Participate or your for sale ads will be deleted


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
This is a friendly reminder that those who solely use Audioshark to post for sale ads and never participate will see their ads promptly deleted. This is a forum for participating members and as such, there is an opportunity to sell your gear to other trusted members. Those who simply log in to sell something will find their ads gone in a flash. Participate or see your ads parish.

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So if I just post, but never sell anything, will you put my gear up for sale.

Just being a smart a$$. :)

I think that is a good policy. Another forum requires 100 posts before you can sell anything, so you see new posters going “I agree” 100 times.
I think that is a good policy. Another forum requires 100 posts before you can sell anything, so you see new posters going “I agree” 100 times.

Some forums require you to become "subscribers" to the tune of $25.00 just for the privileged. Its not asking to much of members to contribute and participate a little.
Somebody from across the pond just joined AS and quickly posted a FS ad. It will be interesting to see if he ever really participates in the forum.