Choosing my Streamer/DAC


Apr 19, 2018
Las Vegas
I live in a desert, both figuratively and literally; there is only one high-end audio dealer within 200+ miles of my home, and that local dealer carries McIntosh and Aurender only. Since neither of those line enamored me, I had to make my purchase decision of a streamer/DAC based on "the written word" -- lots of it.

Over time, I reduced my universe of possible purchases to three: Auralic Vega G1; Cary DMS-600; and Lumin T2. To enable me to finalize my decision, I first studied the descriptions of these streamer/DACs on their respective websites, and then I read every review of each I could find. Thanks to Google Translate, everything which I could discover was readable in English. Next, I read every posting about these units on AudioShark, Audiogon, and AVS Forum as well as smaller sites, including highly technical ones. Finally, I called dealers that carried at least two of the three streamer/DACs, seeking their impressions of the strengths and weaknesses of those units.

Through this process, I became increasingly aware of how vital reviews in audiophile magazines, blogs and on YouTube as well as forum posts are to people not fortunate enough to live in very large metropolitan areas. Given that we often are forced to make pricey decisions based upon the opinions of others, the more of those [credible] opinions we can obtain, the easier that decision-making becomes.

So as not to keep all of you in further suspense, let me disclose that I finally purchased the Lumin T2. In my case, price was not a major consideration. From all I could gather, the Lumin provided its owner with a listening experience slightly superior to the others. The sense I got was that this accomplishment was due to two factors: really good engineering/components and product focus, by which I mean is that the Lumin eschewed WiFi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities, switchable digital filters, multiple inputs (in order to function as a quasi-preamp) and the like. The Lumin does only one thing -- it captures a digital audio stream from the Internet or an attached storage device, decodes it and outputs the result as a highly accurate analog audio stream. In the end, that is all I really needed or wanted, namely a single purpose streamer with integrated DAC that works as well as one can reasonably expect at that price point.

I hope I'll be happy with my decision once the Lumin T2 has been the newest member of my audio system for a few weeks. Regardless, I'll follow up this initial posting with my actual impressions of the unit.
Lumin are on top of their game, congrats on a good component.
Jonathan - congrats on an excellent choice. The T2 is a terrific streamer from Lumin - an excellent company who’s passionate about great products and great service.
Congratulations Jonathan, Lumin is rock solid and sounds awesome. Give it some play time to break in and enjoy.
I vowed that the last component I'd let go was my Aurender N10 but I sold it and bought a Lumin X1. I have only two complaints. I wish it had external controls like the N10 so I'm not tied to the App and the second is that the App is really good but needs to provide more contrast for old eyes. I also think the App isn't as intuitive as either the Aurender or the App from Naim for their streamers.
It's the best sounding digital source I've ever had.
I've been thinking of getting a new streamer as well, but don't need the DAC as I've just ordered an Audio Note 2.1X. It has spdif and aes inputs, but no usb, so i'm wondering if there is a streamer that outputs in those formats, and has the same basic "goodness" as the T2. If I need to start a new thread, just let me know. Thanks,
I've been thinking of getting a new streamer as well, but don't need the DAC as I've just ordered an Audio Note 2.1X. It has spdif and aes inputs, but no usb, so i'm wondering if there is a streamer that outputs in those formats, and has the same basic "goodness" as the T2. If I need to start a new thread, just let me know. Thanks,

Lumin U1 might fit your need.
I've been thinking of getting a new streamer as well, but don't need the DAC as I've just ordered an Audio Note 2.1X. It has spdif and aes inputs, but no usb, so i'm wondering if there is a streamer that outputs in those formats, and has the same basic "goodness" as the T2. If I need to start a new thread, just let me know. Thanks,

Both the Lumin U1 and U1 MINI offer AES and SPDIF outputs.
Thanks for the info on the U1 and U1 Mini. Do either/both of these offer similar functionality to the T2, except DAC, of course.
For AES connection to the Audio Note 2.1X, both U1 and U1 MINI are functionally equivalent with similar streaming capability as T2 but without analog outputs. Both are better than T2 for this DAC because T2 does not have AES output.