Am I Being Censored on Another Audio Forum Site?

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It's a fake audio site, a malpractice audio business. The prices are fudged, the membership number is fudged. He's selling toilet paper for 100 times the real cost! He's a classic Ferrari crook.
How the hell a company like McIntosh lend its name there!
That doesn't help them in my honest opinion, just the exact opposite.

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I don’t think McIntosh or Esoteric do anymore. Not sure though?

Wonder if he regrets making a fuss over a stupid record cleaning machine now?

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Many manufacturers list their authorized dealers on the web. I suggest comparing the brands of
Legend Audio & Video, which from what I understand was founded by the founder of AA, to the manufacturer’s authorized dealer list. In some cases, one might be surprised by what they don’t find.
The sponsors they are encouraging this crook too ...
Esoteric, Bryston, Shunyata, etc.

They should know better.

Is this really Bob?? I haven’t seen this side of Bob before. Your posts usually sound like a combination of someone on ecstasy who also hugs trees.
Some very ugly and dishonest behaviors shared on this thread - thanks for the transparency everyone. I would suggest we just move on and focus on some of the good stuff in our music and audio hobby.
Is this really Bob?? I haven’t seen this side of Bob before. Your posts usually sound like a combination of someone on ecstasy who also hugs trees.

Is this Mark?? You haven't change one bit...the same same same same same old broken tune like a stuck needle in a dirty groove of a 78rpm album. Try a different speed and see if it get unstuck.
Is this Mark?? You haven't change one bit...the same same same same same old broken tune like a stuck needle in a dirty groove of a 78rpm album. Try a different speed and see if it get unstuck.

I’m now convinced this isn’t Bob.
I think this thread has run its course. Time to shut it down.

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