Remove tweeter grilles?

Heavy G

New member
Feb 18, 2017
I have heard from a few people and from reading other forum posts that removing the tweeter grilles on the Sopra series improves the sound. I don't know what's involved in removing them. Has anyone tried this and what were your impressions?
I have done this and it seemed better at first, especially when they were new and breaking in. I eventually went back to using the grill. The high frequencies are more direct.

Focal has been pretty open about how they voiced the speakers using beryllium tweeters with the tweeter grills installed. So while they will certainly sound different with the grill off, it wasn't the design intent. Removing the fabric grills from the mids and woofers is good, and generally encouraged.

It's probably a small risk, but remember that Be is a toxic metal, so if you have younger ones in the house that might touch or poke, it's definitely safest to leave the grille on.

Full disclosure: I'm quite happy with the metal tweeter grilles installed on both my Kantas and Sopras.