Vintage - - - Vintage - - - Vintage


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Quebec Canada
How old does a unit have to be to be considered Vintage, is this vintage ????? Acoustat model 1+1 ( 1984 )

Acoustat Steel Frame 25.jpg
How old does a unit have to be to be considered Vintage, is this vintage ????? Acoustat model 1+1 ( 1984 )


Those are very vintage.
My Acoustat 2+2 must be about the same age. My oldest component is my Lenco L-75 turntable from the late 1960's but it has been modified quite a bit. My other table is a lightly modded Thorens TD-146 from the mid 70's. My other gear is mostly from the 80's.
Yes Albert your 2+2s are from 1982 that makes them 2 years older than my 1+1s but mine have been modified many many times bought them STOCK for $600.00 and i am presently to $3,000.00 BUT it was money very well spent at least to me it was :audiophile: the all steel frame alone was $1,000.00 filled with silice they now weigh 200 pounds ALMOST theft proof.:audiophile:
I have a pair of 2+2s with original panels and latest PS updates. they're on loan to me and I understand the panels/mylars are orginal - they still kick ass 30 year on.
Anything that says 'Acoustat' on it is vintage. Might still work really well though- like a lot of vintage equipment. These days even the mid-90s is considered vintage.
Anything that says 'Acoustat' on it is vintage. Might still work really well though- like a lot of vintage equipment. These days even the mid-90s is considered vintage.

Awesome, that puts my VAC-Counterpoint setup into the Vintage arena....I better watch what I say.
Atmasphere- any plans for your company to come out with a tube DAC?

I love the look of your amps? I would love to hear your MA-3 driving my Maggies. It could also double as my furnace to heat my down stairs in the MN winter although my BAT preamp and Pass amp do a good job of that as well.

^^We developed a server about 14 years ago but didn't think anyone would be interested. Boy were we wrong about that! No plans for a DAC right now...