Fiae 2024

It's confirmed that like all of the other years attended, it will be me, all three of my brothers and my other half once again. Looking forward to it!
Audio Group Denmark @ Florida International Audio Expo


Audio Group Denmark (AGD), the umbrella company for four audio brands, Ansuz, Aavik, Børresen and Axxess will be exhibiting at the upcoming Florida International Audio Expo in Tampa, FL.

AGD in partnership with Next Level Hi Fi of Chicago has three (3) rooms at the show; CYPRUS, a large ballroom located on the 2nd floor, close to the lobby check in and two rooms on the 6th floor, namely Room 615 and 616.

ROOM 615 – New Product Launch of Borresen X1 speaker

See Borresen’s latest loudspeaker, the stand mount X1 (US$5.5k).

The Borresen X1 will be paired with an Axxess Forté 1 integrated amp/DAC/streamer, an Ansuz X-TC3 PowerSwitch, an Ansuz X-TC3 Mainz8 distributor and complete set of X2 level cables.

The complete system retails for around US$20k

ROOM 616

See Borresen’s new X2 loudspeaker. An intro level floor-standing speaker (US$8.8k).

The Borresen X2 will be paired with an Axxess Forté 3 integrated amp/DAC/streamer, an Ansuz A3 Powerswitch, an Ansuz A3 Mainz8 distributor and A2 level cables.


See Borresen’s M3 loudspeaker (US$ 280k).

The Borresen M3 will be paired with top-of-the-line Aavik electronics, the C-880 control amp, P-880 power amplifiers, the new SD-880 DAC and D-TC signature Mainz8 distributor, Powerbox and Power Switch and cabled with D-TC signature level cables.
A few hours yesterday to get the lay of the land. I feel the show is better this year than past years in terms of diversity of rooms, and the thought I see going into most (some, you just sort of have to wonder though…).

I heard some really amazing sounding systems, and saw some equipment I’d never heard of that I really liked.

Have to say, Mike’s room really takes the cake imo. Holy cow, that was some impressive equipment, thoughtfully installed, and wow, what sound. So often it’s said the goal is sounding like a live performance. In all these years I’ve yet to hear a system - homes, shows, demos - that actually achieves anything near that. Mike’s room was the first time I thought if I closed my eyes I could imagine being at a concert.

That said, there are many really excellent sounding setups, and the vendors all seem somehow more engaged this year.

It was nice to see the Denmark guys back, their enthusiasm is always a bit catching. Met the guys from Woo down from NY and wow do they have some nice headphone amps. In a really interesting turn I met the managing director of Amphion, here all the way from Finland! I’ve had their speakers a few times and recognized his name from his badge, and showed him an email exchange we had almost 10 years ago! He was a super nice guy back then, and a super nice guy to meet in person. And of course, there was Jay, holding center court with his literally larger than life self.
Curious for impressions if anyone gets to check out Amphion speakers, particularly their top Krypton model. They're listed as being in room 1006 which is a Playback Distribution exhibit. TIA for your time.
Curious for impressions if anyone gets to check out Amphion speakers, particularly their top Krypton model. They're listed as being in room 1006 which is a Playback Distribution exhibit. TIA for your time.

Amphion makes really high quality speakers. Their experience in pro / mixing shows in the utter neutrality of their home audio line-up. Built like a tank, with a Scandinavian design bent, and impactful, neutral sound without feeling analytical. I feel their speakers are the closest I’ve experienced to adding no color, while preserving what I feel like was actually in the recording. Also really helpful, pleasant people to deal with. I miss my Argon 3s and if I were to go back to a bookshelf these would be high on the list.
Don’t think I’m going today, between the rain and cold and having to park at the mall.