Aurender/USB question

Mr Peabody

Active member
Nov 19, 2013
St. Louis, MO, USA
Has anyone using Aurender's USB output ever had an issue with it not working at first?

Here's a mystery. A dealer a few weeks back brings his ACS10 over, it connects, it works fine, I'm amazed by the unit and order one.

I get mine, new out of the box, the ACS10 updates, no sound. My preamp says, "no audio", the ACS10 looks like it's playing a song. So after trying everything we can think of he takes it back puts it in his system and the ACS10 works, immediately to him.

So he brings it back to my house we hook it up no sound. He thinks it's my preamp, I know nothing was changed since we played the first unit, so I'm not sure what to think. So things were about to get ugly when I grab the USB cord from my printer, hook it up and the ACS10 plays, we remove the cable, reinsert the Audioquest Diamond, the ACS10 works. This all took around an hour. Each unit got powered down etc. before trying the cheap cable as a last resort.

So..... what happened? I also wonder if I will get sound tomorrow.

I plan to do the obvious and check with each manufacturer, I just wondered if anyone had a similar experience or any insights. Levinson uses a C Media chip for the USB input.
Well, the beauty of SW. Sounds like the USB driver did not activate when connecting the cable the first time.

Happens, SW is miraculous.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well the issue is resolved. My work around, not resolution, was to not put the 526 into standby. With both the ACS10 and 526 power on they would eventually work after about an hour, and would continue to do so as long as the 526 never got put into standby for any period of time. I could standby the ACS10 at night with no issue the next day.

The 526 has three modes the standby can be placed in, as it turns out I had mine in "green" mode, the fix was to put it in "normal" mode. Now in "normal" the 526 stays pretty warm. I'm guessing a vital circuit for the USB must remain powered. I can't imagine temperature making a difference.

Believe it or not, the very day I found the resolution Aurender did an update to the Conductor app and some of the buttons aren't compatible with the Voice Over feature on the iPad. I have to hand it to Aurender's customer support, they are very responsive and seem genuinely concerned with resolving your issue. Thankfully, most of the buttons still function so I can listen to music. I just don't have all the search functions and choices I should.
Just an update to this thread. I have learned the ACS10 is Linux based and my 526 is programmed for Windows and IOS. Levinson was surprised the two worked together at all. I'm waiting to see if anything can be done by Levinson.
Just an update to this thread. I have learned the ACS10 is Linux based and my 526 is programmed for Windows and IOS. Levinson was surprised the two worked together at all. I'm waiting to see if anything can be done by Levinson.
WOW, what a discovery. Glad you at least received an answer. Hope something can be done to make them speak to one another.