What's your source and who cares


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Quebec Canada
So yes i am pro cd,s who cares ????? - So yes you are pro files who cares ????? - So yes you are pro vinyl who cares ????? - the important thing here is the music no matter what you use as source the eternal debate is exactly like when whe were kids remember my father is stronger than your father yep kid stuff so what ever source you are using enjoy your music and PLEASE stop pissing on someone elses parade.

PS: Please remember there is ALWAYS a reason why someone chooses one source over another and my reason may not be important to YOU but it is to ME.

André...I agree but I am trying to figure out if this post was instigated by some debate you got embroiled into on another thread or are you just putting it out there ? Either way, I agree but just curious...
André...I agree but I am trying to figure out if this post was instigated by some debate you got embroiled into on another thread or are you just putting it out there ? Either way, I agree but just curious...

Inquiring mind want to know also..
And the answer is..... See Post #1

I know why few of us chose one music medium over another one. ...But it's irrelevant, because like Andre said, at the end what comes out of our speakers is Music, sweet Music. :)

And now, I am going to try guessing why Andre just said what he just said.

Because he likes it here, very much so; he loves all of us, and he's a very sensitive person like all of us audiophiles and music lovers and audio gear lovers.
And he wants to make sure that no one is trying to impose his own set of firm convictions to others.
...Respect of everyone, even Bose system's owners.

I saw comments before, in other audio forums, where some people swear by the ultimate sound superiority of analog albums played on analog turntables. We all know that already, so we have to respect the inferior sound quality provided by digital CDs and SACDs and Blu-ray Audios and DVD-Audios, played from their respective digital playback devices. ...And that includes the people who own such devices and music mediums. ...Also included are hi-res audio files downloaded from the Internet, like HDTracks, and all that jazz.

Albums (vinyls, LPs) were with us way before the devil's invention of digital CDs! ;)
And that is a fact! ...Soooo, for all the vinyl lovers out there, you have my utmost respect (I'm respecting myself here too).

Now, who has a good analog turntable for sale? ...And I need some LPs too because I don't have any!!! :D :D
André...I agree but I am trying to figure out if this post was instigated by some debate you got embroiled into on another thread or are you just putting it out there ? Either way, I agree but just curious...

Yes this post was instigated because of some superior audiophiles that think that if all you listend to is cd,s then you are not a serious audiophile, well i have news for them because for me it's NOISE FREE music and it's been like this since 1983, i have nothing against ANY source someone chooses but MY choice is CDP, like i have said often LIVE AND LET LIVE.
Yes this post was instigated because of some superior audiophiles that think that if all you listend to is cd,s then you are not a serious audiophile, well i have news for them because for me it's NOISE FREE music and it's been like this since 1983, i have nothing against ANY source someone chooses but MY choice is CDP, like i have said often LIVE AND LET LIVE.


I'm very much like you, for 2years my only source is just the Sonos :o. But moving slowly into music server and next Vinyl :D

So I'd be the last person who would judge others on their source..

I'm very much like you, for 2years my only source is just the Sonos :o. But moving slowly into music server and next Vinyl :D

So I'd be the last person who would judge others on their source..

Hey I resemble these remarks. My primary source is the modified Sonos and have 2 different cd players. I am ALWAYS playing music. I love it - all kinds of music. Thanks to Andre, Bob and others, I am discovering tons of new artists.
Hey I resemble these remarks. My primary source is the modified Sonos and have 2 different cd players. I am ALWAYS playing music. I love it - all kinds of music. Thanks to Andre, Bob and others, I am discovering tons of new artists.

Looks like we're on the same boat :)
I must have roughly three dozens digital playback machines for (CDs, HDCDs, DADs, SADs, SACDs, DVDs; Video & Audio, Blu-rays; Audio & Video, and Digital downloading). ...Digital/physical spinning silver discs: roughly 10,000 or so. ...Perhaps more, yeah, more.

I also have roughly two dozen Tuners (both Analog & Digital).

I still have three analog Turntables, and LPs too (45s as well); roughly 5,000 LPs.

* When I first start up in this audio hobby (early 60s), I had an analog AM transistor r.a.d.i.o. (6 or 7 transistors, don't remember exactly).
Then an analog Stereo receiver, with an analog turntable, and an analog 8-track cassette tape player, and a pair of analog loudspeakers. ...I was purchasing albums every week, starting when I was only twelve or so (I had two jobs: golf caddie on weekends, and delivery paper boy).

I could easily write a book or two about my analog life.

