Lumin Review

Mike......I don't know how I missed your Lumin review until today. This is an excellent and well written review. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I'm glad you linked to it in your most recent Lumin A1 thread or I might not have ever seen it.

Thanks Dan.
I sold the CP800 and never compared it head to head with the Lumin, but from memory, the Lumin sounds much more analog like. The Lumin Network Music Player betters every DAC I've had in my system by a large margin. If you are a detail, resolution freak - then you may prefer a Meitner or DAC2X. If you love fatigue free analog like listening, then the Lumin is it.
That's how I use my Lumin U1 with a DAC2X. Have a Meitner MA-1, at least for now (who knows as I have friends that like it and down the road I could sell it) in a secondary system, which is the only system I currently don't have a transport in (I took it out as I really don't have much room) so I don't necessarily need a separate DAC. I love my Lumin.
Does the U1 require the L1?

I rarely see the L1 mentioned, but the Lumin site seems to say that it is required for their units.
Thanks Jock!

I'm really looking to replace my stripped-down-for-music-only MacBook Pros with something like a U1. It's not for a network.

Unfortunately, I don't see an option with Antipodes, Auralic, Aurender or Lumin to invert polarity for those recordings (nearly half of my collection) that are in inverted acoustic polarity.

This is very audible on my set-ups. And my rig adjusts automatically (once the offending tracks/CDs have been identified as such).

But if the sound is that much better than my rig, maybe I wouldn't care so much.

Does the L1 improve on the U1's sonic performance?
@jim smith,
I'm very happy with my U1, as I've said in another thread.

You do not need the L1 for the U1. You can either stream Tidal or Spotify, and you can load your ripped (flac etc) music on a NAS and have the U1 read it from there.

That said, I just got a L1 and like it. It's a nicely simplified, well built piece of gear. Whether it improves SQ I don't know yet, haven't had enough time to compare. In theory you'd think it would, if it was optimized to reduce anything other than the music digits getting to the L1, which might not be the case in other devices used to store your music (eg NAS or computer).

Someone like Peter could speak to the "why the L1 should be better in theory".
No, none of my DACs will invert polarity.

I have the MBPs programmed to invert polarity in the digital domain automatically, so there is no analog switch in line with the signal.

Well, the PS Audio Direct Stream DAC will do so, if I decide to keep it, but that is accomplished with a switch.

I want to use the U1 as a direct replacement for the MBPs. Not on a network.

We have streaming on my wife's set-up in the house.

This is for my RoomPlay Reference demo system.
Jim - As others stated, you can have your digital files on a network storage device (like Synology) or USB device or the L1. I personally used an USB device initially but settled on the L1. The L1 is just plug and play; doesn’t get any easier.

Hope that helps!

PS - The S-1 allows to invert phase in the tools setting area. Not sure about the U-1.
Jim - As others stated, you can have your digital files on a network storage device (like Synology) or USB device or the L1. I personally used an USB device initially but settled on the L1. The L1 is just plug and play; doesn’t get any easier.

Hope that helps!

PS - The S-1 allows to invert phase in the tools setting area. Not sure about the U-1.

Thanks Mike!

So if you do not use a network, you can use the L1 plugged directly into the U1?
Thanks Mike!

So if you do not use a network, you can use the L1 plugged directly into the U1?

The L1 works like a NAS. It connects via your network. You can plug it in in any room, that resides on the same network as the U1.

The L1 sounds better than a USB attached drive or even a Synology/QNAP NAS.

The other option, is you can buy a $99 USB external HD and attach that to the U1. I personally prefer my U1 with the L1. I think Jock found the same.
The L1 works like a NAS. It connects via your network. You can plug it in in any room, that resides on the same network as the U1.

The L1 sounds better than a USB attached drive or even a Synology/QNAP NAS.

The other option, is you can buy a $99 USB external HD and attach that to the U1. I personally prefer my U1 with the L1. I think Jock found the same.

Thanks Mike - as I mentioned, unfortunately I do not - and most likely will not - have a network in my demo room. It is in my office building. Was hoping to simply replace my 3(!) MBPs with the U1.
Are you wireless? The U1 can work with an add on product like a wireless network extender from TP Link. Something like this (or better):

Nope - not wireless. Always been a doubter - in fact there is no wireless of any kind in my office bldg/sound room. Generally the same set-up as I used at your place, only with the Berkely Alpha USB & better (also heavier & larger) DACs than the small & relatively lightweight Ayre Codex.

Was just hoping to escape computers here - even if they are stripped-down-to-music-only - and not go backwards sonically, from a musical engagement standpoint.

No need to reply if it's network based, as I don't want to wear you guys out. Thanks again!
You don't have your U1 connected to a network? Missing out on Tidal etc if so I guess, to me one of the pleasures of that device and app.

If that's really the case - no network anywhere - then you might try connecting the L1 to the U1 Ethernet port using a crossover cable. Not too sure that'll work but would be interesting to try.

Personally, I wouldn't want a hard drive anywhere near my U1, unless maybe it was solid state. A small, simple network might still be your best option. Doesn't even need to be internet-connected, although that's how the U1 gets firmware updates....
You don't have your U1 connected to a network? Missing out on Tidal etc if so I guess, to me one of the pleasures of that device and app.

If that's really the case - no network anywhere - then you might try connecting the L1 to the U1 Ethernet port using a crossover cable. Not too sure that'll work but would be interesting to try.

As I mentioned above, I have a network in the house for Tidal, etc...

Just not in my office/sound room.
Another issue you will have without a network is how to control the U1. The app uses wifi to the network to control the U1. Of course other than the MBP, I think they all use wifi for control of the unit, so this issue is not only Lumin.

I use a simple apple network router for the 2 L1s, U1 and wifi for my listening room.
Wireless works ok; however, I much prefer the ethernet connection to the Lumin. In my prior home, I had a wireless network extender for the Lumin. Occasionally, I would have some streaming interruptions (quality of service is not 100%). In our new home, I'm using an ethernet cable from the router to the Lumin and it works beautifully.

Jim, to your question, the L-1 must be connected to the network, not directly to the Lumin U-1.

Lastly, no need to respond. Just read the messages from earlier today.