TTW or GW?


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Littleton, CO
Does anyone have any input about either a George Warren table or a TTWeights? These two are on my short list for a table around $4,000. Since they only sell direct, a demo is not possible. I did see the GW at the RMAF last year, and it is a good looking table with a choice in finishes. It is only one model, with or without a tonearm.
I'm leaning toward the TTW Eliminator belt drive. It's also a good looking table in a different way, since it's all silver basically. It could also be upgraded to a rim drive, with the parts available to do it at home.
I have spoke to both TTW and GW, and I would be happy with either one. GW will be at RMAF again this year, but TTW is not likely to show, not participating since 2010.
I should also say that it doesn't have to be one of these. Any others that would fit my budget of about $4,000 for table and arm?

gosh there are alot of tables in that budget. friend of mine purchased a ttw off audiogon like 18 months ago. he wasnt happy with it. i didnt have the heart to ask because i know he traded it in already. he lives a few hours from me and i never got out to hear it. so i cant comment. just the facts that i know. and i cant comment on a george warren because i never heard one of those either.
is your budget for table/ arm and cartridge? or just table/arm. big difference.

You might want to check with Dave Thomas, the editor of the Stereo Times, and see if his opinion of the George-Warren TT is still the same as it was 2 1/2 years ago or if he has moved on to something else.

StereoTimes --

You might want to check with Dave Thomas, the editor of the Stereo Times, and see if his opinion of the George-Warren TT is still the same as it was 2 1/2 years ago or if he has moved on to something else.

Yes, I did see that review. it would be interesting to see if he is still listening to vinyl. Since he was "rediscovering" vinyl, it was hard to distinguish between vinyl and the GW. He didn't have any basis in his system for reference, other than digital.

I should have my TTW sometime this month and will let you know how good/bad it is, if you want.

Yes, Steve, I would like to hear about your new TTW. Which model are you getting?
Larry seems to be doing what ONEDOF(made in Denver), Triangle, and others are doing at a much lower cost.
Yes, Steve, I would like to hear about your new TTW. Which model are you getting?
Larry seems to be doing what ONEDOF(made in Denver), Triangle, and others are doing at a much lower cost.
I agree. It looks like he is doing things right. I understand some dealers don't care for him and wonder how much of that is because of his business model. Anyway, I'm waiting for a GEM with a copper platter, rim drive, VTA Pod and modified Jelco 10" arm.

You might want to check with Dave Thomas, the editor of the Stereo Times, and see if his opinion of the George-Warren TT is still the same as it was 2 1/2 years ago or if he has moved on to something else.

I took your suggestion about contacting Dave. Unfortunately, when you click on the contact button, it goes to a blank page. This happened with both my iPad and desktop.
There's another review on Dagogo done last year. I'm going to try to contact them. George has that exact table at a demo price, but the finish is not what I would choose.

If I get the Eliminator, I'm also going with the Jelco arm. It was also recommended to me by Anvil turntables.

are you getting a platter ring with your GEM?
