New Focal Sopra No. 2 Review

His reviews are entertaining and sometimes insightful although every new review appears to be a rave and the new product being reviewed is better than the previous product owned/ reviewed.
His reviews are entertaining and sometimes insightful although every new review appears to be a rave and the new product being reviewed is better than the previous product owned/ reviewed.

Exactly!! the Devialet was the best thing now it's Mcintosh...previously it was Sonus Faber....;-)
Exactly!! the Devialet was the best thing now it's Mcintosh...previously it was Sonus Faber....;-)

True! Don't forget Line Magnetic and others. Was Tannoy in there? I forget. Maybe he should stick to cameras? Welcome to AS seeseerider.
I do. I think it sounds like a $35,000 speaker. Easy to drive and musical!

The Sopra 3 is a monster!

I think Sopra 2 is definitely the sweet spot in the line. Specs between 2 and 3 are so close.
Has anybody had experience comparing Sopra 2 to Wilson Sophia 3? If so, how would you describe differences in sound, not specs or technical aspects please?