Forum Rules


Staff member
Mar 19, 2013
● If you are retailer or manufacturer, you must identify yourself in your signature line.

● Posting active links in threads, private messages, and emails is permitted and encouraged in order to promote the sharing of information.

● Active links to audio manufacture's websites are permitted and encouraged.

● Posting active links to other forums or blogs is permitted and encouraged in order to share knowledge.

● Being a subscriber/Audio Shark member entitles you to privileges regarding posting, access to the Marketplace, including The SharkTank and more.

● If you’re a subscriber or Audio Shark member, kindly only post your For Sale gear in the Buy/Sell Marketplace. Do not edit your profile or signature to show gear for sale items, or items wanting to buy.

● Do not make posts or threads that offer gear for sale or gear that you want to buy outside of the Marketplace Forum. You must be a subscriber or Audio Shark member to make posts For Sale or Want To Buy items in the Marketplace Forum. Marketplace items will be deleted after 60 days or when item is marked Sold.

● Offensive or vulgar language and/or personal attacks against other members will not be tolerated or permitted on Audio Shark. Offenders will jeopardize their membership.

● Discussions regarding Politics and Religion are not permitted. Offenders will jeopardize their memebership.

● Posting of illegal content or making posts defined as spam or inappropriate under the forum rules will lead to you being banned and your activities could be reported to your Internet service provider and any relevant legal authorities. This also includes any emails sent to any administrator, moderator, or owner of Audio Shark.

● Unlike other forums, the Administrator has zero interest in reading your private messages. The Administrator will however become involved should any PM be brought to my attention which demonstrates an individuals agenda for pushing politics or religion or hate.

● Copyright to forum posts and other information become the property of the forum.

● This is a privately owned site with all rights reserved.

● Be nice! We are the FRIENDLIEST Audio Forum! We expect all members to ensure their comments and posts do not negatively impact the overall morale of the Audioshark community. The Moderators will carefully review any reported posts to ensure they do not violate the spirit of the forum. There are many ways to convey your point of view without being hurtful, insulting or discouraging to others. In other words, act politely and professionally at all times.

● Treat each other with respect at all times.

● Cyber bullying, both passively or directly, will NOT be tolerated.

● In order to advertise items for sale, members must have been in good standing for at least 90 days, participated in the forum and followed all other forum rules.

If you have any questions regarding if your post breaks any of above rules, please contact us before posting. You can email [email protected]