Need A fix for Screen Burn-in


New member
Jul 30, 2013
I have a Panasonic Plasma P55ST50, 2012 model. I recently noticed screen burn-in, when I watch hd shows I see the line from sd shows burned into the screen. When I watch a blu ray I can see the line on the screen. I was wondering if anyone knew of any fixes to diminish the line. I've read that if I play blu ray movie that might get rid of it. Any suggestion would very much be appreciated. If any information is needed please let me know I can describe it more.
I have t had a plasma in years but mine had a screen fix built in.
And you were supposed to run it once a month or something to avoid that.
Unfortunately I didn't know that for like 2 years after I bought it and you could see the sportcenter side windows burnt into every show I watched where the screen was dark.
Check you menu and settings. Other than that I have no idea. Sorry
I have heard running blurays should help remediate image retention.
By "line" do you mean the area where the black bars appear? As you watch content that fills the screen you should eventually get rid of the burn-in area. It also may help to stretch the screen when watching 4:3 content so you fill the entire screen instead of having the black bars on each end.

Sounds like Steve watches too much Sportscenter. Poor guy, he's a lost cause! :snicker:
Yes it's when I watch standard definition in a 4:3 aspect ratio. I've run the anti image retention feature on the tv and I also turned my contrast up to its highest setting and have been playing bright blu rays for several hours. The lines still appear to be there but might be fading. I am going to try all of this again tomorrow. Thanks for all the help.
There is no solution. You would need a different plasma HDTV for each source you are watching (aspect ratio).

Whatever you watch the most (cable TV, satellite TV, Blu-ray movies from various screen aspect ratios), you'll get line retention, eventually (within a year or so); and there is simply no solution.
The best you can do is to always fill (zoom) your screen (16/9 or 1.78:1), and never watch TV with logos (which is impossible).

The world we live in is not perfect, and plasmas even if they are better than LCD LEDs, are still prone to burn-in, or image retention effects.
But LCD LEDs have their own issues as well; uniformity, motion lag, viewing width.

Life is a compromise, just like marriage. :)

P.S. Panasonic has few features to prevent image retention (four I believe); use one of them or all periodically. ...That's your best bet, and don't expect perfect.
By the way, I have a Samsung plasma myself, and in general Samsung is better than Panasonic in that regard.
BUT! Even if I only watch Blu-ray movies on my plasma HDTV (say 2.4:1 aspect ratio a lot, with the black bars above and below); then when I watch a Blu-ray movie with a 1.85:1 aspect ratio, I can see the lines from the previous black bars of the wider aspect ratios!

And there is no way that I'm going to fill (zoom) my screen (the original picture).
That's the compromise I accept to live with instead of the other compromises from LCD LED HDTVs.

* Best is a front projector.


About dormant and dead pixels? ...Most flat panels (plasma and LCD) have them.
And them too can be quite annoying; just like image retention.
I guess it all depends of each individual's sensitivity and sensibility and concentration.
Clay, tell us about the Disney WoW Disc you have on order.

Just wanted to give a quick update. For the past few nights I've been using the anti image retention function that came with my tv and have been doing that 4-5 times a night. I've also been playing bright colored blu rays for several hours at a time. I turned the contrast up,all the way. We noticed that at the top and bottom of the screen, the burn in line has faded but it is still there in the middle. I will get the blu ray that Sean mentioned in the above post Wednesday and I will be using that nonstop to help,get rid of the ir. One of the cool features of this blu ray is the pixel flipper. It makes every pixel on your tv change color over and over again. I plan on running that all night tomorrow night and I will give you guys an update Thursday night. I hope this takes care of it. Wish me luck.
Clay, tell us about the Disney WoW Disc you have on order.


I got that; I used it last to calibrate the picture of my Samsung plasma.
It's a fine disc, not better not worst than other similar calibrating discs (I got a bunch of them). ...They are all similar more or less, with their own unique small touches. Some more complete than others. ...But the total completion is from all of them, I think. :)

Disney WOW is a good disc (BD) to have.


Yeah, I used that 'pixel flipper, in trying to get rid of my green flashing pixel, but without success.
<<<>>> If you watch a lot of cable TV, or some like that, try to not have those NASDAQ type of scrolling letters down at the bottom, or Sports' scores, or too many logos, or too many black bars above and below (use your Panasonic Zoom control to fill your screen if you don't mind too much; at least for the news and soap operas and CNN and FOX American discussions from the craziest panels in America! ...With subjects out of this world! ...You know, Dr. Drew and Nancy Grace). Geraldo type of stuff. :eek: :exciting:
Just wanted to give an update. I've been running the pixel flipper and the anti image retention for over 60 hours. I can happily say that the line is almost gone. It's barely noticeable. I'm going to run everything for another night and I think that will get rid of it. Thank you to everyone for your help. I'm glad I have a patient wife and more than 1 tv in the house. I would recommend Disneys Wow for any line retention. Just keep in mind that it will take some time to fix its not a simple fix. I'm looking forward to using the disc to calibrate the tv. This has been a good learning experience on how to properly take care of a plasma.
Congratulations Clay. I am glad the line is almost gone. It would drive me a little crazy.
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Clay, glad to hear the line(s) are subsiding. Great news! Happy watching..