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Apr 19, 2013
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<!-- #thumb --> <p>Cassiopea is a constellation in the northern sky. Remove an “s” and you have Casiopea,<br />a-“Hey, what the heck does a constellation have to do with jazz? You’ve lost it! Come on, man!” Ah…..if it isn’t Mr. Skeptic. It’s been a while. Before I was so rudely interrupted, Casiopea is a jazz fusion group from Japan that was formed in 1976 by guitarist Issei Noro and bassist Tetsuo Sakurai and in 1977 was joined by keyboardist Minoru Mukaiya and drummer Takashi Sasaki (later replaced by Akira Jimbo). The band debuted with their album Casiopea in 1979 featuring trumpeter Randy Brecker and his brother, the late great Michael Brecker on sax.</p>
<p>I discovered these amazing musicians by accident! During one of my weekly runs to Tower Records back in the day, I was perusing the jazz section and found quite a few of their albums. The liner notes seemed to suggest that they were an instrumental group, the name was cool and I bought one on a whim that evening (and some others on my next visit) . I have never regretted my decision. For those of you who have no idea who I’m talking about, I present to you, Casiopea.</p>
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<p>Wow, that was fun! I hope that you can appreciate why I am such a huge fan of Casiopea. Any more questions or comments, Mr. Skeptic? I didn’t think so.</p>
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<img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-75 photo" height="75" width="75" /><p>Keith Copeland</p><!-- #title -->

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<p>Keith Copeland lives in the Central Valley area of California with his wife and two sons.
He has a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry and is a primarily self-taught musician. When he is not working as a forensic scientist for the Department of Justice, Keith spends his time listening to music, serving as a member of the church music ministry playing bass with his church choir (with his wife as the choir director) and with the MFC Jazz Ensemble, assisting as a member of the church audio/video ministry as a mixing console operator and having fun enjoying life with his wife and sons. “Music and audio have been passions of mine for a long time and I feel very blessed to have enough knowledge of both to make a difference, even though I am not an expert.”</p>

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