Dynaudio sold off to China - News Press


New member
Feb 17, 2014
[h=2]GoerTek Inc. acquires the majority shares of Dynaudio[/h]
GoerTek Inc. a consumer electronics company based in Weifang, China, has acquired the majority shares of Dynaudio. Wilfried Ehrenholz, the founder of Dynaudio, will remain as a minority shareholder and continue to participate in Dynaudio´s product and marketing strategy. Dynaudio is a significant player in the international speaker market and over the past 35 years Dynaudio has built a position as the leading high-end brand. Over the years, Dynaudio has been capable of applying its strong competencies within sound to the car industry and leading sound studios all over the world. GoerTek Inc. claim that they will be able to accelerate product development, innovation and growth strategy and further strengthen its position in the premium audio/speaker market.
That is a shocker. Lets hope it does not turn out the way Hafler did when similar happened years ago. I hate to lump everything made in China into one basket, but 99% of what USA gets that is made there is pure junk.
I'm of the view that Chi-Fi is junk too. But what annoys me most is the rampant espionage and intellectual property theft which has become the short sited bi-product of offshore manufacturing driven by the demand for lower production costs.

I live in a country where we no longer manufacturer anything. Without a manufacturing base, there is no innovation incentive IMO.

How many hundreds of billions did Alibaba float for? An e-store that encourages the counterfeit production of countless goods made in China.
I'm of the view that Chi-Fi is junk too. But what annoys me most is the rampant espionage and intellectual property theft which has become the short sited bi-product of offshore manufacturing driven by the demand for lower production costs.

I live in a country where we no longer manufacturer anything. Without a manufacturing base, there is no innovation incentive IMO.

How many hundreds of billions did Alibaba float for? An e-store that encourages the counterfeit production of countless goods made in China.

Apparently we can't spell either. :(
Steve - I'm not sure all Chi-Fi is junk. The Line Magnetic 219ia is an excellent product, built like a tank, that sounds great. I heard some new chi-fi gear at RMAF that was quite good as well. There was an impressive turntable for $3700. They had some nice SET amps too.
Steve - I'm not sure all Chi-Fi is junk. The Line Magnetic 219ia is an excellent product, built like a tank, that sounds great. I heard some new chi-fi gear at RMAF that was quite good as well. There was an impressive turntable for $3700. They had some nice SET amps too.

OK, I may have overstated myself emotionally. Given the rate of industrialisation, there will come a day when Chinese innovation will technically outflank the rest of the world. That could be a sombre thought.

I like buying Made In USA. I like buying Made In Denmark. I like buying Made In Australia. I like what that represents.
Sad to hear this, I had always liked their range of products.

I am not a huge fan of China made products. I lived there and I've seen and experienced enough of production and quality issues. They may have the best factory, but it will take a single supply to screw up the final product. And it does happen.

The products made in China do not have any longevity as well. They may look and sound good when new, give it a few years and you will experience degradation and faults. For mass market items, they are OK as no one takes notice and just throws it away when it's broke, but I do not buy Chinese made high end - if it breaks, it can be painful.
That is a shocker. Utterly disappointing. I better hold on to my Dynaudio Sapphires as the company is not going to have the same cachet anymore.
That is a shocker. Utterly disappointing. I better hold on to my Dynaudio Sapphires as the company is not going to have the same cachet anymore.

I totally agree. Dyanaudio as we all knew it is dead. May it rest in peace. How long will it be before all Dyanaudio production is moved to China? Now people will have to clearly state in their ads when they sell real Dynaudio speakers they are "pre-Chinese" Dynaudio.
I guess it will remain to be seen whether or not the line changes at all. Is it possible that they may actually get better? Oh the horror!

Sent from my HTC One.
I guess it will remain to be seen whether or not the line changes at all. Is it possible that they may actually get better? Oh the horror!

Sent from my HTC One.


That is a shocker. Utterly disappointing. I better hold on to my Dynaudio Sapphires as the company is not going to have the same cachet anymore.

As someone that works for the company and received word of this Monday morning, I must say that initially I was a little worried however after a conversation with Wilfried on Monday I now see why this has taken place and where the company is headed. First thing you must know and quite possibly the most important thing is that Dynaudio products will never move from Denmark. The CEO of GoerTek announced this personally and has said this was one of the most attractive aspects of Dynaudio, how a rather small company could have such advanced manufacturing in house. He is committed to the Dynaudio Legacy both personally and financially. Wilfried stated that this was a company(GoerTek) that shares his vision of Dynaudio for the future and will help us move up the timeframe and future projects and remain committed to quality and performance that we are known for. Wilfried retains 15% ownership and remains in the "man", all of our other management and production will remain the same so if you were to ask me I would say it is all positive. I am open to questions or concerns.

Mick Tillman
Dynaudio North America