Burn in

means i liked peabodys statement a lot. burn in is a real thing, not only in audio.

Oh I agree when it comes to sun and cooking a good steak ! Enlighten me on what 'burns in' with respect your audio gear

the way to burn,....if you only listen 15 min a day, it will take a lot of time.

I suppose but nobody that seriously enjoys music only listens at 15 min at a time ! Now when I sear a nice steak (1 1/2-1 3/4" NY strip) it's 5min on one side, 4 on the other, perfect Pittsburgh Med Rare ! :D
i like the size of your steaks! but 5 minutes?? and why "only" 4 min the other side? do you think the heat went through and you need less?
i put mine in the oven for 4 hours at 30 deg celsius to get the core tempered and then 3 min each side.

there is a lot of information in the web about burn in if you are willing to search. well, lol, you will find a lot of friends as well who dont belive about. do you belive in burn in for motors? batteries?
Guys, guys....we all know the REAL question is whether you cook you steaks North to South or East to West. ;)
i like the size of your steaks! but 5 minutes?? and why "only" 4 min the other side? do you think the heat went through and you need less?
i put mine in the oven for 4 hours at 30 deg celsius to get the core tempered and then 3 min each side.

first off I grill my steaks, the secret is....'know your grill' ! So for the thickness I stated (anything less and you're not a steak person) my timing yields what I stated. Now my son for Christmas Eve goes the extra mile and does prime, dry aged NY Strips 'Sous Vide' and finishes them off on his Weber kettle grill that has a temp a blacksmith would be proud of for a minute a side for a perfect sear.

there is a lot of information in the web about burn in if you are willing to search. well, lol, you will find a lot of friends as well who dont belive about.

As someone who has been around this 'hobby' for over fifty years I've seen and heard quite a bit. One thing I know is the mind can fool you and those that refuse to believe that are just that, fools ! Listen...... burn in, break in, run in, whatever you want to call it, can and does have application in certain scenarios but just like the 'wire debate' with regards to mega $$ spending, mega hour break-in is a 'fools gold' fantasy !

do you belive in burn in for motors? batteries?

for my electric razor ? no, but tell me more, I'm all ears !! :popcorn:
Our thoughts can create reality. If you believe that electronics will sound better after break in then you will experience this as fact. If you don’t you won’t.

Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist but I play one on TV. :)
Our thoughts can create reality. If you believe that electronics will sound better after break in then you will experience this as fact. If you don’t you won’t.

Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist but I play one on TV. :)

I respect your differing opinion. Thanks for posting!
I have no opinion on the audibility of break in because it is an individual personal experience.
I just noted that if you believe in it it will be true, if you don’t it won’t.
Lots of background on this phenomenon. Here’s one example:

How Your Thinking Creates Your Reality | Psychology Today

<putting on philosophical hat and not an argumentative one> But what happens when someone like myself DIDN'T believe in it and then experience showed me otherwise. And how can we explain me hearing no change until 275 hours (where as on other gear it happens at different times) and then my wife who doesn't care about anything audio, and whom I gave no heads up on burn in also commented?

Again - just a philosophical post not argumentative one. I wish every day in my mind my car was a Ferrari but it has yet to happen. ;)
I find the subject of cognitive science fascinating. We really do know a lot about how the brain works. We may not like the answers and that’s ok. Audio is a rich environment in which to observe how these strong belief systems play out. Throw in a little anonymity and things get pretty interesting.
<putting on philosophical hat and not an argumentative one> But what happens when someone like myself DIDN'T believe in it and then experience showed me otherwise. And how can we explain me hearing no change until 275 hours (where as on other gear it happens at different times) and then my wife who doesn't care about anything audio, and whom I gave no heads up on burn in also commented?

Again - just a philosophical post not argumentative one. I wish every day in my mind my car was a Ferrari but it has yet to happen. ;)

It’s your personal experience so totally valid. That your wife corroborated your experience will strengthen it. What cognitive science says is that by having this experience it in the past it is highly likely you will experience it in the future.
Michael are you sure it wasn't at hour 274 ?? :yahoo1:

On a serious note and to answer your question, Toms link to the article is but one resource to show the power of 'thinking your way to the reality of a change'. You're pre-disposed to think , that a 'burn in' will yield the 'ahh moment', so @ hour 275 your brain said, 'ok let's get this over with, bingo' !

Hey, at the end of the day it's all good as I've said before. This debate will never be settled in a forum discussion so I'm off to put some Neatsfoot oil on my grandsons baseball glove to help it break-in ! I know that's for real !! :peace: