Any Siltech Fans?

Michaels HiFi

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
Just received an 880 Ethernet cable and USB cable for the system.

Ethernet is burning is and USB will burn in when I receive my Aqua La Scala DAC from Mike!

Siltech was my cables when I had a Conrad Johnson set up. I only had the New Yorker MXT Pro series but I felt they performed very well. An interesting experience, I began with the interconnects then I wanted the speaker cables, the dealer gave me a good deal on a higher level Siltech but that series did not work well in my system, very good mids/highs but not much bass. I returned them and opted for the same NY as the interconnects and things were good. I loved how you could screw/unscrew the ends to switch from spade to banana. I wonder if they still do that?

I still have them around and using the interconnects in another system.
Siltech was my cables when I had a Conrad Johnson set up. I only had the New Yorker MXT Pro series but I felt they performed very well. An interesting experience, I began with the interconnects then I wanted the speaker cables, the dealer gave me a good deal on a higher level Siltech but that series did not work well in my system, very good mids/highs but not much bass. I returned them and opted for the same NY as the interconnects and things were good. I loved how you could screw/unscrew the ends to switch from spade to banana. I wonder if they still do that?

I still have them around and using the interconnects in another system.

I'm not sure if they still offer that. Sounds like a nice feature.

The Ethernet cable is burning in along with the Shunyata I ordered from Mike so wlll do some listening this weekend hopefully. I'm also borrowing a couple of other Ethernet cables to try before buying from some friends.
I compared the Shunyata Sigma to the Siltech 880 and Wireworld platinum

The Sigma still resides in the last ( maybe most important) spot of the chain, the Wireworld Platinum is feeding my office system and the Siltech sold.

The reality on my system is I can hear a difference between the cables but there differences are nuanced for sure. I found the WW Platinum just slightly tipped up for my main rig and the Siltech just slightly the other way … The Shunyata Sigma was just a little more “open”… easy to listen to.

Exactly why you have to listen to these things to hit your preferences on your gear… I’d never say that one was better than the other .

All the rest of the ethernet cables on the main rig are AQ Diamond .

Edit: the Siltech was sold to a good friend who uses it between a Metrum Streamer and the Aqua La Scala dac. It sounds great there for sure and he isn’t likely to hunt for better/different .
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I compared the Shunyata Sigma to the Siltech 880 and Wireworld platinum

The Sigma still resides in the last ( maybe most important) spot of the chain, the Wireworld Platinum is feeding my office system and the Siltech sold.

The reality on my system is I can hear a difference between the cables but there differences are nuanced for sure. I found the WW Platinum just slightly tipped up for my main rig and the Siltech just slightly the other way … The Shunyata Sigma was just a little more “open”… easy to listen to.

Exactly why you have to listen to these things to hit your preferences on your gear… I’d never say that one was better than the other .

All the rest of the ethernet cables on the main rig are AQ Diamond .

I 100% agree with you that there are no blanket statements on what is "better" or "best" and it is totally gear and personal preference dependent.

I have my better Ethernet cables going from my high end switch to in/out of the GigaFoil and then into the Rose. That last step from the GF to the Rose is the most important, but it is also affected by the cable from the switch to the GF.

I've tried WW, Shunyata's (up to Alpha) and others. Up till now I felt the WW was the winner. But I tried the Siltech today and IMO it is the most "right" cable to my ears I've put in my sustem. I am really, really, really impressed with it as it sounds less digital than the other ones.

So I'm going to run a WW from my switch to my GF and the Siltech from the GF to the Rose for now as I test the other 3 or 4 Ethernet cables I have coming in.

I also just received a couple of new magic boxes to try in my Ethernet / streaming audio vids that I'm really excited to see how they may affect the sound. I really want to try them tomorrow but they'll only have 50 hours burn in on them at that point so it's probably not worth the hassle of hooking up and stuff until at least 100 hours.
You have had a lot going on over there recently , its my experience that this is the exact time to be trying some things as your “radar” is on… so to speak.

The Wire World platinum is a great cable and fits into my office rig nicely on the last leg to my Lyngdorf TDI3400 . The combo between the Lyngdorf and the Unison MiniMax stand mounts is on the dark side of neutral and the slight “tip up” from the WW ethernet cable tidys that up nicely .

We will likely get flamed though… remember, we can’t actually here the differences …. Sigh
You have had a lot going on over there recently , its my experience that this is the exact time to be trying some things as your “radar” is on… so to speak.

The Wire World platinum is a great cable and fits into my office rig nicely on the last leg to my Lyngdorf TDI3400 . The combo between the Lyngdorf and the Unison MiniMax stand mounts is on the dark side of neutral and the slight “tip up” from the WW ethernet cable tidys that up nicely .

We will likely get flamed though… remember, we can’t actually here the differences …. Sigh

I do love experimenting!

The deniers are certainly entertaining. I keep asking them when they swoop in with their anger and name calling if they have ever actually tried for themselves and/or what is their system and to this day not a single person will answer that question. I had one guy tell me last week how dare I "scam" people into buying "expensive audiophile switches". I responded it's obvious he didn't watch the videos and if he did and he felt the winning $30 switch was too expensive for his system that he seriously needs to consider finding a new hobby.