when is the time to say enough is enough?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2013
Hi Guys....

I would love to ask this question to all our friends here.

Some people having a passion to changing the gears and there is nothing wrong with that.

But now I'm at the position want to stop where I am.
I love the sound of my gears and absoultly love them however as you guys all know the upgrade bug hits me every 3 months. You just want to change something without any reason.

How you guys control your self?

When do you think is enough is enough?
Hi Paul,

Very good question! ...Like any addiction, audio upgradatis is a serious infiltration of one person's aura. ...And it also has a cure, the person willing.

For me, vacation is one of them cures. ...Like going to exotic places, jungles, forests, by the oceans, up the mountains, climbing, going to cities with beautiful architecture, museums, people, artists of the theater (outdoors theater), ... yes, travelling is a good way to escape it all; sailing, fishing, riding, visiting friends who are into different stuff than us. ...At least for me it is.

There are many other ways, and not everyone can afford to go out. ...Then you have to be inventive, creative, and get into stuff like painting, cooking, gardening around the house. ...Reading, watching movies, surfing the Internet, talking with others, realize where you are exactly, and if that place makes you truly happy, or not.

We have enough when we can no longer feel at peace with ourselves and others surrounding us. ...Till then everything is just fine. And that is one way of how I see it.

I'm not sure if my view is valid to your own eyes, but it makes sense to me; practically, spiritually, and realistically.

Enjoy life, love yourself, love the people around you, love everything you do, even your dreams, and don't get attach to anything, to nothing, to no one, but just to life itself in all its simplicity. ...Be free, free of everything, free of everyone, free as in total freedom, and use your passions, your love of music to get even more free, and at full peace within yourself, and everything else.
It is a hard habit to break..even if you like or love what you hear..the desire to change just to try other things.

You have to just grow tired of it...I was a fanatic with legacy turntables and such, buying, restoring, building, building...then the same with tube amps. I feel like I am "there" now but that itch can creep up for no reason...I find myself looking at certain parts and say "well what if..."..Then have to stop myself because there is no reason to...

Hang in there..
Hi Paul,

Very good question! ...Like any addiction, audio upgradatis is a serious infiltration of one person's aura. ...And it also has a cure, the person willing.

For me, vacation is one of them cures. ...Like going to exotic places, jungles, forests, by the oceans, up the mountains, climbing, going to cities with beautiful architecture, museums, people, artists of the theater (outdoors theater), ... yes, travelling is a good way to escape it all; sailing, fishing, riding, visiting friends who are into different stuff than us. ...At least for me it is.

There are many other ways, and not everyone can afford to go out. ...Then you have to be inventive, creative, and get into stuff like painting, cooking, gardening around the house. ...Reading, watching movies, surfing the Internet, talking with others, realize where you are exactly, and if that place makes you truly happy, or not.

We have enough when we can no longer feel at peace with ourselves and others surrounding us. ...Till then everything is just fine. And that is one way of how I see it.

I'm not sure if my view is valid to your own eyes, but it makes sense to me; practically, spiritually, and realistically.

As usual you got very good point . Absoultly make sense. I will take your advice and might visit your place and say hello. Don't worry I will bring my own wine :D
It is a hard habit to break..even if you like or love what you hear..the desire to change just to try other things.

You have to just grow tired of it...I was a fanatic with legacy turntables and such, buying, restoring, building, building...then the same with tube amps. I feel like I am "there" now but that itch can creep up for no reason...I find myself looking at certain parts and say "well what if..."..Then have to stop myself because there is no reason to...

Hang in there..

Hey ! I was listening to Chicago's album and happen to be " Hard habit to break" lol

See... I'm not the only one
Have kids & cancel your Stereo Review subscription. That curbed my habit for about 25 years back in '80. Stick to music forums. The constant exposure to new gear keeps that itch alive.
Paul, I'm sure you have the resources to go anywhere you please. ...Take some time off, go on vacation near the Pacific ocean, or the Atlantic ocean.
Rent a car, see the coastline, take some walks around the beaches, in the mountains, in the forests, impregnate yourself of natural resources from the outdoors.

If you come to visit me; we'll be always on the move, outside; and at daytime, and at nighttime. No home, not yours and not mine, but the planet, and all the people living on it. ...We'll be camping, just like young hippies used to do.
We'll go fishing, canoeing, climbing, exercising with the nature, the trees, the wildlife, ...
And don't worry about the wine; we'll stop in some liquor stores during our trip and we'll both buy some, sometimes.
I don't know, but I think I am approaching it. I am on the cusp of dropping $14K for a pair of 5 month old Pass Labs X600.5 amps. Even used that is 3x the price of my current amps. While they will look better, I will be very surprised if they are 3x better.
It all comes down to the day..... Hello, my names Kev & I'm an audiophool, it's been 2 months & 27 days since I bought speakers......
I thoroughly enjoy the gear swapping and discovering or rediscovering my music collection all over again. I always have been swapping around gear (30 years now). As one of the original Audiogon members, I can honestly say the ability to buy/sell online really accelerated the gear swapping "fun". And to be honest, on most of my gear selling, I've actually made a little money along the way.

I have a friend who swaps around cars as often as I trade around a full compliment of gear. That's what he loves. There is nothing wrong with it. He has the means.....so.....by all means!

You shouldn't feel ashamed for wanting to try some other gear. If you're happy where you are and just know it can't get any better (or don't care if it can), that's fantastic, jump off and turn up the volume!

There are some real tricks to gear swapping. First, you always need to know that what you are buying can quickly be sold for more than or at least what you paid for it. Which means - never pay retail or try to buy a good used product that's priced right. You have to know that the product you are buying has a market and do your best to always be selling/buying current model products. Once a product has been discontinued, it becomes much more difficult to sell. Also, a product which is poorly reviewed or not reviewed at all, will have a much harder time getting sold....oh, and not everyone is looking for a step-up transformer! Lessons learned.

When it comes to Audiogon, I have a pretty good track record. If you ever need some Audiogon tips, just PM me.

I've yet to find an audiophile who doesn't swap gear around. Some swap much more often than others, but 99% swap (even though they don't like to admit it.) Even those that claim they are "done", always seem to sneak in a new preamp or new amp or new cartridge in their system during a 12 month period - they just don't do it as often or talk about it as much. They are the ones who, after getting a new piece of gear, always claim, "I'm done!", only a few short months later, to peek around the curtain again.
It all comes down to the day..... Hello, my names Kev & I'm an audiophool, it's been 2 months & 27 days since I bought speakers......

HELLO, my name is Nelson & I'm an audiophool , it's been 1week since I bought my PS Audio DAC

Hi Guys....

I would love to ask this question to all our friends here.

Some people having a passion to changing the gears and there is nothing wrong with that.

But now I'm at the position want to stop where I am.
I love the sound of my gears and absoultly love them however as you guys all know the upgrade bug hits me every 3 months. You just want to change something without any reason.

How you guys control your self?

When do you think is enough is enough?

Not to worry.....your credit card company will let you know when enough is enough ;)