You know, this is not ok in my books…


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Publicly trashing a brand you sell is not ok. He did this with others too.

I don’t sell D’Ag amps, but I sure do love the Momentum stuff (haven’t had exposure to the other models). I would love me a 250 at home.

But for a dealer of his to do this? What an idiot. I’m sorry, but this is beyond idiotic.

Brutally Honest- The Good The Bad and The Ugly about Dan D'Agostino - YouTube

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Like telling your wife what your real opinion is of her new dress. Just because you think it, doesn’t mean you should say it.
It will be interesting to see if he will remain carrying the line.

He spoke well of it under the "good". The "bad" was just stupid and trivial. I would think a smaller chassis would be welcome. If it sounded good I wouldn't care how small but too large could be a problem. If a smaller chassis obviously the inside would be crowded. Under the "ugly" it sounded like a few incidents was chosen to make an issue but I do see how if all he said was true it would make for a bad time . To some extent he has a point on QC but why make it more than it was. Most manufacturers contract or buy the remotes so I wouldn't think that was Dan's problem, I mean it was but it wasn't something his company did. And how would you know of any issue unless the remote was used which wouldn't be until it reached a customer's hand in most instances.

The one that made me laugh was the banana plug, that made him look stupid. It's no secret Dan don't like or accomodate bananas so why wouldn't you ask your customer what he uses before driving that distance or make them aware of the fact in discussing the amp. Sorry dude but that one is on YOU.

I'm not sure why a dealer would do this if he expects to continue with the line. Surely being a YouTube star don't pay that much. He has nearly 31k followers does that feed your ego that much?
Interesting video

At the start of the review he states that then serviceability has been greatly simplified with the Dag gear vs the Krell. Then he complains about the difficulty of servicing a Momentum amp due to the small size.

He sells a pair of Momentum monoblocs to a customer which he know very well are spades only, but neglects asking him whether he has spades or banana. Then you blame Dan for not having bananas. LOL

I own a silver Momentum pre amp - on the back, all the inputs and output names are in Black. How is that difficult to see?

I do agree re the paint finish on the early amps - I have a S200 upgraded to a S250 and the finish is like you said. My more recent Momentum preamp seems to have a more resilient finish.
Let's flip the script-If Low didn't make his complaints public and took them straight to Dan, would you stand by most of his complaints? And no, I don't agree that he should have made the video and aired his dirty laundry in public.
Let's flip the script-If Low didn't make his complaints public and took them straight to Dan, would you stand by most of his complaints? And no, I don't agree that he should have made the video and aired his dirty laundry in public.

And where did he say that he’s actually brought these complaints to the company first, in writing and if so, was there a resolution or was he simply ignored? This sounds to me like he’s bitching about things publicly, on YouTube and likely never discussed them with the company first or ever.

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And where did he say that he’s actually brought these complaints to the company first, in writing and if so, was there a resolution or was he simply ignored? This sounds to me like he’s bitching about things publicly, on YouTube and likely never discussed them with the company first or ever.

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My question was hypothetical. I have no idea if Low privately said anything to Dan before or after he made his tell all video. My point was and is if had made the comments directly to Dan without going public, would people stand by them?
No. You apparently didn't watch the video. As I stated most of the issues were trivial and lacked merit, being just his opinion. Watch the video, your amps aren't big enough physically, WTH, not enough real estate on the inside, BS. Seems anyone who commented so far gets it but you.

Only two issues were worth mentioning to Dan but not public, I'm sure Dan took care of them. The one amp wired out of phase and the issue with a group of remotes. I'm sure the remote issue was something Dan heard about and took care of for more than one dealer.

Let's flip the script-If Low didn't make his complaints public and took them straight to Dan, would you stand by most of his complaints? And no, I don't agree that he should have made the video and aired his dirty laundry in public.
No. You apparently didn't watch the video. As I stated most of the issues were trivial and lacked merit, being just his opinion. Watch the video, your amps aren't big enough physically, WTH, not enough real estate on the inside, BS. Seems anyone who commented so far gets it but you.

Only two issues were worth mentioning to Dan but not public, I'm sure Dan took care of them. The one amp wired out of phase and the issue with a group of remotes. I'm sure the remote issue was something Dan heard about and took care of for more than one dealer.

Why the snarkiness?
Publicly trashing a brand you sell is not ok. He did this with others too.

