Devialet 400, I know it's different, but I love it ....


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
I've been breaking in my Devialet 400 for the past day and while it is still going through some changes, I love it so far.

Out of the box it was a little harsh and constricted. After a few hours, so much better. It's dead quiet. With some music, sound all over the room. It's not tube sweet in the conventional sense but it has an undeniable smoothness. Sooooooooo much more detail and ambiance without being harsh. It has tons of bass and soundstage width. It may not have the 3D of my Conrad Johnson gear, but there's more than enough of the good stuff to make up for it and the D400 does things that no other gear that I've heard or had does.

I know this is a love/hate thing for some. Put me in the LOVE camp. I love tubes but am tired of the worry and long term maintenance (shallow perhaps).

I am not feeding the best quality music or the best way right now. Since I know it can get better from here, WOW! I am excited.

Glad to hear that you're enjoying your new D400.

I know most people want to hook new things up right away, but I used my Hagerman FryKleane cable burn-in generator to burn-in the digital link that comes with the D400 for 3 days,and did the same thing for the stock power cords with my FryCorder before I set up my D400.

I was rewarded with smooth sound right from the start.

I have since added
Cerious Technologies Nano Reference PCs and a Entreq Silver Tellus, which have improved the soundstage and imaging.

Did you check to see if the master and companion units both have the latest firmware? (Press and hold the right Tone button on the remote to get to the info screens. Single press to switch through the screens and press and hold to exit.)

BTW, the Devialet's USB input doesn't need the 5vdc from a computer or media server if you're using one.

Dan-Can you share your experiences with the D400 vice other amps you have owned?
Just be patient Joe, it gets soooooo much better with time, different inputs (AES/EBU being arguably the best). At 50 hours, mine went from very good to holy crap!

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Joe, I am glad you are happy. Are you using it on your Strads', or Harbeths, or ?

It's on my Strads right now but in a day or two, the 40.1's. I am really surprised at how amazing it sounds.

Sweet! Great mini review! Thanks Joe. : )

You were right, such cool piece.


Glad to hear that you're enjoying your new D400.

I know most people want to hook new things up right away, but I used my Hagerman FryKleane cable burn-in generator to burn-in the digital link that comes with the D400 for 3 days,and did the same thing for the stock power cords with my FryCorder before I set up my D400.

I was rewarded with smooth sound right from the start.

I have since added
Cerious Technologies Nano Reference PCs and a Entreq Silver Tellus, which have improved the soundstage and imaging.

Did you check to see if the master and companion units both have the latest firmware? (Press and hold the right Tone button on the remote to get to the info screens. Single press to switch through the screens and press and hold to exit.)

BTW, the Devialet's USB input doesn't need the 5vdc from a computer or media server if you're using one.

I'll have to go through the menu again. Thank you for the tips. I have digital cables that I am using that are fully broken in. I am looking to optimize as much as possible.
Joe, congrats on your new Devialet 400 mono's! They look very avant-garde and seem to be putting a smile on your face :) I personally subscribe to your view ss amplification is more convenient and fuss-free. I like to be able to switch on my gear and put a dvd without needing to warm up my gear & found things like counting tube hours a bit a chore. Not to mention keeping stock of replacement tubes. Mike raved about the D400's noise floor and headroom, so they must be doing some things very well. The main thing is that you're enjoying your music. Bravo!:congrats:
Thank you David. I could see keeping the Devialet and maybe the ARTsa :) for fun.
Well then that sounds like a great Winter and Summer plan. Maybe you can interest Paul in the LM for the Devore's though it will probably push the Westie's too.
I was Listening to some ambient music last night and was smiling ear to ear. Sounds coming from all over the room. Amazing!
I know the Devialet is not for everyone.

Mine is smooth, slightly sweet, has a very wide soundstage with maybe not as much depth (front to back) as my tube gear, awesome vocals, zero sibilance, super quiet - music flows out of blackness. Zero listener fatigue. I can not understand how they do it.

Out of the box, it was a little constricted and harsh. It was much better after 50 hours and now with several hundred hours (probably much more), it's awesome. It's hard to get over the fact one could be done with this unit. Old habits die hard to resist tweaking and swapping, obviously there is no more swapping components. Just add music and enjoy. It really is unlike anything you've heard.

I am fortunate to be able to rotate gear in and out, but lately, I don't have as much desire. My Devialet is pretty amazing.
I know the Devialet is not for everyone.

Mine is smooth, slightly sweet, has a very wide soundstage with maybe not as much depth (front to back) as my tube gear, awesome vocals, zero sibilance, super quiet - music flows out of blackness. Zero listener fatigue. I can not understand how they do it.

Out of the box, it was a little constricted and harsh. It was much better after 50 hours and now with several hundred hours (probably much more), it's awesome. It's hard to get over the fact one could be done with this unit. Old habits die hard to resist tweaking and swapping, obviously there is no more swapping components. Just add music and enjoy. It really is unlike anything you've heard.

I am fortunate to be able to rotate gear in and out, but lately, I don't have as much desire. My Devialet is pretty amazing.

Time to sell all of that crappy old tube equipment you have before it loses anymore of its value! :rolleyes:
I know the Devialet is not for everyone.

Mine is smooth, slightly sweet, has a very wide soundstage with maybe not as much depth (front to back) as my tube gear, awesome vocals, zero sibilance, super quiet - music flows out of blackness. Zero listener fatigue. I can not understand how they do it.

Out of the box, it was a little constricted and harsh. It was much better after 50 hours and now with several hundred hours (probably much more), it's awesome. It's hard to get over the fact one could be done with this unit. Old habits die hard to resist tweaking and swapping, obviously there is no more swapping components. Just add music and enjoy. It really is unlike anything you've heard.

I am fortunate to be able to rotate gear in and out, but lately, I don't have as much desire. My Devialet is pretty amazing.


I feel the same way as you. It's probably not the best, but It sure sound pretty darn good, I to have not had any desire as of late to look at any other components... Maybe speakers :P
What's amazing about the Devialet is the DAC just keeps on giving. I keep expecting to reach some limitation but then I'll hear another transport and it's just taken to another stage again. Readers on may have seen my & Guillaume's listening with various transports - Moon MiND, Aries, Totaldac and recently Melco. I keep thinking maybe I ought to try another DAC because the Devialet's got to be reaching its limitation, but then we hear another transport into the Devialet and it's better again. I'm even getting great results with a $140-ish Cubox!