Meitner MA-1 firmware update.


Apr 5, 2013
New firmware due out around "end of May".

'don't have a clue what it's supposed to do however. :huh:
I have sent email to meitner and no reply......maybe the update canceled.
I have email to Meitner and they are no reply, maybe the update canceled.:(
New firmware and USB drivers have been released for MA-1 and DAC2X.

The info is not on their web site (at least it wasn't last I looked) it appears they prefer asking your dealer for the info, or contacting Meitner direct.
My dealer confirmed firmware for the MA-1 (meitner DAC) and DAC2x is ready for download and that the XDS1 V2 and MA-2 updates will be ready 'soon'.
As some of you know EMM Labs/Meitner has just released a MAJOR Firmware Upgrade for the DAC2x and MA-1.

I have the MA-1 and here is my impressions on the differences in the sonics after the upgrade.


OK, So far I hear HUGE dynamics with more lifelike harmonics, better imaging, separation of instruments, with a bigger sound-stage, cleaner-less noise, not that it was noisy before, better spacial cues. Better leading and trailing edge. Highs that go ever so high but are not harsh but clean, in a natural way. Better timing and pace, so more musical...etc.

And I can go on and on. I do not know how they could do so much of a sonic improvement with just a Firmware Upgrade.

Two of the PCM hirez albums I used. Lang Lang, Rachmaninoff:Piano Concert No, 3 (24/176) and Dave Brubeck, Concord on a Summer Night.

I have not tried DSD yet.

Contact your dealer or EMM LABS or Meitner for the firmware.
Did the update this morning, all good! having a listen now.... :) :)

absolutely liking this update so far... more to follow when I figure out how to say what I think I'm hearing. :exciting:
Does anyone know the current status of the EMM Labs XDS1 v2 firmware update? The last I heard the firmware was released and then withdrawn for some reason.
Does anyone know the current status of the EMM Labs XDS1 v2 firmware update? The last I heard the firmware was released and then withdrawn for some reason.

I've been running it for awhile now, I checked the link I used to download and it appears to still work. I'm not sure why they never made it available on their web site.. I've not heard anything at all further. I'd be curious as well if it's not being offered any more.
With help from my dealer I was able to install the EMM Labs MDAT2 firmware update this past Saturday on my XDS1 v2. I was immediately struck by the increased articulation, openness, inner detail and separation, the increased attack and authority. The bass is most obviously better defined and solid. This upgrade is indeed not subtle! It's truly amazing what mathematics can do for music!
Can you please share the firmware you are discussing here?
Also on which hardware this firmware is compatible?
Can you please share the details of that hardware?
What are its specifications?
Can you please share the firmware you are discussing here?
Also on which hardware this firmware is compatible?
Can you please share the details of that hardware?
What are its specifications?

I applied the firmware ( file to my EMM Labs XDS1 v2 player. Access to the zip files requires a EMM Labs password (?) which was supplied to me by my retailer.

I think it would be best for you to speak directly to your authorized EMM Labs dealer.