Introducing Center Stage2M

What are the different heights for? To raise the component past the "height" of the stock feet? Are these footers are not just for speakers? 🤔

This whole product line sounds confusing, at best.

And not helped by not having any photographs.
Just google Critical Mass Center Stage 2. They are the discontinued model. The new model is Center Stage 2M. More expensive than CS2. The height 0.8/1.0/1.5 is to elevate the chassis off the stock feet. 0.8 gets Esoteric chassis' off the feet. 1.5 gets Halcro DM8 off its feet. For example. You can go higher than you need to if you want to.
Just google Critical Mass Center Stage 2. They are the discontinued model. The new model is Center Stage 2M. More expensive than CS2. The height 0.8/1.0/1.5 is to elevate the chassis off the stock feet. 0.8 gets Esoteric chassis' off the feet. 1.5 gets Halcro DM8 off its feet. For example. You can go higher than you need to if you want to.

That's what I thought, thanks.
The CS2 and CS2M (0.8, 1.0 and 1.5) are for components while the LS (0.8, 1.0 and 1.5) are for speakers.

The major different between 0.8, 1.0 and 1.5 are not in height but the quantity of the material inside that do the magic. The 1.5 has a much larger footprint than the 0.8 and 1.0

You can use the 1.5 under a component that has tiny stock feet if you have the money and the improvement is huge over the 0.8.
Sorry, you are dead wrong.

I can't afford the 1.5 myself but I still have a set of 1.5 borrowed from the dealer right in front of me and they are 2" in diameter. Much bigger and heavier than the 0.8 and 1.0 that I have.

Please read post #6 of this thread which stated this same information from a dealer.
I saw a dealer spec sheet and all three sizes were drawn as 38 mm diameter. Maybe some misguided or premature marketing. If CS2M 1.5 are 2" they have upped the width from the previous model (which I own).
The CS2 1.5 that I borrowed from the dealer is 2" in diameter. I believe the CS2M 1.5 is 2" in diameter as well.

Just look at the photo at the CMS site where they shown all three models together and it is not hard to see that the 1.5 is much bigger than the 0.8 and the 1.0
Yes, you're right. I just measured my CS2 1.5. It's 50mm wide. There is some errant marketing material out there, I definitely saw a spec sheet drawing of CS2 1.5 at 38mm wide. This was obviously wrong. I'm glad we got that cleared up!