Bryston 28B - Feedback

Apr 10, 2013
Got my pair yesterday morning and got them in place and connected. Originally I wanted them without the front handles but I was very thankful for them as I moved them into place. Thank goodness these didn't have to go on a rack!

My very first impression was that it didn't sound all that different than my 4bsst2. Maybe better imaging, better 3d sound stage ... had I made a multi-kilo-buck mistake ? But as the night wore on it was clear these were something very special. It was interesting to hear the changes over time. Perhaps the capacitors had to get acquainted with the upstream and downstream components. A Japanese pressing of Avalon and a Dutch Pressing of Who By Numbers brought it home. Jeff beck Live at Ronnie Scott's (bluray) sealed the deal.

i am playing them as I write this and it is obvious from my first record tonight, zappa's waka jawaka hot rats, that the an evening of magic is at hand. I will share more fully formed impressions after living with them for a couple weeks

Rest assured I no longer question my wisdom in bring them on board. Stay tuned!


Extended listening session ran until 2:00 am this morning. These amps are incredible. Almost all vinyl listening. Played some hi res digitalstuff briefly and went right back to vinyl.

I closed out the night with a compilation of billy holiday songs and Charles Mingus' Changes 2. Wow, what a well produced record. These amps excel at reproducing wood winds. Bite with warmth and no stridency. Same with brass. I had not played these records in a while and it was a treat to revisit them.

Last weekend a neighbor dropped in and played a billy holiday elpee- a recording of her last public performance. Red star burst looking vinyl pressed in Germany limited to several hundred copies. That was revelatory as well. This was an outdoor concert and in couple spots there are aircraft landings that almost drown out the proceedings. Nice to hear a straight forward recording done on the fly, so to speak

Absolutely wonderful amps. I am so happy to have them in my system