C1000/C500: Do you need Tone Controls?


Taking a break
Jan 10, 2015
Earlier this year I started to entertain purchasing either the C1000 or C500. At one point, I got very close and at one point in reading the owners manual and looking at the specifications, I noticed that these two preamps did not facilitate the option to control independently both treble and bass. For me, this was a show stopper because I had come to rely on these controls with my C2500.

In fact, I had a conversation withChuck Hinton and he urged me to skip the C1000 and get the C500. Also, he stated hew would never set either unit up without using a MEN220. He emphasized that the MEN220 is a must.

Even though I talked to Chuck, I trust Dan [Double-D] without question. So, I PM'd Dan [another forum] about my concern, do I need Tone Controls? I do not recall Dan's precise words but essentially, Dan believed that I would not miss them. That was good enough for me and I purchased the C1000.


As of today, I have had my C1000 15days. I should say, 15 blissful days.

Before I answer, this is how I explored the C1000.

The Time of Day

Starting early morning about 5 a.m. when I am just waking up, downing coffee and preparing to do my morning workouts. I listen to something easy...subtle...somewhat spiritual. This sets the tone of the day.

Afternoon. I am fully awake and full of energy. Anything goes. Usually aggressive music.

Early evening. Still full of energy but ready to relax. Usually aggressive music and then something triggers...time to lessen the aggressive music and I'll pop on Zeppelin, Pink Floyd...you get were I'm going.

Late evening. Total chill time. Classic rock and then I'll cycle back to something easy...subtle...somewhat spiritual.

The Music Genres

I thank my mom for this. She demanded of me to be open and try new things. I love my mom for that because now that I am older, I embrace so many varieties. I can jump from listening to Karen Carpenter to Motley Crue!

I navigate through Rock, Punk, New Wave, Gothic, Heavy Metal, Shoe Gaze, Dream Pop, Classical and Jazz.

The Formats

Vinyl, CD, Digital Media

The Answer

Heck NO! I have played, various times of day with my body at different moods and energy levels, various music genres and a variety of media formats.

I have yet to come across a single piece of music that needed me to adjust both treble and bass. Perhaps I just got lucky?


Do you believe you need tone controls or even an equalizer?
No, my system resolves faithfully throughout the chain to loudspeakers and room acoustic treatment....The C1000T which I also have has a lot to do with that.
I received the C1000 + Millenia NSEQ-4 [EQ] today and this does not mean I agree that there needs to be any tone adjustments to my preamp.

What this means is that I took risk to go on yet another journey and decide for myself and in order to do this I must invest...purchase an expensive EQ and listen for myself.

I've created a thread specifically for the Mellenia EQ. In my view, there are two topics going on here. This thread is about whether you need for tone controls for the C1000/500 and the new thread is about the adventure specifically using the Mellenia NSEQ-4 with the C1000.

Staying on topic. I do not know if I believe tone control for the C1000 is necessary. Without EQ/tone adjust, it sounds pretty darn awesome... but as I listen further, I see if the NSEQ-4 was a waste.

Until then, check out the other thread and chime in: C1000 + Millenia NSEQ-4 [EQ]
My personal experience hearing processed signals sounded somewhat artificial and less organic to me. I believe proper room acoustics and great equipment synergy is the ticket for me.
George...this is just pure fun. That's why I purchased it, heck..why not! I now have the option to do zero impact or goof around a bit and actually learn something. In the end, I may box it up and store it. But, at the very least, I explored.

Options options options. Boom!