Cute MBL video extracts every nuance of recording

Nick, that is priceless,would like to see a similar one with guitars & blues/rocknrollers
Of course, that's nothing to do with MBL in particular. All CDs have that level of detail in them, but it requires a finely tuned system to bring out those subtle details. I have a soundtrack CD, from the Tron movie, where there are some impressive orchestral gymnastics, befitting the movie. However, there's also a huge amount of human performer noises, I'm thinking particularly of the cellos, double basses - various bumping and knocking noises from the players manouvering their instruments during the playing. The typical cinema system hasn't got the resolution to show these up, and the sound editing people didn't cut them out, they weren't listening too closely either - but it's a nice touch, "proving" that humans were doing the playing ... :)