been excellent and very professional.

The challenge for most dealers are not the genuine members here, it’s the time wasters. The guy who asks you for 35 quotes because he changes his mind like the wind and then buys nothing. The calls that start out, “uhhh….what’s your best price on a Hegel 390?” Or those who are not genuine. They call and talk like they are genuine and sincere, waste lots of your time talking about the same nonsense, “oh, so you would say that the Pass is the most natural sounding of the two amps, but what about how it does with strings?” Meanwhile, you’re thinking, “we’ve had this same conversation 900 times.” Then he buys nothing. Ever.

Don’t call from Canada to a US dealer and expect they will sell you anything or waste time.

Don’t call a dealer if you’re just looking for the best price. Most today won’t play that game. Work with your local dealer or one you trust and pay them for their expertise and time. Remember, this is a journey, not a sprint and building a long term relationship with a dealer is key.

Dealers love to work with people as consultants, not clerks. We love calls like “I’m downsizing my system and thinking about going with an integrated. What do you recommend?” We can then engage about their room, speakers, budget, etc. Much better than picking up the phone and the guy says “yeah, what’s your best price on a Hegel 390?”

Don’t block your number and call a dealer. We won’t answer. We know what you’re doing.

I could write a novel on the time wasters (NONE HERE). We had one guy who called and said “I have an Emotiva amp and if I bring it to your store and one of your amps beats it, I will buy it.” So, he brought it, we put it up against the 2160 and him and his buddy couldn’t believe how the Boulder crushed the Emotiva. He then reneged on buying it and left with his tail between the legs. I lost an hour and a half.

If you spend time with a dealer and they recommend a particular product, don’t call them back 3 months later and tell them you bought it from someone else thinking that it’s a win because all dealers are on the same team right? No. We aren’t.

Be honest, if you’re not buying and just want to listen, THAT’S OK!!! JUST TELL US!! Come on in, let’s have a coffee, listen and talk about music. We love the hobby too! Then if I need to attend to something else, I can hand you the iPad and you can keep rocking.

Don’t borrow something unless you’re 100% sincere in purchasing it. Too many times, it’s been a bored person who just wants to play. We have banned two people from the store for doing just this over and over and over again. One was a young man in Orlando who kept borrowing stuff, so he could act like Mr. Big Shot on the Audiogon forums and he had no intent on buying anything. The other was a friend of a dear friend of mine (who has passed away), that acted like he knew everything about audio because he was a roadie in the 70’s for some band. He lives here in Sarasota, borrowed so much stuff from us, I lost track and then one day, borrows and MSB DAC from us and then tried to buy it from another dealer in Texas. That dealer called me and right then, he was banned. He lost the ability to borrow anything else in the future.

As the folks who live here locally will tell you, I will happily loan anything to any of our customers - as long as they sincerely are interested in trying and maybe buying something. I’m willing to accept the opportunity cost (not having that product on the floor while someone else is using it) - if they are sincere. GOOD NEWS: MOST ARE SINCERE! Even if they don’t buy it, as long as they were sincere in their actions, I’m ok with it!

I won’t give you the hard sell, because these are big ticket items. In return, I want people to just be honest, from “not buying, just looking” to “maybe next year” to “I’m ready to buy now, just need to decide on A vs B.” We can handle the truth! Don’t get a dealers hopes up, waste their time, waste their time doing 97 quotes and then buy nothing.

It would shock people to realize how busy we are during the day. We aren’t sitting around listening. We are returning calls, emails, following up on orders, talking to manufacturers, meeting with customers, doing installs, doing marketing, dealing with problems/product issues and so much more. So for us, time is a precious commodity. We love to invest it with folks, but just let us know what your intentions are, even if they are subject to change. [emoji6]

Once again, the folks I’ve met and worked with on this forum have, for the most part, been exceptionally great and I would consider most of those and others to be friends. I really believe that most of the folks on this forum are the good guys and not the tire kickers/time wasters.

In closing, I love what I’m doing now. After 22 years, I was burned out in Large Enterprise IT Projects. The industry had gone from Mainframes to Client/Server to the Y2K craze to system integration to BW/BI to the cloud. I was exhausted. B2B is not as much fun as B2C. I’m staying super busy and having fun at it. I still love the hobby and enjoy meeting people and hearing about their successes every day.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

Thank-you Mike. Not often someone delivers a rant in such a thoughtful insight with intelligence...
Well said Mike. Your write up provides great insights on the life of audio retailing. Wish you many years of continued success.
Have you moved back to the mother land?

Nope, the motherland never left me. I grew up around people that had integrity, solidarity as well as a healthy amount of respect for each other. Complainers and whinners were not tolerated from early childhood. Not sure what satisfaction one derives from complaining about posts that have nothing to do with themselves at all just to get satisfaction of whining to whomever is moderating and with virtually zero posts of value to contribute themselves. But I get it, it is the norm for many these days, people don't have the wits or the courage to offer a valid counterpoint, because complaining accomplishes everything they can ever possibly aspire to from the comfort of their keyboard.
High End Audio is a very niche market.

Why are you preaching to the choir Serge? You used to be a very cool guy that was prevalent with the times. What's changed???

Buddha once said, "I am not what you think I am", "You are what you think I am". Think about it. Nothing changed on my end.

Audio always was and always will be a niche market. That statement has not changed its meaning over the years but you found a new meaning in the fact it came from me and somehow took it upon yourself to scold me for it? Why? What makes you entitled to do so?
What a hypocrite.

Don't hide behind a one word statement thrown from the comfort of your keyboard. Learn to build effective sentences if you want to converse as a responsible adult not afraid to express himself. Just be ready to have to eat your words when you encounter an opponent that eats guys like you for breakfast. It that is too much for you to handle, refrain from doing so and take some character and courage building classes.

You have contributed ZERO value to this thread so far.
What kind of people write like that on an audio forum? You need help, man.

I am doing great. How about you? Do you have anything of value to add to this thread or are you just taking cheap poke shots from your keyboard of glory?
Don't hide behind a one word statement thrown from the comfort of your keyboard. Learn to build effective sentences if you want to converse as a responsible adult not afraid to express himself. Just be ready to have to eat your words when you encounter an opponent that eats guys like you for breakfast. It that is too much for you to handle, refrain from doing so and take some character and courage building classes.

You have contributed ZERO value to this thread so far.

This is your last warning. If you can't behave like an adult and treat people with respect you will be going away.
This is your last warning. If you can't behave like an adult and treat people with respect you will be going away.

Do what you gotta do then. Notice I have not insulted or attacked anyone at any point. Appease your complainers, keep the peace. Let them fill your forum with quality posts full of inspiration. But remember, the cancel culture needs to be fed on a regular schedule.
Do what you gotta do then. Notice I have not insulted or attacked anyone at any point. Appease your complainers, keep the peace. Let them fill your forum with quality posts full of inspiration. But remember, the cancel culture needs to be fed on a regular schedule.

Rest assured you have insulted quite a few people with your statements and opinions, you have also suggestively threatened me twice. This response is not an invitation for you to continue.