Critical Mass Center Stage 2

Does one listen by making the system play music or does the system make one listen by playing music? Do we wait for a new component to break in or does a new component wait for us to break in? Taken in the context of quantum physics, anything is possible... :P

Sounds like you are looking for an argument. If you are not willing to try, then your opinion has no merit, just your biased opinion.


Sounds like you are looking for an argument. If you are not willing to try, then your opinion has no merit, just your biased opinion.


Not at all, just injecting a bit of humor. Over the 30 years of being into the hobby, I've experimented with all kinds of isolation devices, wood, metal, resin, stone, combination of materials, up to and including bicycle tires with pressure gauges underneath components to see if a specific isolation strategy would be best... It was fun to experiment. I do not need further convincing... Have fun with it. I have nothing against it, your system, your money, your enjoyment. :audiophile:
Well I just received and immediately installed the Critical Mass Footers 2 1.0 version underneath the Niagara 7000. And though I know it will take much time to break in (or adjust), at this moment, I am clearly hearing better separation of the instruments within the soundstage.

So, though I am expecting things to improve further in the next few weeks with additional settling time, I can honestly conclude that the Audioquest Niagara 7000 does improve considerably with using the Critical Mass footers.


I am very pleased with the sonic results of the CM 2's under my Niagara 7000. Images seem to jump out of my speakers. I have now become used to the sound and don't intend to remove them.

So I am wonderin', my Amps sit on a Grand Prix amp stands, would the critical mass footers work in conjunction with the Grand Prix? Just asking before I go through the exercise of removing them.

So I am wonderin', my Amps sit on a Grand Prix amp stands, would the critical mass footers work in conjunction with the Grand Prix? Just asking before I go through the exercise of removing them.


Since the Critical Mass Center Stage 2 feet work in conjunction with any Critical Mass stand (or any stand for that matter), yes they would work together. At home, I have Critical Mass Center Stage 2 feet under everything.
If I understand correctly, the period of two weeks is with the system on and playing music 24/7? So with a system turned on and playing music for 8 hours a day, should we expect a much longer settlement period?
Is this correct?
I wouldn't think so.....I would have thought break-in is on account of load bearing, not playing music as such. Not something to think too much about.
These are intriguing footers and CM platforms are of exceptional build quality and results. If I read correctly between the lines of the review and
some comments here and elsewhere seem to be claiming that footers and racks in general, and CM in specific, are supposed to need
break-in for up to two (2) weeks.

Is this an active assertion out there? I'm a huge fan of break-in of cables, speakers, components, wire in wall, outlets, in short most things
having heard the results over the past couple of decades with no doubt left behind. With respect, I have to admit I have a very hard time
wrapping my head around any suggestion that a rack or footer or damping plate/etc,...need break-in past the initial few minutes or
maybe the first hour that the load takes to settle in on the rack or footer.

I am not trying to start a religious debate here only saying that this one time I have hard time accepting break-in (with racks and footers,
damping plates and the like) as a multi-day/multi-week concern.

If anyone has more specifics to share, I'd be open to learning from them on this. Thank you...
Those prices are for each foot. So is your system sucking now? It’s supposed to take at least 10 days before your system stops sucking and you enter the promised land of “immersion.”

How many sets of these do you have now? ;)