
New member
Nov 9, 2013
Eastern Shore, MD
Guy's...I've been holding my tongue, or fingers, a bit; because I didn't want to jump the "official" review. But if you've gotten your Stereophile for this month; the cover spot, goes to a new Theta amp...the mighty Prometheus!

A dealer friend, has been begging me to come listen to it...for a few weeks now; and slid me this first-draft, of the upcoming try and convince me (if anyone wants to read it, and can't get to Stereophile...I'll try to attach the PDF).

I have to tell might be pretty intriguing. "Class-D"...and this really isn't, as my dealer tells me; but more on that in a moment. But "class-D" has been making real strides, in the past few years; and I think just about everyone acknowledges, Hypex at the top of the heap, of the next gen of digital modules.

The numbers, are off the charts: 250/500/850...and that's at .01% THD. JA himself, measured that the Prometheus doesn't reach 1% THD...which is what I usually see amp manufactures, rate their power numbers at...until 320/600/980! (and the THD, at first .001%; that's 2 zeroes ;)) But we know the numbers are impressive, with "digital" amps; but what strikes me from this more how musical and involving it seems to sound. In fact...if you don't get a chance, to skim the whole thing; here's my take-away: the numbers are insane...that does, in fact, translate to performance...of an amp whose numbers are insane (damping factor, is rumored to be...the highest EVER measured; > 6500...FWIW, but the reviewer does say the amp conveys HUGE bass).'s still detailed, musical, and involving;'s about half the price, as anything that's likely to compete with it.

What's not to like? As for the whole "class-D", not "class-D" thing; the distinction my dealer makes the power-supply is not switching. In fact...this sounds, as if it was kind of a joint, flag-ship effort; between Hypex's Bruno Putzey, and Theta's David Reich. I can my ARC DS-450, was the best sounding "class-D" I ever heard; and that was touted to be a "hybrid" output, but "analog" PS. It certainly was heavier, than any ALL digital amp, I ever tried :)

I can resist him no longer; I think 2 weeks from now...I'm going to go listen to a pair, driving Joseph Audio Perspectives. My dealer says...prepare for your life to change, lol. IDK...what do you guys think; after this review...will these amps catch on, or is there still too much of a bias (pun intended) against "digital" amps?



Seems really impressive. I remember when these were announced, I'd love to hear them.
I can resist him no longer; I think 2 weeks from now...I'm going to go listen to a pair, driving Joseph Audio Perspectives.

Have you had a chance to listen to the Prometheus yet? Impressions?


It's nice to live in the 21st century. But man, there are so many good choices out there...

How do you hear them all? Well written review.

A lot of innovation taking place in Class D.
Chris...thx for posting. So did you have a chance to hear the Prometheus monos? Seems like a promising design. Wonder how they would mate with a tube preamp?
Guys, I haven't been to listen yet. Winter had one last hurrah here in the Northeast; so I decided to wait a few weeks (hopefully), and have a listen...when I go to pick-up my new KEF Ref 1s!

As for it mating with a tube pre-amp; that is probably the only way I would go. I've had great results this way, and is the only way I've found class-D really involving. I had a VTL once, along with Wyred SX-500s monos; an ARC tube pre, with their (hybrid) digital DS-450...and for a spell, I had my Calypso on a new pair of Wyred mAMPS (which should take up permanent residence, driving a pair of KEF LS-50s). All combos, were quite nice; with tube tone, black backgrounds, and plenty of muscle :)
As for it mating with a tube pre-amp; that is probably the only way I would go. :)

I definitely understand about winter in other areas. I think we're spoiled here in Phoenix, AZ (at least during the Winter :-) I also understand that one might typically want to match up a tube pre-amp with a Class D amp. However, if the Prometheus is as good as the review makes it sound, it would be interesting to find out if it does not follow the Class D norm and if it could stand on its own sonics, with either a tubed or ss pre-amp. If you get the chance to try with both, I'd be anxious to hear what you think.

They look nice, though i'm always weary when I see manufacturers select a class of operation like Class D and push for eye catching headline figures like lowest noise, highest damping factor etc. Specs never have or will = musicality. As for me, I naturaly gravitate toward Class A operation, but there are some very good, linear sounding Class A/B amps around like the Modwright KWA-150SE or Hegel H30.
I wouldn't ever, look for class-D to add "flavor"; that's why I think tube pre-amps are a must. At best...they let the pre-amp's tone come through; while adding absolutely zero noise, and big, big power. At worse...they are so sterile, as to rob that tone.
Chris...thx for posting. So did you have a chance to hear the Prometheus monos? Seems like a promising design. Wonder how they would mate with a tube preamp?

Good news! I should be checking these out, next weekend. Which also KEF Ref 1s have arrived :celebrate008_2:

My dealer suggested we meet up at another client's place, and listen to his Prometheus (and oh yeah...he received Blade IIs, along with the same order my 1s came in with :disbelief:) and play around with some kit.

Aesthetix Pandora and my Auralic Vega DACs, the Prometheus; driving my Ref 1s and his Blade IIs. :audiophile: