Meitner/EMM DAC - connection type, driver settings..??


Apr 5, 2013
Since installing the new firmware in my MA-1, I've once again gone down the un-fun path of experimenting with the types of driver/connection options.

My basic setup is JRMC, no resampling, play from RAM, No DSD (long story, I did experiment but currently no DSD)

Yet again I've gone through the options for ASIO, WASAPI and Kernal Streaming.
with ASIO I run the latency setting (In the Meitner control panel) at minimum, and I think 256 samples buffer (smallest that doesn't warn about 192k playback)

Once again I've gone back to Kernal Streaming... but in general it drives me nuts when my music enjoyment becomes a science project instead of nice relaxing time listening to music. :(

I was wondering, (HOPING) maybe some other scientists here might have done more experimentation and be able to make some suggestions... :D