I don’t sell D’Ag amps, but I sure do love the Momentum stuff (haven’t had exposure to the other models). I would love me a 250 at home.

But for a dealer of his to do this? What an idiot. I’m sorry, but this is beyond idiotic.

Brutally Honest- The Good The Bad and The Ugly about Dan D'Agostino - YouTube

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Appears he maybe stepping away from the Brand , Love the black and copper look of the DAG stuff ...

No. You apparently didn't watch the video. As I stated most of the issues were trivial and lacked merit, being just his opinion. Watch the video, your amps aren't big enough physically, WTH, not enough real estate on the inside, BS. Seems anyone who commented so far gets it but you.

Only two issues were worth mentioning to Dan but not public, I'm sure Dan took care of them. The one amp wired out of phase and the issue with a group of remotes. I'm sure the remote issue was something Dan heard about and took care of for more than one dealer.

Biggest complain i have with Dan and this goes back to his Krell days and now DAG , none of his amps meet advertised specs , ever ! Its why audiophiles should step away from these opinion only Mags and their reviews and stop this measurements means nothing mantra crap.

Without Measurements There’s nothing forcing these manufacturers from false and misleading advertisements of their products..

Over time I've met and read about audiophiles who emphasize looks of gear, and others who care more about the sound. I consider both factors.
In the video he talks about schlepping heavy amps to a customer's house, only to have the customer say no thanks, without even listening.
There are customers who listen, and look. This customer was obviously one dimensional, he will walk into a dealer, and just point at his preference.
That's fine if he wants to build a system that way, I personally would not.
I was under the impression that both Krell & D'Agostino amps were under rated and published on the conservative side. Is this a blanket statement or just certain models?

Do you have any examples? No argument from me, just first I was aware of this.

For the record I fall into the camp where Nelson Pass is, you need both measurements and listening in amp design. Like love and marriage, they go together like a horse and carriage, LOL

Biggest complain i have with Dan and this goes back to his Krell days and now DAG , none of his amps meet advertised specs , ever ! Its why audiophiles should step away from these opinion only Mags and their reviews and stop this measurements means nothing mantra crap.

Without Measurements There’s nothing forcing these manufacturers from false and misleading advertisements of their products..

I was under the impression that both Krell & D'Agostino amps were under rated and published on the conservative side. Is this a blanket statement or just certain models?

Do you have any examples? No argument from me, just first I was aware of this.

For the record I fall into the camp where Nelson Pass is, you need both measurements and listening in amp design. Like love and marriage, they go together like a horse and carriage, LOL

Look at DAG reviews on Stereophile web page under measurements , should be there in any of his amp reviewed. Shamefully too was McIntosh where one of their amps couldn't even pass the FTC preconditioning test due to very small heatsinks in relation to power output , overheated and shut off after 5-10 mins or so.

The FTC preconditioning test came about during the power wattage race of the 70’s , where some amplifiers would burst into flames due to undersizing output stage and heat sinks , most notorious for that was Phase Linear. Had a friend back then blow out the output stage of his Phase Linear 400 when faced with LP picking at the end stop, he was outside and by the time he got to his TT the magic smoke came out :)

Total shame a modern McIntosh couldn't pass this test :(

Not to worry John was professional and covered the flaw ..


PS: BTW Nelson is and like all designers a measurement matters guy , he knows what his clients want and design to a specific measurement for his house sound. His first watt stuff is to tickle his as simple as it can get fancy. His designs are pretty simple as necessary but not too simple compared to the more complex approach of DAG and others ..
Most notorious for that was Phase Linear. Had a friend back then blow out the output stage of his Phase Linear 400 when faced with LP picking at the end stop, he was outside and by the time he got to his TT the magic smoke came out :)

I had an audio friend that had his Phase Linear amp catch fire, as well. Hence, the nickname "Flame Linear". He originally bought them to power his Dahlquest DQ-10s, which were quite inefficient.
Dan makes a fine product. Like anything handmade in very low quantities there can be problems.

My beef about the video is that we didn’t get to hear about what Dan did to make it right when problems were uncovered. That’s what separates the good companies from the average ones.

Oh, almost forgot. Bannana plugs and ‘high end’ don’t belong in the same sentence. :)
So I’m with Dan on that one.
Yea the “Banana plug” incident is on the Dealer and its a nothing Burger really , separate wire from plug connect ..