Lumin app enhancements and bugs


New member
May 11, 2013
Silicon Valley
I am working on an email to send to Lumin for some app enhancements, and describe some bugs I found. It occurred to me some of you might have some ideas to be included, so if you do then list them and I will send if off around Thursday next week.

App 3.0.7


I would love an iPhone app along with the iPad app. It just needs basic functionality such as to be able to select, edit, and create playlists, start, stop, and pause songs. I don't care about album art so don't waste screen space on that. This is my biggest want. I hate using the iPad as a remote. See the mPod app for the Bryston file players for an example of an iPhone app.

When using random shuffle for playlists (assume 200 song size) the display on the left does not update to the current playing song if that song is not in the current 15 songs being displayed. Pressing the track number bottom at the bottom will update the display. Please update the display automatically when a new song starts.

It would be nice if the time counter had a reverse option where instead of displaying how long a song has played it displayed how much time is left. I always set my DVD/BR player to this option.

Currently, I use a direct attached USB drive with top level directories labeled as Classical, Jazz, Rock, etc. I would like to be able to select a directory, such as Classical, and then create a playlist of all files in the sub directories. Now, I have to go to the lowest level directory containing a single CD files to play any or all files. For example, I have a Patricia Barber directory with numerous sub directories of individual CDs. I want to press on Patricia Barber and play all of her CDs.


Bug 1: On random play, I expect each song to play once, and the playlist stop after all songs have been played. The current software can repeat a song before playing all songs.

Bug 2: On a three song playlist, set to random, only two played.

Bug 3: After using the trash can ICON to clear a playlist, and starting another playlist on random play, occasionally a song from the previous 'deleted' playlist plays. You need to load/delete the new playlist 3-4 times to insure the first playlist is really deleted. The memory used by a playlist needs to be reclaimed before loading a new playlist.

Note: Bug 1 might be related to Bug 3 if the playlist is still in memory from a previous time.
Bud - I've tested all three of these and everything worked like a charm. I really think some of these "bugs" stem from using a USB drive instead of the way the Lumin was designed - a network. I would encourage you to think about an L1.

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Mike, just because one cannot reproduce a bug does not mean it does not exist. They don't happen all the time for me either. USB attached drives are a supported option, and it needs to work. However, these are app bugs. There should be no dependency on how the music is acquired.

I am probably more sensitive to software bugs than most since I have been dealing with networking software, and the associated bugs, for decades.
Is anyone else experiencing the same things as Bud?

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Actually, I'm more interested in other issues. I know the ones I listed exist, and I certainly would like to see the enhancements. Of course, somebody else might desire other features so let me know, and I will send them off next week. When the software is improved you can thank me later. :)
Other than anxiously awaiting Tidal integration, I'm quite content with the app. Compared to others I've used, it's night and day better.
LOL. I love how an innocuous thread on the Internet can turn into an argument. :)

I also like the app, but all software has bugs, and all software can be improved. Along this line, I offered a suggestion to the mPod developer to allow the user to reverse the app colors. That is, switch white with black, and vice versa. He didn't like that idea. However, one of the first things I found with the Lumin was the ability to do that. Yes, yes, yes. I like that. I hate white backgrounds and much prefer a darker background with white text.

Since Lumin jumped right on the first bug I reported, and fixed it, I am hoping they are open to customer feedback. If so, that is a good sign of a successful company.
Bud, why don't you try Linn's Kinsky on your iPhone. That is exactly that simplified app that you are talking about and it should work flawlessly with Lumin devices as both use the UPnP 1.0 AV OH standard.

Good luck!
Bud, why don't you try Linn's Kinsky on your iPhone. That is exactly that simplified app that you are talking about and it should work flawlessly with Lumin devices as both use the UPnP 1.0 AV OH standard.

Good luck!

Great suggestion.
Bud, why don't you try Linn's Kinsky on your iPhone. That is exactly that simplified app that you are talking about and it should work flawlessly with Lumin devices as both use the UPnP 1.0 AV OH standard.

Good luck!

Yes. This seems to work. Thank you.

Email il sent to Lumin.
Kinsey has one major issue so far. This is the same issue mPod had before the developer fixed it. That issue is on a large playlist operating on random play the app loses track of the current playing song. You need to scroll up/down to find it.