Thank you

Mike-As we watch another audio forum we both know well implode, everyone needs to be thankful that AS is a completely different type of forum. Mike doesn't allow blowhard know-it-alls to come on his forum and try and take it over. People touting gear they have never heard and guaranteeing the sound they never heard will beat systems that they never heard either that cost 3x more than the other system they are touting that they have never heard. And I'm not kidding one bit. That is the kind of nonsense that goes on in some other forums. Mix that in with a bunch of people who basically don't like each other and have no problem telling people they have seen their mother on Main Street with a mattress strapped to her back and you get the idea.

Thankfully, Mike runs a clean forum where people just generally get along better and behave. There is much to be said for that.
The example stated above is unbelievable but true - that site has become the equivalent of a fatal roadside crash that you can't even begin to comprehend!
Mark/Bill - yes, my inbox has been filling up with people sending me links to that place. I've been taking a look over there the past couple of days to see what was up and I'm shocked to say the least. I think your post Mark sums it up nicely.

Anyway, we haven't been without our share of challenges over the years either, but with the help of my wonderful moderators and great members, we've kept things on the straight and narrow for the most part. We just won't remind anyone about the, uhmm...shall we say, strong discussions (including mine) with our good friends at Lampizator :) Hate to say it, but they were right about the Lampizator, I just can't tell them that, so shhhh...
Like an old friend it is great to wander by AS and see old friends briefly who provide biased and unbiased opinions at almost anytime. Info comes free of charge and is based on passion not $$$$.
All thanks to Mike and his great Moderators and members.
thnx very much,
Agree with everyone else, this is a great forum enjoy my time here reading learning and listening to music
a big plus at the end of the day. I have learned alot in the past few years. thanks Mike, Joe and Mark
Mike your site has had very few problems compared to others I hope that we all keep it that way.
I have to agree with all posts so far. I also like the fact that the measurement trolls haven't arrived and start challenging people to take their moronic tests to prove our hearing is delusional and we are easily fooled.
Thanks to all for sharing all your knowledge!

... this in my opinion is what it's all about, sharing. With the sharing comes camaraderie & familiarity that morphs into an extended family & all of that family has their own angle on the sound & the looks of a certain component etc. If someone doesn't like the look of something, thats their prerogative, at least we are above kicking the shite out of them for it. I am proud to say I am a member of this site & value my time here, thanks to all & every one of you.
I do not post much but this is the forum I visit everyday. Glad to have found this site and very grateful of all the knowledge and civility here.