Just some additional info, not sure if this is tied into the problems folks above have been having or not, but I'm having probems getting the AS web site to load.
Specifics: I can get in if I use Apple’s Safari on the wifi network* from my home's ATT U-verse’s Pace router, but I cannot get the AS site landing page to load when:
1) I try to log in or, once logged in, getting a post to "load" with the Express VPN desktop app up and running on my Mac while connecting on the ATT U-Verse network.
2) Using my much more secure Aircove router (also from Express VPN)
3) If I try to log in with the Brave app on either network, I cannot get in at all.
4) Also, when I try to use the Brave web browser, it gives me a “warning” that the AS site may not be “secure”.
Not sure if this is related to the network-based failure modes other folks have been encountering when trying to link to photos, but it may be, just providing this info for reference.