New Post Index question...


New member
Apr 28, 2015
North Central Florida
I have noticed that lately the New Post Index seems to refresh several times a day, leaving only a few of the most recent posts in the index. I don't know if it is the AudioShark software function doing this or my Internet Explorer browser doing this. Since this only seems to have started in the past couple of weeks I tend to think it is the site's software and not IE11. I prefer the New Post Index to show all posts from at least the past 24 hours rather than what seems to be happening now.

Has anyone else noticed the New Post Index refreshing several times a day?
New post link displays new posts since YOUR last visit to the forum. So if you visit a couple of times daily, you can't get daily posts with that link, you will only get new posts since you last visited. On the other hand if you don't visit for say 1 week, then you will also get all week posts in your next visit.

Although not linked in the navigation bar, there is another search that can give you last 24 hours posts regardless of last visit date. Just follow this link for this search:
New post link displays new posts since YOUR last visit to the forum. So if you visit a couple of times daily, you can't get daily posts with that link, you will only get new posts since you last visited. On the other hand if you don't visit for say 1 week, then you will also get all week posts in your next visit.

Although not linked in the navigation bar, there is another search that can give you last 24 hours posts regardless of last visit date. Just follow this link for this search:

A little trick to add to that is if you have a Favorite saved for this site, Edit it and paste this in the URL field (Location) in Properties

Then whenever you decide to come here, it will display the full search results of New Posts each time.
Logician.......When I exit the forum I am not logging out. Why would the index be cleared if I don't log out?
Actually it is not about "logging out", its about your last visit time. When you visit the forum with your username (regardless of you logged in recently or in your last visit), forum updates your "last visit date". You can see this date in your profile under "Join Date" labelled as "Last Activity". This is what resets the counters. Because "new posts" always returns new posts since your "last activity". Hence when you visit the forum for any reason, this is reset. You don't even need to read a thread, for instance if you come to the forum for reading a new private message, your last activity date changes, hence in your next visit you will get new posts after this date.

In other words, "New posts" are NOT unread posts. They are new posts since your last visit of the forum. It does not matter if you read them or not in your previous visit, they will be gone in your next visit.

You need to get "DAILY POST" with the link I quoted above to get daily posts to achieve your goal.

A little trick to add to that is if you have a Favorite saved for this site, Edit it and paste this in the URL field (Location) in Properties
Unfortunately that is a temporary solution. Vbulletin saves your search result with a search id but it will be deleted some time later. So you can reach that result for sometime but not always. If you come to the forum a few days later, saved result will be pruned so you won't reach it with that URL either.
Actually this link also exists in the navigation bar, inside QUICK LINKS with name "Today's Posts".
Interesting, after you select New Posts, the Quick Links dropdown disappears. When you click on any thread, it re-appears.
Interesting, after you select New Posts, the Quick Links dropdown disappears. When you click on any thread, it re-appears.
Its in a child subnavigation line (children of parent "Forum"). So as to appear you need to be in that "parent" navigation. When you click "new posts" you are in parent "What's New?" so its children are displayed below it.
I get what you are saying, that the new posts are only from the last time I did something on AS. However I do not think that was the original question.

What I have noticed -- over the last few days - things have changed. I push the same buttons and different results happen. Not to put words in Dan's mouth, but that is what I was agreeing to in my above post and what I thought he asked about.
I also notice now - as I just posted to this thread. When I hit "New Posts" my last post does not show up, even tho it always used to.
When I first replied to this thread (yesterday), I also changed a setting about this in forum options. So if it was working "differently" before, I'm hoping that its reverted to what it was before after this change.

Unfortunately there is not much we can do about how "new posts" work as this is dictated by the forum software we are using. There is only one setting forum allows site owners to do about this setting and this is what I've changed (yesterday). If this didn't fix the issue you are having, unfortunately we have to live with it, sorry about it :(
So here are our two options for setting up new posts:

1- It will disregard which posts belong to you or which posts you read and it will display all "updated" threads since your last activity time (ie last time you visited the forum.) When you visit a forum for a reason (eg. to read a PM) your last visit time will change and in your next visit you will only see new posts since your that second visit because that second visit would update your last visit time.

2- It will keep track of the threads you read and it will display only threads that you haven't read regardless of your last visit time.

Which way does everyone like?