MA252 Problem


New member
Oct 25, 2018
Western CO
This morning, while listening to my system, my MA252 stopped functioning. I was listening at a low level, using a Lumin D2 network player as the source. I went up to the amp to adjust it, and there was a "pop" of static electricity when I touched it. Just a normal level of static, nothing too great. I then thought I noticed a little static sound from the speakers, so I turned off the amp and restarted it a few minutes later. From that moment on, there was no sound output at all. I tried three different sources with the same results from all three. The tubes light up normally, and the display looks normal too, just no sound output. I've contacted McIntosh via their website and am awaiting a reply and thought I would check here in case somebody had a suggestion. Thanks.
Is it possible a fuse got blown on the amp?

That's what I am hoping. But I'm not going to open it up without direction from the factory. I don't want to do anything that might void the warranty. I'm hoping it is something that I can fix myself, like a fuse, with their guidance. I live about 200 miles from the nearest factory authorized service center and I really would prefer to not have to ship it back to the factory for service.
There is a fuse holder right above the IEC. But if that fuse is blown the amp should not turn on. So that cannot be the problem. There may be other fuses internally.
There is a fuse holder right above the IEC. But if that fuse is blown the amp should not turn on. So that cannot be the problem. There may be other fuses internally.

Yes, everything comes on just like normal, but with no sound output. So it must be something other than that main fuse on the back.
The SS amp module may have it's own rail fuses and they may or may not be shown anywhere but in the schematics.
The SS amp module may have it's own rail fuses and they may or may not be shown anywhere but in the schematics.

I think you are right. And, according to the manual, there are no user serviceable parts inside. So I will most likely need to ship it to the factory for repair.
I'll be watching this thread with great interest because I also have a MA252 with a Lumin D2 streamer as the source component.
Followup: I spoke with tech support at the McIntosh factory, and we were unsuccessful in correcting the problem over the phone. We tried a microprocessor reset and a full factory reset. Neither one helped. I'm going to have to take it to an authorized service center for evaluation and repair. I'm going to miss it while it's gone! I do have a Pioneer receiver that I will call to active duty to take its place, but it's not a McIntosh. :(
Sorry you are having problems with the integrated. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon, as good as new.
Any follow up? Curious as to what happened to your Amp.

I sent it in to an authorized service center at the beginning of last month. I heard back from them a couple of weeks ago. It was evaluated and they felt they were going to have to replace "one of the boards" and were awaiting final confirmation from the McIntosh factory. They hoped to have it back to me soon. I really miss it!
Thanks for the update... but honestly, Jesus, like two months and it is still at the service center. To me that is completely un-acceptable. One of the huge draws to McIntosh has always been their customer service and top notch service. Two months without your amplifier, a brand new model I might add, is not good at all. I would be pissed.

Honestly, I have been still serious considering either one of these or its big brother but this thread has me reconsidering if I should be interested in these new units at all.

I am so sorry for you having to go through this.
I agree with what you said, Randy. I'm not happy about it at all. I'm hoping that I will receive the repaired amp soon, and I can put all this behind me. It's very frustrating.
So sorry Mark. Growing up in Binghamton, the one thing you could always count on with McIntosh was fast and over the top service. Sound, features, performance; all of that is subjective personal preference. But, quality and reliability of McIntosh was never ever in question. I have seen far too many reports and threads on issues recently. I have had my eye on a fairly new used unit but I have been a bit afraid to buy a used one with recent events. It is a tad disturbing to me.
Mark, I hope your amp is back in your home and playing tunes soon. It’s a bummer the repair has taken longer than anticipated.

Just a mere offering of my experience, my MA252 has been issue-free since I’ve brought it home.

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Hey Sean,

What did you replace to get the MA252? Any thoughts, opinions, etc. that you can give. I noticed you have 4 ohm medium sensitivity speakers (what I would consider fairly high level speakers at that). I assume it drives them just fine.
Hi Randy, I actually got back into the game with my current gear, after a short break (previously enjoyed Naim Supernait 2 & Dynaudio Focus 160).

I have done nothing but enjoy my 252 with the A3’s. The combo is a real treat. I am currently looking for amps that will etch even more performance out of the Magico’s. But, the 252 delivers wonderful musical enjoyment and also has enough gusto for HT duties, including action/adventure movies.

As is well documented, Mac will conservatively rate their amps, and the 252 is no exception. I saw a report where a shop bench tested their 252 and hit something like 25-30% more power before clipping when compared to its rated spec from McIntosh. Hope this helps; if you have more questions feel free to PM or post on my original thread as I don’t want to derail or hijack here.

Hey Sean,

What did you replace to get the MA252? Any thoughts, opinions, etc. that you can give. I noticed you have 4 ohm medium sensitivity speakers (what I would consider fairly high level speakers at that). I assume it drives them just fine.

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