Then came the brutal crash of 1983! ...By 1985 I was swapped away by this new digital wave! ...Totally engulfed, but still had my turntable plugged and spinning (much less though).

In the last thirty years or so, I live in a digital world, but my dreams are still analog.
...Of course, these were the years of my most cherished childhood, and the dreams still remain.

* The classical flute that is playing right now is analog (r.a.d.i.o.).
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I love the physicality of vinyl, and the nostalgia of playing my old High School records! But in the 80s I traded most of my vinyl for CDs and never looked back (until recently when I decided to get back into vinyl again). I have 1000+ CDs so I'll never get rid of that front-end, but they are mostly jazz. My vinyl is mostly rock, pop and folk (go figure...). So it's not the medium that matters, it's the mood (for me)!
Good listening...
Yes this post was instigated because of some superior audiophiles that think that if all you listend to is cd,s then you are not a serious audiophile, well i have news for them because for me it's NOISE FREE music and it's been like this since 1983, i have nothing against ANY source someone chooses but MY choice is CDP, like i have said often LIVE AND LET LIVE.

Andre, I couldn't agree more !! I love my vinyl setup, but I also love my Linn DS, there is simply too much music out there to pass by because of format !
I'm going to say something here.

Right now none of my TTs are plugged in. And nine CD/SACD playback machines are plugged in.
If I connect two turntables (one is for the better LPs; I always use two when I'm back); when I listen to my LPs, it is totally different than listening to my CD/SACDs.

Here: With albums (LPs) spinning, I listen more to my speaker's reactions, and my entire audio setup, including where my TT reposed, and all the small mechanical variations from the entire analog front end.
...And not because I want to, but because that's what comes through.

With CDs and SACDs (Stereo, or Multichannel), I'm now immersed strictly into the music.
The gear ain't part of the equation no more.

That's all, just the way it feels for me, and the way everything is right now in the year 2013.
...And for quite some time now.

My digital investment is way more than my analog one; and if I wanted to bring my analog performance to the same level as my digital one; I'd have to not only do a lot of work (setting things up properly), but also invest a substantial amount of time, money, and effort. ...I am fully aware of all my options, and I still keep visiting them, in my mind, but without the courage to pursue them.
I am simply too comfortably numb as it is in my digital world, with all my digital (0s and 1s) music.

Some audio stores in my neighborhood sell brand new albums; from $15 to $30 a pop.
I can also get some for a dollar each or so, from second hand stores, Salvation Army stores, Godwill stores, and at garage sales for even cheaper. ...Same with CDs.

I did all of this and all of that. ...At my own level of enthusiasm, and with my own free time and money.

What I do, what I listen to, and from which source, and my life's history; is not perfect, and is not the ultimate, bit is mine, and my own choice, own zone of comfort from my own music evolution through my own ups and downs.

I have the exact same respect for someone with a one million dollars analog rig than another one with an iPod.

Some people spend several $100,000 of dollars on audio gear alone (analog and/or digital).
Me I spend 100,000 of hours in listening to music. ...And that's where I spend/spent my money too (over half million dollars, easily).

I'm taking the easy route, and with the less complications as possible, plus what I analysed to be the smartest way in the remaining of my very short life now. ...I chose the heart, the soul of the music, the music itself, the new music that I'm still discovering every day, just like when I was twelve years old, and I invest my time there, where it counts the most, for me.

The more time I spend listening to music, the happier and more peaceful I feel. ...And the less complications about experimenting with new audio gear day in and day out.

We all know that with a TT you have to flip the record every twenty minutes or so, and we usually love doing that, getting up and work manually and smoothly deposit that tonearm at the right spot and look at that lovey looking spinning TT.
With a CD, you're good for at least forty minutes, and up to eighty (4 times more).
What does it mean realistically speaking? It means that more spiritual concentration is dedicated to the music, and not so much to the manual rituals.

I can keep up typing more realities of life regarding the analog and digital worlds we all live in, till I end up with an encyclopedia of my own; but I simply wont. ...Because for that exact same fact; I am simply too simple at this point in time in my music's evolution.
What I do I do for me first; after all it is my own life. ...And with all the devastation I endured in that life of mine, and with all the simple little things of joy I learned to see more clearly and appreciate over the years in my search for that comfort zone; I am finally at peace and at ease. ...I finally found my own essence.

My true source is myself, my family, my mother, my father, my brothers, my sisters, my children, my friends, the music playing in the now (Piano Jazz right now).
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