Common myths

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>I am afraid to turn the volume control all the way up!</p>
<p>One of the common myths I see amongst Audiophiles is the idea that the higher you turn a volume control the more stress you’re putting on the device. *Keeping the volume control at a conservative or comfortable setting is easier on the equipment and the sound produced is less strained. *Nothing could be further from the truth.</p>
<p>Volume controls are intrusive. *They don’t make volume, they restrict volume. *They are always holding back the level, not increasing it. *The few exceptions to this would include our older Gain Cell products where the opposite was true. *But that’s extremely rare. *The vast majority of level controls are restrictive in nature and less is definitely more.</p>
<p>Stepped attenuators as well as simple potentiometer based controls are resistive elements in series with the signal path. *They stand in the way of the music and restrict how much gets through. *So do not think of them as the gas pedal of a car. *Rather, they are more like the brakes on the car.</p>
<p>Cars always do better if you’re not riding the brakes and stereo systems are no different.</p>
<p>BTW, have you noticed how, with the rise of personal video cameras (cell phones) in everyone’s pocket, the reported sightings of flying saucers have almost disappeared? *As soon as most of us gained the ability to video record reality, the popular myths we couldn’t argue with before get fewer and fewer.</p>
<p>What’s your favorite Audiophile myth?</p>
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